Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
R | 22 January 2010 (USA)
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil Trailers

Two hillbillies are suspected of being killers by a group of paranoid college kids camping near the duo's West Virginian cabin. As the body count climbs, so does the fear and confusion as the college kids try to seek revenge against the pair.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Ghoulumbe Better than most people think
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
bullburke I don't have much to add, other than this movie is a pure joy. You will be laughing in the first 2 minutes, and you won't stop.
omendata Best laugh I have had since Zombieland. Two great characters spliced into a montage of horror greats situations.I laughed so hard i messed ma pontaloons!
CANpatbuck3664 Tucker and Dale is so good in many different ways but the first and most noticeable is the very believable friendship between the characters. The movie is deliberately playing into the stereotype that the backwood hillbillies are always the villains and it makes the movie smarter than your average horror movie. But I couldn't help but be taken aback by how sweet Tucker and Dale's bond is. They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed (especially Dale) but you would swear Tudyk and Labine had been hanging out for years. Add in the fact that Allison is well rounded and willing to look past Dale and Tucker's appearance (even to the point where it's a tad unrealistic) and you have some genuinely fun and interesting characterization. Hitting the mark on this aspect will paper over some of the movie's flaws and this part is so exemplary, you would swear this was written by Edgar Wright (Labine/Tudyk reminded me of Pegg and Frost in the best possible way).Of course, if the actors and actresses hadn't held up their end, the writing wouldn't be as evident. I can't credit Tudyk and Labine enough, they both completely sell out as their characters and they both perform admirably. They work well together, and they work well individually, and they had me rolling I was laughing so hard. Katrina Bowden is also great as Allison. She's gorgeous but she's also funny in her own right. She helps sell an unrealistic romance that could have been groan inducing. The other actors and actresses get the job done in their respective parts.Lest you think this is a straight comedy, Tucker and Dale vs Evil packs all the gore you want in a hard R-Rated horror movie. Tucker and Dale aren't directly responsible for the horrible fates that the "college kids" all suffer and each of them are maimed or killed in a unique and funny way. Limbs are lost, buckets of blood are sprayed, and one character is even halved (I won't spoil how). If you're a little squeamish, this movie isn't on the level of torture porn but its far from PG-13 material (there are good PG-13 horror movies, but you must go one direction or the other, Tucker and Dale vs Evil isn't one that's up in the air).Most importantly for a horror/comedy, this movie is hilarious from start to finish. Craig and Jurgenson are smart enough writers to know which horror clichés to play with and the movie is packed full of winks and nods to where horror movies usually go. I always appreciate a movie that can effectively include meta humour and this is one of the sharper examples. The material becomes even funnier with the endearing sweetness in the delivery from the cast.The missteps in this movie are small and completely forgivable. Chad becomes a little too over-the-top by the end and although what they decide to do with his character is interesting, it stretches plausibility. I don't know if its how the character is written or Jesse Mosses performance. Some of the kills are better than others but there aren't any that are embarrassingly bad.The cult following this movie has garnered is well deserved. I got shades of Wright/Pegg/Frost from this but this movie stands on its own and deserved to be seen by a wider audience. I would love to see a sequel to this if the could retain the key pieces and find some new things to point fun at. If you're thinking about checking this out, I would recommend you do so.
sol- An unfortunate series of accidents leads to a group of college kids (who have seen 'Deliverance' one too many times) assuming that a couple of friendly hillbillies are psychotic murderers in this hilarious horror film that wittily subverts the 'backwoods brutality' subgenre. The film even begins, as one would expect, with the college kids in focus, scared out of their wits as the two hillbillies stare at them as they briefly drive by. Soon afterwards though, we are treated to the hillbillies' perspective and they remain empathetic throughout, especially as dead bodies pile up around them, completely oblivious to the fact that the college students think that they are serial killers. The fun diminishes somewhat as the pair realise that the college kids have a vendetta against them, but even so, the film remains interesting to watch as the brats essentially create their own downfalls, with their paranoia and instinctive distrust leading to their demise. Occasionally the film falls into cliché, but there is something deliciously postmodern to the way the film daringly swims against genre expectations. The movie also manages to address some issues revolving around confidence and misunderstandings based on unfair assumptions and the title characters are fleshed out in incredible depth for such a short (under 90 minute) feature with both Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine great in the roles.
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