| 01 April 2003 (USA)
Threshold Trailers

Alien seeds hitch a ride to earth in a space shuttle crew and begin to grow. When their numbers reach the Threshold amount they will be an unstoppable swarm.

Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Scott LeBrun During a space mission, an astronaut gets enveloped by some sort of cloud that is carrying alien insect DNA. He is infected, brought back to Earth, and soon gives birth to a multitude of moth-like beings that are intent on taking over the world. The two moronic humans who are supposed to help solve the problem through their research are military doctor "Geronimo" Horne (Nicholas Lea, who made his name playing Agent Krycek on 'The X-Files') and entomologist Savannah Bailey ('Melrose Place' / 'Just the Ten of Us' hottie Jamie Luner).'Threshold' is standard-issue made-for-television genre fare. Granted, the premise of intelligent alien moths on a "take over the world" mission should make for reasonably engaging cheese, and the movie is surprisingly absorbing in the early going, with the filmmakers taking themselves fairly seriously. The story is watchable for a while, until the amount of ridiculous characters (and performances) and ridiculous moments in the script start to weigh too heavy.Lea, who doesn't look like he gives much of a damn, is an uninspired hero. Luner, ordinarily fine eye candy, seems to have been made to look as dowdy as possible, presumably to make her at least somewhat passable in the role of a scientist. But the plot becomes less and less interesting as it goes on, it's treated with precious little enthusiasm, and it doesn't end with very much of a bang.At least it has a few priceless moments when infected humans "bug out" and attack others, and some "ewww" inducing moments that are effective. The CGI, overall, is not the worst you'll ever see.Five out of 10.
capkronos If you can accept the very odd premise, this is a pretty well-done and entertaining horror/sci-fi effort. After being struck in the arm by meteor particles, an astronaut is brought back home to a hospital, where he comes down with a fever, blurred vision and an infected hand. He dies, his finger tips split open and a swarm of moths (!) escape out the window. At a 4th of July barbecue, suburban father Frank (who has a beer-swilling, unfaithful wife, bitchy redneck sister-in-law and two kids) is attacked and eventually turned into an emotionless killer complete with long, clawed appendages that come out of his sides to grab people. He injects digestive fluids into victims and then sucks out their liquefied internal organs (mmm!) with a hollow tube that comes out of his mouth. He is also overseeing an ever-growing army of similar alien-possessed who are hiding out in a basement waiting to strike. Police are baffled finding dozens of dead bodies with broken necks, dislocated jaws and sunken in chests, but NASA chief medical examiner Jerome "Geronimo" Throrn (Nicholas Lea), tough entomologist Savannah Bailey (Jamie Luner) and others uncover a string of clues (starting with insect-like alien DNA taken from the astronaut) that they need to piece together to save the entire country. See, word has spread to other countries, who have threatened to blow the U.S. off the map with nuclear weapons if the menace isn't quickly contained! Bizarre story, some surprise plot twists, entertaining characters and good chemistry (and performances) by talented leads Lea and Luner make it enjoyable.
NewtonJames The other comments on this movie are pretty accurate; however, once I got hooked, I had to stay up to see how it ended. I don't know where the year '2003' came from, and that year was also in the newspaper and cable TV listings. I would guess that this movie was made in the early 1980s. Perhaps the best line in the movie came at the end, after the good guys had (apparently!!) stopped the aliens. The guy and gal were walking on the beach and the guy says something like, "I wonder how man would react to sharing the earth with beings who might even be superior." And the gal responds, "Are you talking about women?" ;-)
davidm-14 excellent concept with serviceable special effects. insects from outer space that use us for food and hosts for their offspring. watching it, i was left feeling that many opportunities for good gratuitous gore were left out. plus, it had the same "surprise" ending so many of these sci-fi movies have. nicholas lea was surprisingly good in a non-x-files-but-somewhat-x-files leading role.