The Wild Hunt
The Wild Hunt
| 17 September 2010 (USA)
The Wild Hunt Trailers

A MODERN MEDIEVAL SAGA, The Wild Hunt tells the story of Erik Magnusson, a young man who decides to follow his estranged girlfriend Evelyn into a medieval re-enactment game when he discovers that she has been seduced by one of the players. As the down-to-earth Erik treks deeper into the game in search of his love, he inadvertently disrupts the delicate balance of the make believe fantasy-land. Passions are unleashed. Rules are broken. Reality and fantasy collide. The good-hearted game turns into a tragedy of mythic proportion... Capturing the culture of costume play and the potentially dangerous intersection of real and made-up worlds, The Wild Hunt is a timely and potent comment on the consuming nature of adopting another identity, even within a game, and the modern yearning for ritual.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
siderite A situation that at the beginning verges from ridiculous to pathetic turns into a horrible study on human nature. Some reviewers called out the acting as bad. In fact, they couldn't be further from the truth. It has been really good years since I've seen such a realistic interpretation of human behavior. I recognized the cringe, though: when faced with people doing cowardly, inept, psychotic, stupid acts we try to distance away from them and pretend it doesn't happen. We want Iron Men protected by their smarts and their money and their suits saving the world while mouthing funny quips. This is not that kind of movie.I have tried to find the flaw in this film, something that would make me rate it less than perfect, and the only thing I could find is that the movie is low budget, which of course, does not count. I have to repeat it: the attention to realistic human behavior is stunning. No one is perfect, no one is as they pretend even to themselves to be. When the Wild Hunt starts, they are all faced with their worst nightmare: their real selves.Of course a subject like this made me remember Lord of the Flies, another fantastic study of real people breaking up and emerging from behind their masks. This is almost better! Watch this!
Kim W The story follows Erik, who "crashes" a LARP (Live-Action Role Play) camp in order to confront his estranged girlfriend, Lyn. The event is one that is held supposedly once a year, and the other role players are not pleased to have a modern non-player spoil their fun. Things escalate quickly during Erik's stay; acute conflicts arise between the players, and the game soon stops being a game and becomes a nightmarish brawl.The main themes and motifs in the film are prevalent, yet not applied so thickly as to be too artsy and obtrusive to the enjoyment of the story. The most upholding traits to the film are the diverse characters and their realistic relationships with one another--Lyn literally says nothing about what she thinks, and even appears to be non-committal to her own feelings in the way she interacts with other characters. Erik is highly aggravated, brutally honest and unforgiving, yet he genuinely cares for Lyn's wellbeing, even though she shows no sort of reciprocation. And Bjorn, Erik's eccentric brother, is so in love with his Icelandic roots that he embraces the game as his reality, and cannot break the boundary between a time for play and a time for seriousness until it's too late.I found myself trying to guess the next outcome in the string of events, and found that the story was, for the most part, unpredictable in a satisfying way. Just the right amount of popular archetypes were applied to the film to give it a comfortable feel of a typical story while infusing the realistic. Not all characters are heroes or villains, and not all humans see right and wrong in the same way.I would recommend this film to just about anybody who wouldn't mind squirming in their seat, or watching something on the darker side. You won't necessarily feel like you just saw a double rainbow after watching this, but you may be able to walk away with something on the human condition.
pyrocitor As most Canadian film is recognized as either unduly reflective and sombre or irreverently goofy, it comes as a breath of fresh air to find an offering of local cinema which achieves a tone dabbling in both without overdosing on either. In fact, director Alexandre Franchi's film delights in misleading its audience, opening with a terse, exhilarating Nordic battle only to have it interrupted by a participant whining "Okay, are we done now?", thus exposing the film to be set in the world of LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) - fantasy nerds dressing up in Medieval attire and enacting staged combat. But Franchi's trickery does not stop there, leading with comedic sequences detailing hapless but charming Erik (Ricky Mabe)'s bemused quest to reclaim his fled girlfriend (Kaniehtio Horn, both wryly funny and tragically sombre) from the ranks of the costumed performers, led by Erik's gregarious brother Bjorn (hilarious, show stealing Mark Antony Krupa), only to undercut the seeming frivolity with continual flashes to mystical divine rites and an eerie continuous Norse musical drone, suggesting all is far from fine and dandy. Naturally, things take a turn for the worse in a plot twist reminiscent of Lord of the Flies, but the real surprise is how deeply chilling the film becomes and how quickly, exploring the feral violence allegedly at the core of each person and the worrisome disconnect between fantasy and reality in an isolated microcosm of chaos. Nonetheless, Franchi's film remains ultimately just as fun a watch as an intense, thought- provoking one, neatly intertwining the two excesses of his national cinema into one highly compelling blend. -8/10
kino_vamp I had the chance to see The Wild Hunt at TIFF in 2009. It was no surprise to later hear it had won the Best Canadian First Feature Film prize- it was one of the best and most surprising films I saw at the festival.The Wild Hunt's premise is a young man naively entering a live-action role play (LARP) weekend in pursuit of his wayward girlfriend. There's some initial comedy in the fish-out-of-water concept, but real-life LARP aficionados needn't fear ridicule; the comedy is in the clash, not at the expense of players. The film in many ways actually celebrates this type of gaming and in more than a few instances defends it from common taunts.From a simple beginning the story grows to a climax of epic proportions, bringing to mind Shakespearean levels of drama and tragedy. The Wild Hunt is an intelligent and impassioned exploration of fantasy and escapism, desire and obsession. Yet through all of this the film remains grounded in it's characters. One of the great strengths of the film is the realism and complexity at the heart of each role. You won't find any one-dimensional characters here. Instead we have very real people struggling with an escalating series of events, and the games quickly lose their innocence as people lose control.The Wild Hunt is a truly remarkable film. The exploration of a blurring line between fantasy and reality is chilling, the performances are excellent, and from a technical standpoint it's equally well done. This is a film that will stay with you long after you leave the theatre- not only is it engaging to watch, but it leaves you with much to contemplate.