The Wizard of Speed and Time
The Wizard of Speed and Time
PG | 22 September 1989 (USA)
The Wizard of Speed and Time Trailers

A Hollywood filmmaker (Mike Jittlov) makes a short for an evil film studio. Unbeknownst to him, the producer has placed a bet of $25,000 that he won't come up with anything with a use. Luckily, our film creator gets the help of his friends.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Jason (likeminded) An independent film about...well, an independent filmmaker! Mike Jittlov is a filmmaker who specializes in animation and special effects. This is a light-hearted and endearing satire about the trials and tribulations faced by independent filmmakers in Hollywood. One of the better independent comedies I've seen, this film will make you appreciate all the talent that we so often forget about when watching movies and make you want to cheer for the underdog as he goes up against the system. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, this film has never been released on DVD. But if you still have a videotape player, this movie should be added to your collection right away!
cygnet_47 'The Wizard of Speed and Time' is a wonderful film with a happy ending. The special effects, for the time and technique, are absolutely stunning. If you liked the animation in Nick Park's Wallace and Gromit series, you'll love this film made in 1989. The film shows that it is a low-budget labor of love, and although the fashions and beauty standards are dated, I can't wait for it to come out on DVD (hopefully with lots of behind-the-scenes information and trivia). The character development and plot is suitable for younger audiences, who may not get the in-jokes and broader theme, but will enjoy the visual animation and goofiness on its own merit. I find that this film is one I consistently watch every few years. It is incredibly hard to find a good copy, but well worth the effort.
Chris Bergstrom I saw this first years ago, when I was kid, around the time it came out. My dad loved it, and we had it on tape. It was then lost in the streams of time and I totally forgot about it. About a year ago, my sister and her husband, while i was over visiting, pulled a video out of their shelf and asked if I'd ever seen this. It was "The Wizard of Speed and Time", and I said that it looked familiar. From about 10 seconds in, I remembered this movie competely, and was filled with merriment in the way people get when you see something again that you loved as a kid, and is still as good.Jittlov wrote, directed, produced, audited, gripped, funded, cranked, cameraed, composed, googled, flamboozed, and starred in this almost one-man show. He's extremely talented, in all respects. The movie is extremely cleverly written, well acted, well directed, and amusing to the point of extremes. Very clever shots are taken to many different facets of hollywood, as Mike tries to complete a movie he's making. The ending is witty, the romance is credible, and this movie is just plain fun. It even has good music! Definately high on my list of all time goodies. I did get a bit sick of it after watching it about 30 times or so, but very few movies keep my attention that long. A warning though, you really have to be a certain kind of person to enjoy this movie. Most people I tried to get to watch it didn't enjoy it. Let's face it, Mike is a nerd, getting all the chicks, and stands up for nerds everywhere. You kinda have to be a nerd to enjoy this movie. And I am a nerd. 9/10
bachnaked This movie was obviously inspired by the use of LSD. How else would someone come up with this concept. One of the corniest movies ever, but still enjoyable at times. BTW, who would want to make a special about stop-motion animation anyway? It's totally ridiculous, but still kind of fun.