Turn the Key Softly
Turn the Key Softly
NR | 03 February 1954 (USA)
Turn the Key Softly Trailers

A bitter burglar, a prostitute and an elderly shoplifter spend their first day out of jail.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Manthast Absolutely amazing
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Khun Kru Mark An overlooked masterpiece of direction, editing and photography... and Maurice Cowan's screenplay is a cracker, too. The writer went on to find bigger success scripting some Norman Wisdom gems soon after this movie was made. Throw in some of the finest British acting talents of the day and you can't go wrong.The title of the movie becomes apparent towards the end and it's a treat to discover. Three very different women are released from prison at the same time (eight o clock, precisely) and the movie follows the subsequent day and evening as they get used to their freedom.Monica (Yvonne Mitchell) has 'done' a year for something she didn't do yet she still carries a torch for the no-good spiv who put her inside. She gets a second chance at a new life and the film is largely focused on her story and whether or not she'll let her head rule her heart this time around.Stella (Joan Collins) faces a similar choice between good and evil but in her case, her devoted man is good and her previous lifestyle is bad. Who will win this tug of war? (Joan Collins looks beautiful and sexy! She was just 20 when this movie came out and this is one of her first credited parts.)Granny (Kathleen Harrison) is perhaps the most tragic character. She's a good-natured shoplifter who has lost her daughter's love and is kept going by her own affection for her dog, Johnny. (Kathleen Harrison may not be a name you recognize but you'll almost certainly know her face. Probably most famous as Mrs Thursday in the mid-sixties. She lived to the ripe old age of 103!)There is a lot to marvel at, even if the story doesn't do it for you. London in the fifties is shown off with extraordinary clarity and with plenty of subtle reminders of how London used to be. The sign in the butcher's shop reads 'You can re-register here!' and the Brylcreem ads dotted the scorched, red brick walls. Piccadilly Circus and London's West End are a treasure to see in the post-war capital.All the peripheral characters are a joy to watch and we shouldn't overlook the parts they play in bringing this movie to life. Thora Hird, Geoffrey Keen, Dorothy Alison... and many, many more!The three stories blend perfectly together with dollops of tragedy, drama and ultimately hope. There's so much going on in every scene that the usherettes will be sweeping up the peanut shells, Capstan butts and discarded Walls ice cream tubs before you've had a chance to get seated comfortably!Now showing on YouTube!
JohnHowardReid Beautifully photographed by Geoffrey Unsworth and imaginatively directed by Jack Lee, this splendidly acted drama is a triumph for all concerned. Production values, including a marvelously staged action climax, are absolutely first class. Admittedly, some may find the music score by Mischa Spoliansky a little too sentimental for film noir, but I thought it totally appropriate. Directing 2nd units on actual locations was a Jack Lee specialty, so it comes as no surprise here to see real locations employed to such advantage. Film editor Lito Carruthers has also done a marvelous job. The editing is as taut as a circus high wire. Lito was born in Greece, but came to England as a child. Educated at the Convent of Sion, she joined the film industry as an assistant in the London production office for Fire Over England (1937). During the Second World War, she served her apprenticeship in the cutting rooms of Ealing Studios, where she cut her first picture, a 45-minute documentary, very appropriately Greek Testament (1942), under the editorial supervision of director Charles Hasse. Beginning with Old Mother Riley Overseas in 1943. Lito edited 26 movies between 1943 and 1960, finishing up with Too Hot To Handle in 1960. I don't know what happened after that. Whether she retired, died, got married? It would be nice to know. She was a really top film editor. First rank.
rss-2 Rather cliched plot, but some nice period detail, if your interested in old film of London, youll really enjoy this tearjerking melodrama. A very young Joan Collins is adorable as the easily led West End girl Stella. Plenty of other classic British Movie faces too.
kryshughes The full gamut of life in the london of the fifties. Humor and pathos in that delicate british mix that the studios of the day excelled at. The characters are well portrayed particully that played by Kathleen Harrison. A simple tale of three women - released on the same day and time from prison - of vastly different backgrounds, the film basicly revoloves around a dinner engagment proposed and payed for by Yvonne Mitchel. The events prior and post this dinner comprise the body of the film