Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness
Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness
NR | 01 June 1986 (USA)
Truth or Dare?: A Critical Madness Trailers

Mike Strauber catches his wife Sharon in bed with his best friend Jerry. He gets mad and takes off to embark on an adventure of murder and self-mutilation in demented games of truth or dare.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Leofwine_draca TRUTH OR DARE? is a very weird little indie horror film, made back in 1986 and shot locally in Florida. It's about a cuckolded husband who goes out of his mind after discovering his wife in bed with another man, leading him on an odyssey of self-mutilation (the film's most bizarre highlight), madness, and eventual murder. Truth be told, it's a silly little thing, entirely unconvincing and badly-acted to boot, and I found the whole thing to be poorly-scripted and dragged out to the nth degree. Still, fans of the era might get a kick or two out of it regardless...
milenkomike79 Truth or Dare has been somewhat of a hard find in recent years.Truth or Dare is a far cry from substantial film-making. Truth or Dare sets out to deliver a laundry list of exploitation goods and on this note - is quite successful. With decent amounts of gore, including a drive by chainsaw attack and a baby carriage car crash, Truth or Dare is a fairly solid example of 80's cheese. The background story involves childhood trauma, and while there are attempts to create sympathetic characters, we never really get too far past pure exploitation mode. There's something to be said for satisfying 80's cheese though and Truth or Dare is definitely that.If it weren't for the lackluster presentation, Truth or Dare would have been a candidate for a higher recommendation. I think is has just a little ways from being totally spectacular and extremely entertaining. Nonetheless a great movie that should be picked up, IF you can find it.
Bub_the_zombie Truth or Dare is one of those films that you'll never see anything else like it. Everything is completely over-the-top. The gore, action, comedy - the extremely catchy synth score - Everything is done in a way that's a complete parody within itself, but Ritter doesn't do it in an obvious form. He's poking fun at the film, but does it in a serious way. (Is that a paradox?) Nevertheless, this is an experience you'll likely not forget very soon. I'm sure Ritter was working out some hidden feelings or agenda's during the time this film was released. I had no idea that Ritter was only around 18 or 19 when he made this film - MAking a competent film at 19 - Hitting the top of the video rental chain - All before he was 20. I'm not sure how JR Bookwalter gets all the credit for revolutionizing indy film making. Tim Ritter certainly deserves more credit in regards to the straight to video market that kick started home entertainment.I'm not saying Truth or Dare is a masterpiece, but what it is is a competently made horror film (now a cult classic) that was virtually written and directed by a teenager! Luck may have had something to do with it, but craftiness (not only in the directing department, but craftiness in the marketing department) has made his name a very welcomed sound to the old school horror fan.BTW, the old man who played one of the mental patients deserved an award. At times, I'm not so sure Ritter didn't actually have the guy cut off his hand. Of course, I'm an idiot, but after one grasps how young the director was, they'll gain a whole new appreciation for this movie.
Vince-5 Truth or Dare is a campy, sadistic, truly warped horror movie. Shot on videotape and transferred to film, it actually benefits from its amateurishness, resulting in a genuinely disturbing experience that really packs a punch. This is one of the very few movies where video photography actually contributes the atmosphere instead of destroying it. It's incredibly gory and shows things that mainstream films wouldn't even imply. Where else are you going to see a baby run over by a car and a little boy chainsawed? And what's really interesting is that you never know where it'll go next. You think it's going to be a standard get-out-of-the-asylum-and-terrorize-the-ex-wife stalker plot, but things take a series of unexpected twists, with the bloodbath getting more and more demented. There are many moments where you don't know whether to laugh, scream, or get sick.There are the usual bad-movie routines. The acting is variable--Kerry Ellen Walker, as the frizzy-haired hitchhiker chick, seems to have been plucked directly from a high-school production of Bye Bye Birdie. At the climax, the copper mask pulsates when the killer breathes. Still, it's all so numbingly brutal and unsettling that you can suspend disbelief ("hmm...very thin copper, apparently") and get dragged along on the bloody joyride. Kay Reed sings the hyper-dramatic theme song, "A Critical Madness," which is the source of my summary quote. Truly unforgettable, and not for the faint of heart or those concerned with "taste." As if children are immune to death!
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