Tipping the Velvet
Tipping the Velvet
| 22 October 2002 (USA)
Tipping the Velvet Trailers

Set in the 1890s, Tipping the Velvet tells the lesbian love affair between male impersonator music hall star Kitty Butler and Nan Astley.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
jack_of_tears Tipping the Velvet is the film against which I measure all other lesbian dramas and I don't know if it's merely nostalgia for my first film in the genre but I have never found another that touched me so profoundly as this. Yes it is a very adult film and it will deliver on titillation if that's what brought you to it (and no judgement, that's what brought me) but it also a very meaningful and powerful exploration of character and human growth. Not to be missed.
Irishchatter I found it quite enjoyable, I'm really glad the BBC have made this series happen. Again, I applaud them for airing great television series like this. The costumes that Rachel Stirling had on her looked absolutely awesome on her! She was such a star and I absolutely loved her singing on stage. I liked how the story made London a reality on how it had a lot of poverty back then. I say it wasn't a pleasant place to be living in. I'm glad that the character Nan found her long-lost love and a place to be feed, warm,etc. Of course, we couldn't forget the baba. She was just a lovely baby. You normally wouldn't see babies much on shows like this but it was a real treat. Bless her.I found it quite scary that Nan was kidnapped by a single aristocratic woman and been a victim of theft by the maid. I would've loved to have given her help but at least she lived happily ever after with her new lover. :)
David Vanholsbeeck In short, this is one of the worst of the so-called prestigious BBC-series. I'm not a huge fan of the "big gay movie" of these days, Brokeback Mountain (a good movie, but not a masterpiece), but after having seen this series, I must say that that film at least tried to understand the relationship between two people. This series is a mockery of all things lesbian.First of all, the directing is the worst thing about the film. Whatever emotional impact could be expected of this soapy script, director Sax ruined it. This guy seems to think this story needed a Guy Ritchie approach. I mean, come on, we're talking lesbianism at the end of the 19th century here. What's with the endlessly repeated "focus" shots then? Or the short cuts? The fast forward-ism (worked well in Requiem for a Dream, about drugs, here it doesn't make any sense)? And does this guy even know how to get a better performance out of an actor (see below)? Secondly, the acting. I have no major problems with the way everyone acted, save lead Rachael Stirling, who was absolutely not up to this role. But then again, the role itself couldn't really be anyone's cup of tea. With Stirling's over-affected way of acting and misplaced intonations however (not to mention her strange voice), this character was anything but believable, let alone interesting.And in the end, the entire cast was simply defeated by a terrible script and lousy dialogue. I don't know if the book by Sarah Waters is any good, but if it's anything like this piece of bad soap opera, I don't understand why it ever was considered to be essential women's literature, and why it should be turned into a movie. The rags-to-riches, riches-to-rags and rags-to-riches-again story isn't even the main problem. This has been done a thousand times before, and often with much better results. But not a moment did I believe these characters; often I even got embarrassed by the cheesy words they spoke at each other. And do some people still think falling in love is best shown by one person gasping at the other from scratch? And what's with the oysters? Was that supposed to be a lesbian metaphor? And really, couldn't they have come up with a better title? No, I really can't understand why this series is rated above 8 here on the IMDb. This is a downright embarrassment for anyone who 's gay or lesbian. This ain't a film about the Victorian era, this is film making as if it still wás the Victorian era!
Weasel100 I have nothing but praise for this mini series. It's only about a year and a half old but I have seen it twice already; with greater enjoyment the second time than the first. I'm seriously thinking of watching it again soon since I find it spiritually uplifting.It is a very tender romantic drama with such beautiful performances, sets, costumes, music and scenes that it has a resonance which places it almost in a league of its own among mini series.Some others have commented on the difficulties of living as a lesbian in Britain in the 1890s. Nothing especially difficult about that; it was only male homosexuality that was against the law as poor Oscar Wilde experienced to his great cost and as a great loss to the literary world. Anyway, I digress.In my view, this is essential television. It is perhaps one of the greatest tragic romantic dramas since Romeo and Juliet, although not in the conventional sense.10 out of 10 from me.JMV