PG | 11 June 1972 (USA)
Twinky Trailers

A middle aged writer of pornographic novels meets and falls in love with a sixteen year old school girl. This alone is cause for concern but when the couple get married and move to America, the trouble (and fun) really begins.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
jamdifo I thought I knew just about everything about Charles Bronson and then I found out about this film. Bronson plays a 38 yr old writer of porno and seduces/falls in love with a 15 year old named Twinky (played well by Susan George). This sounded like a skit from Saturday Night Live, except Saturday Night Live wasn't around yet. Since this movie was filmed in 1969, Bronson was actually 48 and George 19 at the time of filming. And boy are they mismatched.There is nothing really great about the story. Its just unbelievable seeing Bronson being affectionate, kissing Twinky, caring, putting up with an adolescent, and loving. I've never seen Bronson like this and never known him to be a romantic lead. I would love to know what Susan George thought of Bronson while filming this. Bronson shows more emotion and has more lines than I recall from any other movie he's done. And seeing him kiss the girl numerous times thru out the movie never stopped amazing me. This movie is worth the watch just to see a completely different Bronson!
WHLRYDR Miniskirt fans, this is for you! It's 1969, and we're watching a precocious Susan George in schoolgirl miniskirts, happily chatting away, burning breakfasts and generally being a teen, while Charles broods, and wanders through this flick, like he doesn't quite know how to handle a chick that's old enough to be his daughter. This is an update on the Lolita theme but has none of the sexual tension of Nabokov. Simply, a great flick if you like to fantasize about hooking up with a babe 20 years younger than you. Unfortunately, the version produced by "Passion Productions" (where did they get THAT name???), is of murky quality; if you find another (even the VHS version has to be better!), buy it. I think a better flick was the one with William Holden. At least he had FUN!
whpratt1 Susan George explodes with great acting and a very sexy performance with Bronson, they make a fantastic couple running around London and New York City, in the late 60's. It is a very sweet love story, and you warm to these two actors, with a few laughs in between. Paul Ford, Trevor Howard and Jack Hawkins give fantastic supporting roles.
moonspinner55 If Vladimir Nabakov had been born about 40 years later (and had been 20-something in the British Mod era), he might have devised a story similar to this. It's an erratic but amusing, sometimes sincere flick starring Charles Bronson as a writer of pulpy novels who falls in love with a schoolgirl (youthful and brash Susan George). Early directorial effort by Richard Donner has expressive eyes and ears, but it doesn't quite know how to wrap itself up, leading to a final act which is a bit rote. Very well edited however, and full of appealing scenes and lots of energy. Fine acting by the game cast, especially Bronson. Worth seeing. **1/2 from ****