Two If by Sea
Two If by Sea
R | 12 January 1996 (USA)
Two If by Sea Trailers

Frank O'Brien, a petty thief, and his 7-year-long girlfriend Roz want to put an end to their unsteady lifestyle and just do that last job, which involves stealing a valuable painting. Frank takes Roz to an island on the coast of New England, where he wants to sell the painting and also hopes that their sagging relationship will get a positive push back up. Not everything goes as planned.

AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Eavan Masters Granted, I've never been a huge Bullock fan. The best she has done where she had to act were the Congeniality movies. The Net, Demolition Man, that one where she played Harper Lee, all terrible. I've always tended to enjoy Denis Leary. Well, his movies, not necessarily his coked up stand up routine. So this movie could've gone either way for me. However, it turned out to actually be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Not a moment of the story was original, it plods along at a god-awful pace, the acting is sub-par. Everything about this movie is embarrassing. Or at least should be to those involved. Oh, and the theme of the ending would appear to be: "If you don't like what he is, annoy him until he changes into the man you want him to be." Because this always works in life right? Give Leary's character one week. He'll resent her so much he'll despise the sight of her. But aside from everything about this movie being terrible, it sucked. Don't waste your time.
butchfilms This is the kind of movie to sit, watch and relax without demanding too much of it.The stronger point of the movie are its likable characters (except Evan Marsh). Sandra Bullock is like a fish in the water in this kind of movies and she has a good chemistry with the other leading Denis Leary. The supporting characters are good like the FBI Agent O'Malley and the group of thieves (especially when they discuss between themselves making funny comments).'Frank' O'Brien has stolen a very expensive painting and he will go to an appointment with his girlfriend Roz to sell it, what he doesn't know it is that the FBI Agent O'Malley and his thieves friends are after them
alicecbr Of course, I'm from Boston and Dennis' in-jokes about Bostonians gets me, especially since I've seen the Roast of Leary. And anyone who puts out a fund for firemen has my vote, as Dennis does. I loved the ode to plasterers so subtly portrayed in the finale.I also loved his deliberate skewering of the rich folks at the cocktail party, but wouldn't it be nice just once if a writer (Leary) once said to himself: "What is the movie audience expecting here? What can I put in here that would destroy this?" How about 2 rich folks who could confront him with his deliberate "How can I best offend you?" manners, showing that it is HE who may be the reverse snob? REquires perhaps more subtlety than Dennis has. He is a great writer for 'all guys, all the time' shows: so how about something confronting his homophobic or even homophilic attitudes? I ask too much, I know.and who owned the sailboat that kept sailing in and out of our view at the end of the road in the finale? Someone who Dennis owed money to? It was totally out of place, like a kid who keeps running into the camera's view just to get on TV.Just another nit: You can't have sex in the way Dennis was trying to have it in the car, unless you're hung like a donkey, which he isn't despite his big hands.Bullock: she's great, a real class act, as Leary has given homage to many times. I have ordered his "Deliver Me" to see if his acting has improved, if not his writing. WE'll see. He seems to play John Wayne, who always played himself....that school of acting.....too much for my liking.And guess what? The unsolved Isabella Gardner art heist here in Boston is probably what triggered his imagination for this movie. Now on to 'The Ref', which DID get good reviews.
luvwahoo I avoided watching this for quite a while because I had heard it wasn't too good. But actually, I enjoyed it...enough that I have watched it twice now. I have a question the the data base cannot answer for me, though. The actor who plays the lacky to FBI agent O'Malley...he's not listed, but he has to be Dave Coulier from Full House. If anyone knows could they email me, please. Thanks