The Wig
The Wig
| 12 August 2005 (USA)
The Wig Trailers

Su-hyeon, a patient with terminal cancer, gets a wig as a present from her sister, Ji-hyeon. Strange things happen as Su-hyeon wears the wig and horror starts to sweep over Ji-hyeon as she watches her sister getting slowly possessed.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Cortechba Overrated
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Leofwine_draca THE WIG is a dull and lifeless South Korean horror film about a cancer patient who finds herself cursed when wearing a haunted wig. As ridiculous as that premise sounds, this film is played totally straight, with nary a laugh or attempt at humour in sight; as a result it's a macabre and unfortunately po-faced attempt at the supernatural that falls flat from the beginning.The Japanese took the same premise and came up with EXTE, a kooky and offbeat addition to the genre, but THE WIG is nothing like that film. Instead, it's content to go through the motions without innovation, and it adds nothing we haven't seen before in the 'long haired ghost' type genre. There's lots of slow-burning tension, a handful of deaths at the hands of some supernatural entity or other, and a lot of thumb-twirling as you wait for something to happen. Other than at the over-the-top ending, nothing does.The decision to make one of the central characters a mute was a poor one, because it makes the film even slower and a lot of the dialogue feel irrelevant. The acting is nothing to write home about and the direction is passable at best, but the movie's worst crime is the script, which fails to contribute even one memorable moment in an overlong running time.
gavin6942 Su-hyeon is suffering from leukemia, and isn't given too long to live. Her sister Ji-hyeon takes it upon herself to care for her until the end, which isn't expected to be too long. Oh, and there's a possessed wig.I think this film has a lot of potential. The style is good, the imagery is very nice, and there are some choice gore scenes, including a car crash impalement. Korean films, at least the ones that make it to America, are pretty good and this is no exception... but it has a major flaw.My girlfriend and I watched it, and it was hard to follow if you don't pay really close attention. The names may be hard for some Americans to keep straight, and even some of the characters look too similar at times. A few seem to show up for no reason and disappear shortly thereafter, and it's hard to know who is who and why they are important -- if they are important at all.
chrichtonsworld The introduction of "The Wig" sets the tone which is dark and mysterious! Apart from a few creepy scenes this movie never gets scary! The idea of this evil wig has quite a potential in fantastic sense (It is interesting to see how the wig was created and why the wig does what it does) and on a psychological level (The effects of wearing a wig can be quite substantial especially on people who have lost their hair because of an illness! It could have some impact on their personality)! But sadly nothing is done with the far more interesting psychological aspects! At least not in the way I hoped for! Except for the brilliant plot twist this movie misses the mark completely! The fact that "The Wig" takes itself too seriously doesn't help much! When the ambiance is this serious you expect to be scared! The problem is that this never happens! It is very difficult to get scared when the wig moves around like it is some sort of pet! It looks so ridiculous that it is painful to watch! It is difficult to say why this movie doesn't work! But it doesn't help that the actors are average,that there are too many plot holes and that the director didn't know what he was doing!
Mahatma Fabrizi The movie pamphlets, posters and TV commercials for ''The Wig" (Scary Hair), a horror film centered around a demonic hairpiece,'' do not do this psychological shock-horror movie justice. Although there are underlying sexual politics at work in Director Won Shin-Yeon feature film debut, they did not warrant billing the film as just a common variety summer sex tease. Someone should have told the promotion team that shock-horror also sells, and ''The Wig'' delivers with several frightening instances. Though the deeper psychological elements were weakly executed by the novice director, he can be excused considering he had but one demonic wig to work with. That demonic wig is not just scary-looking, it moves, too -- even flies. Some of the movie's more startling moments derive from the animated hairpiece leaping out at our moody heroines. The long dark coiffure goes from spooky, to haunting to, at length, murderous...The wig is a gift that Chi-hyon (Yu Son), who later has her vocal chords ripped from the back of her throat in a automobile accident, gives to her younger sister Su-Hyon (Chae Min-So), who loses her hair via chemotherapy. The wig is possessed, fabricated from the hair of several dead women, the audience is only belatedly informed, that is why the wig revitalizes her cancer-ridden body, and soon takes over her mind.The movie should do better than expected. Despite the anemic air-conditioning at a theater in downtown Jaffna on a sultry evening, the teenagers in the audience laughed and screamed with the characters on the screen, giving the impression that the film may overcome its bad marketing. Won first received artistic recognition for his grand prize-winning film short ''Puppy for President.''