PG | 22 May 2015 (USA)
Tomorrowland Trailers

Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as "Tomorrowland."

Diagonaldi Very well executed
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Aasemoon Yet another terribly underrated movie. Of course it has it's issues. There are so many brilliant ideas in there and it's just not possible to fully develop them all in the course of a two hour movie. As a result the movie does have a bit of an "all over the place" feeling to it.However it's still a very good story line, and there's a lot of creativity involved. The cinematography and visuals are quite impressive and even character development is quite alright. Altogether a great movie that deserves a much higher rating than this.
steeplechase In this movie the reason for the entire conflict remains in the dark until the very end, which is a very daring idea. I thought it was pulled off kinda nicely, although it did somewhat frustrate me, but not too much, because it helped me relate to the main protagonist. I thought that was neat. The story was great, the character arcs were solid, the acting was decent, the visuals were good. The only thing I didn't like was that I was sometimes confused about why the focus was on this or that character. I got the impression that some quite important scenes got cut.At one point - I'm guessing 75-80% into the movie - I was prepared to give a 9/10 rating or even higher. This is very rare for me. I can probably count the movies that I rate higher than 8.5/10 on two hands.But then something terrible happened... The preaching began. And it didn't end. It went on and on. It just didn't end. Even the final moments were all about the preaching. I got so annoyed that I started cursing. So when I was done watching, my rating dropped a whole three points. You can probably tell, I don't like preachy movies. I don't like them at all. Can you tell? I bet you can tell.How could this awesome movie get screwed up so badly by unneccessary, relentless, unbearable preaching? Who made this terrible decision? So close. So damn close. I'm so unbelievably disappointed. It could've been one of my all-time favorite movies, it had everything. But they just had to mess it up. They just couldn't help themselves...
jacob larsen No doubt this movie has a political statement to make. But it's completely honest about it. Very refreshing, even if you agree, or not, with its mission.Technically the movie is where you would expect a modern day blockbuster to be. Good image, good sound, no goofs. Well made in every way.Acting is really good. The casting is spot on. The flow is good, so even though the movie may appear to be long, with a 130 minute run-time, it never feels like it's dragging along.The level of fun and action, AND seriousness, is pretty well balanced. It's a feel-good mood film, that does actually allow some drama to enter at just the perfect dosage (So it's not overdone and becomes cliché-like, but is all the more effective)It did remind me a bit of Cameron's The Abyss (Another cool movie)It made me laugh (I'm just going to say CocaCola, been there done that LOL) It made me cry (Who knew you could miss ones and zeros, but this film makes it possible)If you prefer dark themes (Like that of the low-budget crime-shows all the cheap TV-channels show 24/7) you'll not like this film. If you're not a fan of the super-hero hype, all the Marvel stuff, then you're in luck; this movie doesn't have those (But if you ARE a fan, then you still won't go home completely empty-handed; there ARE scenes that will appeal to you even if they aren't exactly like iron-man) If you like the 60s, you're in luck. If you like scifi, you're in luck. If you like 'normal' life-styles, you're in luck. If you like Paris, you're in luck. The list is long :)A thoroughly enjoyable movie. No less.
Helio So much potential - what a disappointment. It was like watching an over-rehearsed play Or an episode of "Hannah Montana". Even Miley Cyrus bailed on that show. The future scenes were htonderful but ioo brief. I haven't seen a George Clooney film I liked - why do people think this guy can act? He just talks angrily through his roles, as if he was woken up from a nap, before his scene. WisdomsHammer gave an astute analyses on this movie's short comings. And Remco de Groot summarized it well "Most of the time the movie gave the vibe of one of those promo films that are often run while you are waiting in line of a amusement park attraction. We were waiting for the doors to swing open and to be instructed to enter the trolleys and fasten seat-belts. Pins are for sale for $3.75 at the exit."Actually a pin would be cool - I'd rather have one than endured this disappointment. Ending on a positive note, as mentioned by others, the actress playing Athena was splendid.