Total Reality
Total Reality
| 03 April 1997 (USA)
Total Reality Trailers

David Bradley, stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through time in a last ditch attempt to save the universe.

Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
TheLittleSongbird Total Reality is not entirely bad. The idea was intriguing, the opening sequence was great, Missa Koprova is beautiful and appealing and David Bradley is a commanding physical actor and his acting is reasonable. Apart from these Total Reality is pretty poor and doesn't have things to recommend beyond what was mentioned above. The special effects do look as though they were rushed through, the way the film is shot is choppy and the setting suffers from a lack of authenticity and too many scenes where it is over-lit. The score is generic and overbearing, while the dialogue is cheesy and repetitive and the story obvious- to the point of guessing what's going to happen next and being correct every time- and mind-numbingly dull. The action shows Bradley trying very hard with what he has(the movie shows little of his physical acting) but one is always wishing that he had more inspired and lively choreography to work with. The characters and their situations are one cliché after another with nothing done to make them particularly memorable or interesting, while the direction is pedestrian and the rest of the acting shows the actors unable(or is it not willing?) to do anything with the writing or characters. In conclusion, there is far worse out there but Total Reality on the whole was pretty poor with a few redeeming merits. 4/10 Bethany Cox
Ferny Perez As I mentioned in other comments, I became a real big fan of David Bradley ever since I saw him in "American Ninja 3". The guy is great doing martial arts, has some kind of charisma and is a cool looking dude on screen. Sadfully, he went to the DTV department ever since his debut and has remained as one of the king of TV movies until 2001 where he apparently stopped making movies. Now, one thing is watching Cyborg Cop or Hard Justice which are crappy clichéd movies but real fun to watch (coz they're entertainingly bad if that has any sort of meaning) but another thing is watching a tasteless piece of boredom like Total Reality. I mean, this and Crisis are the two biggest pieces of horse-dung this guy ever did. I wouldn't recommend this not even to the biggest Bradly hardcore fans. If I had known this and Crisis were going to be so f*****g crap, I wouldn't have spent the 3 or 4 euros they cost me. Total Reality is just as boring as Crisis although funnily, it starts promising. A group of military prisoners in the future are given a chance to stop some kind of disaster in the past (I'm sorry, I didn't really pay much attention to this atrociousness) and they only have 24 hours to get back or something like that. If they don't, they're stranded there forever. The poor director who oversaw this, "tries" some humorous (?) clichés like the convicts arriving on Earth and not knowing what a truck is for example (wow, hilarious...). The movie follows up with David Bradley teaming up with some Earth girl for the rest of the flick. This bored me so much that I had to force myself to watch it in like 3 or 4 installments to at least make use of the 4 or 5 euros it cost me. That's coz every time I tried, I fell asleep. And if you get a movie with David Bradley with just one crappy 10-second fight scene in it, then that's the final touch which would contribute to you throwing it off a hundred foot cliff so as never to see it again. I wish I could meet the "director" of this pile of poo on the street and I swear to God I'd ask him back for mi 5 euros. I'd also love to meet David Bradley to ask him why in God's name did he choose to star in this poor excuse for a movie. Don't even bother with this film, I mean it from the bottom of my heart, not renting borrowing it and specially not buying it.
thanna-1 My comments are a bit more realistic than others. I've been a movie buff for decades, and to this day a high dollar movie is not a movie without the hard work performed by those who create quality B-Movies. B-Movies have always been the heart of the industry since the beginning of movies. There was a time when 25 cents got you the news, a cartoon, a "B" movie, and the feature film. Even after the news and cartoon became a thing of the past, a "B" movie opened a feature film until pricing started to increase past $2.00. Nobody starts on top, they always start in "B" movies, soaps, even porn before major productions come their way.Personally I thought TOTAL REALITY was an excellent sci-fi "B" Movie, and well worth the price of a tape or DVD. Those that say otherwise either can't afford the tape, or just expect way to much from a movie. Remember... technology increases daily! A 1997 mid budget movie won't have the same output as a multimillion dollar feature film, but it does offer good entertainment and escape from reality...Thomas
Henry Hassel Well, I have just seen the movie on TV and I was a little bit curious to read what other has written about it.First of all, Total Reality is of course no good movie. It has stupid dialogues, some really dumb figures (e.g. the feds), awful sci-fi interior design, the story has holes you can send one of the spaceships through it, the photography is boring and some details are annoying (e.g. the future handguns are simple 20th century weapons like Calico or FAMAS)But, on the other hand: the space CGI are nice animated, it has no romantic happy end, Misa Koprova is indeed very beautiful (Sic Coyote is right!), the plot has some really interesting parts (the idea of a proto-fascist book becomes the bringer of world/solar war).The reason, why I have watched the movie was Thomas Kretschmann, a not so famous german actors as the antagonist. His character (and his buddy) is the point I don`t understand. Why is he shown as the bad guy, although he wanted to save the future from the war? An interesting B-movie. Sometimes nice, sometimes stupid. If you are bored at 1am you can watch it. Or you can go to sleep. ;-)