Tigers in Lipstick
Tigers in Lipstick
R | 03 April 1979 (USA)
Tigers in Lipstick Trailers

8 comic sketches set in Italy, with 4 of the most famous European sex symbols of the 70's playing 2 roles each.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
gridoon2018 8 comic sketches set in Italy, with 4 of the most famous European sex symbols of the 70's playing 2 roles each: in the 1st sketch, Kristel lures an unsuspecting man into her room, but what is her real purpose? In the 2nd, Vitti agrees to pose as the mother of a kid going to take his school report; in the 3rd, Andress is the widow of a politician, and a photographer ends up taking more shots of her than his job requires; in the 4th, Antonelli has a rather drastic way of dealing with her husband's jealousy; in the 5th, Kristel also has a drastic way of dealing with her husband's dullness; in the 6th, Vitti is a thief who steals a necklace, then has it stolen from her and tries to get it back; in the 7th, Andress flashes her underwear in the middle of the street and causes traffic accidents, then she gets paid by the owners of auto-repair shops for the all the smashed cars she brings them! And in the 8th, a timid orchestra conductor finds the courage to flirt with Antonelli on the street; to his surprise she responds and agrees to meet him later, but their promised lovemaking keeps getting interrupted by her various business activities.None of the sketches here will receive any awards for comic brilliance, some of them (most notably the 2nd and 3rd) seem completely pointless and some (most notably the 4th and the 7th) are too short to amount to anything more than a single joke. As others have said, the best (and funniest) sketch is clearly the last one, which really does have a sense of comic absurdity, and Laura Antonelli is so incredibly DESIRABLE that it makes sense for this man to give up his daily routine and just follow her around when she asks him to. All the women look great (Vitti is sexy even as a completely covered-up nun!), but there is a big disappointment in the 3rd sketch: Ursula Andress does a lot of provocative posing for the photographer, yet director Luigi Zampa refuses to move his camera closer to her, filming the whole sequence from a long distance. Boo! (**1/2)
suisse_nut There are no Oscar winning performances in this one, however, it's not too bad. If you're looking for plot, pass. If you're looking for beautiful women showing skin, watch it.Ursula Andress, as always, looks absolutely gorgeous.
allyjack Lamely functional eight-parter may be one of the most colossal misfires of its era, with the four willing actresses (of whose beauty and talents this should surely have been a celebration)wasted on sketches which are mainly plodding and obvious and in other cases amazingly brief and insubstantial. The visual approach is bland and straightforward - there's no zippiness, certainly no taste for farce or panache. And the most titillating thing in the movie is the seaside postcard-type design of the titles that link the episodes - the thing seems to lack much real sexual appetite. Andress is merely glacier-like in her first episode; this quality seems better deployed in her second, playing a woman in league with a repair shop, causing mass traffic crashes by strutting down the street half-dressed. Vitti is perhaps the most technically accomplished of the four but with the worst material. Kristel's opening episode is one of the better structured of the lot. Antonelli closes with a moderately complex role as a woman who juggles an attempt to sleep with a music conductor and a non-stop business schedule.
Tito-8 Most of the shorts within this film are pretty bad, and even if you want to see several sex symbols of the past in the same movie, it just isn't worth it. But at least this movie does save the best for last, as the final short with Laura Antonelli is definitely worth watching. So, if you ever come across this film, skip everything but the final twenty minutes or so. But if you do decide to watch it all, you probably won't be in a laughing mood once the only funny segment begins.