Tokyo Zombie
Tokyo Zombie
NR | 07 April 2009 (USA)
Tokyo Zombie Trailers

Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Scarecrow-88 In the last twenty years, the "zom-com" has had a burgeoning rise throughout the world. A major proponent in this rise as of late is SHAUN OF THE DEAD. Films take the zombie genre and twist it into all sorts of bizarre directions. Sakichi Satô's TOKYO ZOMBIE is no different. It's essentially a buddy comedy immersed in the apocalyptic environs of Tokyo where a zombie plague(..caused by the polluted industrial waste buried in a rubbish heap containing the buried dead, murdered by others using this area to escape crime conviction)rises from a mountain of trash nicknamed "Black Fuji". Two working class Japanese men, older bald Mitsuo(Sho Aikawa)and his "Jujitsu student", Fujio(Tadanobu Asano) must bury their disgruntled boss after accidentally killing him after a clunk over the noggin with a fire extinguisher. They bury him in Black Fuji, encounter the dead, and must find a way out of Tokyo with designs of tripping to Russia so Fujio can "become a man"(..because Russia is a "tough country"). Mitsuo reveals to his protégé that he's dying of stomach cancer and soon, after Fujio forgets to grab a toothbrush and cigarettes when taking food from an abandoned grocery store, they discover a young women, Yoko(Erika Okuda), who expresses firmly her resistance towards joining up with them. Yet, Mitsuo insists and loads her in their van against her will, getting bit in the process(..the bite is an amusing gag, revealed at the end of the film). Soon, the van is stolen by another bald guy, Mitsuo leaps off a bridge presumably to his death, with Fujio and Yoko left to squabble endlessly slapping each other around before diving off a bridge to escape zombies coming towards them. Soon, Tokyo falls to ruin, a massive wall is constructed around a giant pyramid with the poor and zombies used as slaves for the rich(..which seem to be mostly loud, demanding women), & Fujio takes the fighting lessons taught to him by his mentor into a ring where he battles zombies for an audience who voices their criticism when his matches end early.The character of Fujio is run through the ringer. His only means of resolve comes from his dedication to Mitsuo, who his fights are won for in the respect of Jujitsu. He is burdened by the shackles of a marriage to the insufferable Yoko, his daughter is mute(..and adorable), his boss(..the ring announcer)wants to have sexual relations(..always coming from behind Fujio, attempting to engage in carnal activity, socked by kicks for his trouble), his best friend is seemingly gone forever, and he must endure the hardships of poverty, dealing with constant combat against foes whose bite can kill, and deal with the constant angered boos of a despicable audience. The poor guy barely hangs in there. Before all this misery, the film seemed to work as a confined story about two men against the backdrop of a fallen city, which I think works rather well since both actors have good chemistry with each other. Jujitsu is a major part of their relationship as Mitsuo uses this skill as a means to prepare him for a harsh world. When Yoko is introduced, Mitsuo leaves the film for a while, and we enter the last leg of Fujio's story, the film became a bit of a trial for me. There's a dark, perverted sense of humor(..pedophilia gags galore, and a group of children attempt to hold up an office worker with a knife)and the expected zombie gore is present(..the violence is so over-the-top, it becomes a parody of the zombie films that came before). Lots of unusual images through the use of CGI and plenty of histrionics by the cast who have animated faces and reactions towards each other(..particularly when characters assault each other). The Black Fuji sequence, at the on-set, is simply bizarre.
general_jihad This movie is one of those rare gems you come across. It is an excellent example of great, odd films you can find from Japan. First of all, this movie is funny. Secondly, it has zombies, and Tadanobu Asano, probably one of Japans finest actors. Even though this is a zombie movie, it feels like a fresh take on an old idea. Anyone who is a fan of Tokyo shock, or weird Asian films will love it. Asano shines as a jujitsu training, zombie killing, laugh factory. Sho Aikawa plays his mentor, and provides plenty of comic relief. The female lead also lends a good deal of humorous dialog and action. Something for everyone. great movie!!!
valis1949 TOKYO ZOMBIE is an oddball 'Buddy Flic' within 'The Genre Of The Undead". Director, Sakichi Sato, who is probably best known for playing Charlie Brown in Quentin Tarantino's 2003 film KILL BILL:VOL. I, has crafted a horror film of equal parts buffoonery and blood. Whatever ironic elements that were inherent to classic Horror are ramped up and played as belly laughs. SHAWN OF THE DEAD is certainly a prime example of this trend. Tadanobu Asano is a highly regarded Japanese model and film star, and plays Fujio,the fright-wig wearing half of the dimwitted duo. Asano is better known for his more serious roles, yet is able to deliver the laughs as required. However, both lead roles remain sketchy, and the film strives for more character development in the second half of the movie, but doesn't go far enough. TOKYO ZOMBIE will probably best be appreciated by aficionados of contemporary Japanese art films, while the majority of viewers will be left in the dark.
Minty Sandwich From the first minute to the end of the credits, this movie is a zombie movie lover's fantasy. Imagine crossing Shaun of the Dead and Kung Fu Hustle and you'll have a small idea of what kind of movie you're in for when you watch Tokyo Zombie.I scour the world of film to find movies that stand out to me as being worthy of owning. I'm very picky when it comes to movies, and I've seen many films that fall into the "zombie" category which end up being nothing short of wasted time in my life once I reach the ending. I am a fan of Shaun of the Dead simply because it not only is a comedy, but it mocks the entire genre of horror movies and zombie flicks. Tokyo Zombie is much the same in the way that you try to open your mind to it and wonder how long it will be before you can accept it's another zombie movie, before you realize that you're laughing hysterically aloud at flying heads and spurting blood.Don't think that you've EVER seen effects like these before. The movie opens to two men practicing Ju-Jitsu, one of them, Micchan (whom believes he has cancer after he forces his doctor to tell him that's what it is after the doc insists it's just a stomach ulcer) and he dedicates his life to helping his friend, Fujio, learn Ju-Jitsu, so once zombies start sprouting from the graves, why not practice on them?The two men accidentally kill their boss, Ujimoto, and decide to bury his body on Black Fuji, a big mountain of ash which there are apparently hundreds of people burying things from satellite dishes to refrigerators to, in a funny scene, the mother of a wimp-like guy who's up to her head and yelling at the young guy's girl who is threatening him with loss of sex if he doesn't bury his mom, but well she's up to her head in the ash and the girl gets tired of hearing this woman's rantings so she punts the woman's head and it flies off the mountain at about 50 miles per hour screaming at her son "Darrrliiinnnnnggggggg!!!!" in Japanese as it flies off to the horizon. I pretty much lost it at that point, laughing hysterically at the comedy of it all. Usually in a movie like this you'll get a 5-10 min break before there's more humor, but no, they keep it going with a school teacher burying the body of one of his male students who he had killed while apparently spanking in school... Well, he was also the teacher of Fujio, and he'd spanked him quite a bit before in the past so Fujio goes down to him and beats the crap out of him with a shovel, and it's pretty funny how he does it. The teacher, you'd think, dies then, but no he gets up a few minutes later to find his pants missing, but is happy to see a young woman come out of the ground who's eyeing his exposed penis with a hungry smile, so he decides to let her enjoy it, and she does, with zombie-like abandon... Immediately following this, the two Ju-Jitsu buddies drive over the wandering body of the boy who's mother's head was booted off into the sunset because they're arguing as to whether or not the teacher had his way with Fujio in the past or not.All of this happens within the first 15 minutes of the movie, well by 14 minutes and 11 seconds to be exact. The movie's script is well done, the acting is quite nice, the graphics and especially the zombies are very well done. I, personally, will end up recommending this movie to many of my friends, and I'm sure that it will become one of my new favorites in not only Asian cinema, but also in the realm of true horror-comedy.If you have the chance to see this movie, don't pass on it, I'm sure you'll enjoy watching it, none of the scenes are over-the-top, and none of the acting seems forced. It's a well-balanced flick which I will keep in my mind's database of A+ movies and I'm sure I'll reference it whenever I try to explain how some Asian movies are well worth watching.I hope this review and my comments have helped you make your decision about this movie.