Stranger by the Lake
Stranger by the Lake
| 12 June 2013 (USA)
Stranger by the Lake Trailers

At a cruising spot near a lake, Franck falls in love with Michael, a handsome and lethally dangerous man. Even though Franck is aware of this, he chooses to follow his passion.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Vonia Stranger by the Lake (French: L'Inconnu du lac) (2013) Director: Alain Guiraudie Watched: April 2017 6/10 The Story, Ostensibly: A cruising spot for men, tucked away on the shores of a lake. Franck falls in love with Michel, an attractive, potent and lethally dangerous man. Franck knows this but wants to live out his passion anyway.The Story, Really: All the clothes in this film would barely fill a small box. A lot of gay sex. Many artistic long shots. Even more held shots of penises hanging out. Intriguing, but the casual handling of all the penises and the prolonged scenes with nothing but sex sounds was a little distracting. #FilmReview #LGBT
pls73 Set in a cruising spot for gay men by a lake in France, Frank falls for the attractive but dangerous Michel, while befriends the lonely and sympathetic Henri. If you are fond of richly photographed lakes, you will find something in Alain Guiraudie's otherwise flat thriller, but then I'd rather recommend the works of James Benning. Though his entertaining talent and understanding of the Chabrolian aspect of fatal attraction are evident at times, his characters are rather one-sided, or even unnecessary. Facing depression apparently, the most interesting of them was Henri for me, but sadly enough Guiraudie's camera never stays with him too long. Despite all this, I was somewhat impressed with the ambitions of the ending.
PJ Castellaneta This movie made me very nervous - a lot of male sex and nudity out in the open, on the beach, and with no protection. No sunscreen. At all. Shocking! (haven't the French ever heard of skin cancer?)While it sometimes verges into Serious Movie territory, breaking sexual taboos in a very realistic and honest way, too much of the film is just silly and arbitrary. The randomness of actions among the characters seemed guided more by the writer's keyboard than by actual human behavior. Which is a shame because so many of the film's elements: acting, direction, music, editing et al. are is so first-rate, and many of the scenes on their own feel so emotionally authentic.But in a world where anything can happen for no apparent reason, nothing carries any import. And then one's mind is free to contemplate the clumsiness of the film's obvious symbolism and how uncomfortable it must have been for the actors to have to sit on that rocky lakeshore bare-assed.And eventually, it all just spirals out of control. Which made me feel sad, but for all the wrong reasons.
hjames-97822 A dear friend convinced me that my life could simply not be complete until I saw this "masterpiece." What a wrong turn that was.As a person who has participated in the past in the gay beach blanket bingo & bushes scene it never occurred to me that it was worthy of being classified as entertainment and packaged for money. It was mostly a sad scene but it served its purposes. It was liberating back in the day when I was still trying to memorize the various code systems for colored bandannas in your pocket that were supposed to tell you what the other guy was looking for. I know there are people who gladly pay for films like this. They are titillated much like those who tune in those "Flip This House For Big Money" cable shows. I never thought of kitchen demolition as fun but I suppose there's something for everyone.This is basically a gay porno film. Take out the graphic sex and nudity, and you have no film. You certainly wouldn't get invited to Sundance. But give your audience some graphic gay sex and a few moaning orgasms and the wine and cheese crowd will honor you. Don't be fooled.These are actors performing sex acts in close up for money. Is that acting? Or is it simply performing? Who are these actors who are so desperate to be a part of an "art" film that they will submit to being filmed taking another man's penis into their mouth? Or to allowing a close up of another man's fingers entering their anal cavity? Do you really need college level training or a quality workshop to prepare for these roles? No! All you need is the ability to have an erection and then orgasm apparently, on cue.In one scene early on two men are having sex in the bushes. Another man stands a distance away being the voyeur and fondling himself. They turn and ask him to leave citing a need for privacy. Uh...yer in the bushes at a public beach, boys! You want privacy--get a room! One of the main components of dunes sex is being watched for Heaven's sake.Pornography on film has its place. In the hands of actors and directors who know what they are doing it can be quite satisfying in an odd way. But it is at least honest. It comes with no pretense. Actors are hired specifically, for money to perform certain sex acts. (God help the performer who causes the camera person to miss the money shot.) No one thinks it's art and no one thinks their doing a remake of Hamlet. In too much of what we see these days graphic sex (both real and simulated) substitutes for good writing. Game Of Thrones, Masters of Sex, Looking and on and one have just become the "sex and nude scenes of the week" shows. And they are becoming boring in it too.To paraphrase the character Mrs. Baker in Butterflies Are Free, all this sex in the bushes may be realistic but that doesn't make it entertainment. Now in fairness this movie is not as bad as others in this genre. 9 Songs which was dopey and boring and had nothing to do with songs. Or Intimacy which was everything but. Or the totally awful The Lifeguard or Twelve-Thirty. No, it's not that bad. But close.A final note to future directors everywhere. I don't think you really, really need to show me guys sixty-nining in close up for me to grasp what you want me to know in telling your story. No, not really. But if you insist on taking my money for what I can see for--free--at thousands of sites on the internet you owe me this. Give me some buff actors from various ethnic backgrounds with some serious man equipment to perform these scenes will ya? I can see the pasty, white, less than well endowed guys in this film any morning of the week at the gym. And probably better. At least give me that before you take the cash.
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