The Tiger's Tail
The Tiger's Tail
R | 08 June 2007 (USA)
The Tiger's Tail Trailers

After a chance encounter, a Dubliner is stalked by a murderous facsimile of himself.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Danii Disaster I'm not sure whether this movie was good or not, but I kind of liked it. It was peculiar, but in a good way (not like Solondz's Wiener-Dog I saw recently).The "Celtic Tiger" part was of no relevance to me - I wouldn't know whether it portrayed 2006 Ireland accurately or not; I was viewing this movie as a regular stalker flick, and, as such, it was quite engaging.The acting was good, especially by the lead male. Kim Cattrall's role was not a major one, so her accent didn't bother me, especially since everyone in the movie had sort of a "neutral" accent. Having been to Ireland, I can say that none of the people in the movie sounded like the natives I met on my trip to Ireland.The set-up was very good and engaging, but the movie declined significantly upon the doubles's entering the protagonist's house. There is no way something like this would happen in real life. It was just not believable. I was also sort of offended by the way they chose to portray the wife - as though they were trying to say that women are generally dumb and shallow, and the only thing they care about is for a man to pay attention to them. This is inaccurate and there is no way a wife would mistake a stranger for her husband of many years. Perhaps they were meant to imply that Jane knew all along that it was the double (if so, I must have missed it), in which case, perhaps, I would have seen it differently.The ending was also kind of weird, but very original and somewhat satisfying and thought-provoking.All in all, an enjoyable movie, and definitely superior to many a stalker flick I've seen lately. Would recommend.
seawalker Hmm.Sadly, "The Tiger's Tail" is rubbish, and a major disappointment, because John Boorman is a great director who has made some great films. You know what I'm talking about. "Point Blank", "Deliverance", "Excalibur", "The General", "The Tailor Of Panama", "Beyond Rangoon", "The Emerald Forest". You can look up the others for yourselves.Brenda Gleeson plays Liam O'Leary, a Dublin property developer, who's life gets changed completely when he finds himself being stalked by a doppelganger.I have no idea what happened here, but "The Tiger's Tail" is a complete misfire and a total waste of an interesting actor in Brendan Gleeson. It fails completely as a drama and/or a black comedy, chiefly because it is not dramatic enough and it is not funny enough. I can suspend belief as well as the next man, but I didn't believe a word of "The Tiger's Tail".And the cardinal sin? "The Tiger's Tail" is boring, boring, boring, dull, dull, dull. Maybe I'm missing the subtext somewhere. I'm not too clever.Such a shame. Onto the next one, Mister Boorman.
johno-21 I recently saw this at the 2007 Palm Springs International Film Festival for it's North American premiere. Director/writer John Boorman has had a very sporadic directorial career making only 15 feature length films between 1965 and 2006 including this, his latest offering. Boorman has rarely enjoyed the success that struck early in his career with such films as Point Blank, Hell in the Pacific and his biggest to date Deliverance. This time around Boorman has delivered a black comedy set in Ireland where Liam O'Leary (Brendan Gleesan) plays a wealthy real estate developer who's new found wealth has come through hard work and determination but is also costing him a loveless marriage to his wife Jane (Kim Catrell), an indifferent rebellious son Connor (real-life son Brian Gleeson), and he is overextended with his bank and battling with a rival developer and flirting with a nervous breakdown. Liam begins to think he is going mad when he starts seeing his double. Gleeson is very good in the double role of Liam and his double. Catrall drifts in and out of an Irish accent but it's not that pronounced of an accent to begin with to be bothersome to the viewer or detracting from the story. Brian Gleeson turns in a fine first screen debut. This is not a great film and not without it's flaws but it's got some great peripheral support players in the cast and good story with some witty moments. I liked it. It's got kind of a 1940's Hollywood B movie quality to it although set in modern times. I would give it a 7.5 out of 10 and it's worth a look.
joegreene32 This new film is very peculiar. PURPORTING to be about the Celtic Tiger and modern Ireland, it is curiously insipid. Despite setting out to be satirical, it falls flat. Hard to pin down exactly why, but probably due to laziness on the the filmmakers behalf. Why isn't he making satirical films about London? Brendan Gleeson is okay, but the two characters he plays stretch the imagination. Catrall isn't really credible as an Irish woman and some of her lines are hard to listen to. The camera-work is surprisingly dull, as some of his previous films have looked great, and doesn't make anyone look good. That said you should check it out, if only cos he is the same filmmaker who made Point Blank and Deliverance, and its a paradox to see how far off these classics he has drifted.