Battle Force
Battle Force
R | 01 July 2012 (USA)
Battle Force Trailers

In the thick of WWII, the 1st Special Service Force unit is called to duty on a secret rescue mission. Challenged by Nazis at every turn, our band of heroes bunker in a bombed out city and race against time to relay a message that is crucial to the Allies invasion of Sicily. Cornered and caught between a rock and a hard place, they only have one option: fire more bullets!

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
aphrodisiaciix This got to be the worst war movie, ever! The plot is okay, but the development of the story and characters are terrible. Not to mention the dialogues, which are worse than most school plays. The use of hand-held camera with many shots and orders of montages are not only horrible but proved to be failed copies of two other famous war movies: "Saving Private Ryan" and "The Inglorious Bastards" (especially with the SS commander character which is an exact copy of the SS commander in "The Inglorious Bastards". The acting is awful, and the direction is insufficient (to say the least). What about the last scene in Mississippi? Is it even needed? Or is it just another failed attempt of copying of the last scene of "Saving Private Ryan"?Terrible movie... avoid like a plague! Stay away at all costs!
movieeffects We'll where to begin. These guys could have used a military adviser. Historical and specifically military historical accuracy were obviously not the "objectives" of this exercise. From the mish- mash of infantry weapons used to the Vietnam era M35 Deuce and a half's. The M35's are those two and one half ton cargo trucks that were used in the background of the garrison sequence. Also some one neglected to tell the film makers that troops were generally clean shaven when in garrison, especially officers. Wardrobe was all over the place. Female resistance fighter wearing contemporary clothing. US Army uniforms are a "hodgepodge" the German uniforms are none better. The Nazis are all on foot. Which is ironic since they kinda of perfected mechanized warfare can we say "Blitzkrieg" anyone? Oh yeah these guys are all members of the illustrious 1st Special Service Force. According to the synopsis on the back of the sleeve this takes place in 1942 unfortunately 1st Special Service Force didn't actually see action until May of 1943 and it was in the Aleutian islands in the North Pacific against the Japanese not the Mediterranean theater. They finally made it to Italy in November 1943.One more tidbit regarding the box art. On the back is this nifty( Possible spoiler) artwork of an aerial dogfight between two P-51D's and a BF 109G (these are fighter aircraft). Doesn't happen in the movie. Please avoid this film. Believe the tag line. "The worst is yet to come" especially if you watch this movie.
shandilla It's better than a blank screen. Otherwise, stupid characters, predictable plot, bad acting, poor effects, generic sound effects, on and on. What happens when you run in front of the guy firing a machine gun behind you? You walk away. What happens when shots are fired at you? You put your hand on your head and wait for the fake sparks to go away. What happens when you see a "Nazi"? You grin and shoot three magazines worth of bullets from one. Really a pathetic attempt with an old story line. Don't pay anything to watch this one that's for sure. Your grade 8 film club could do a more convince job with wooden rifles. It would be a better investment to pay them!
Rowdy Yates Sorry folks.....this movie has terrible acting and a terrible script. Simple awful.I really enjoy WWII movies and have seen 100s of them. Realism is a must in any good action flick (Patton, Go Tell The Spartans, Das Boot, etc).From haircuts to scripted words and phrases, this movie was strictly 1975ish.The German commander could well have been the commandant on "Hogan's Heroes" and I kept expecting Sgt. Schultz to appear in the next scene.The best part was when this thing finally ended.Do yourself a favor and view an old episode of "F Troop" instead!