The Wayward Pups
The Wayward Pups
| 10 July 1937 (USA)
The Wayward Pups Trailers

The cat of the house has its nap interrupted by two playing puppies, which sets off a chain of events.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Robert Reynolds This is a Harman-Ising Happy Harmonies short for MGM. There will be spoilers ahead:For the most part, Harman-Ising shorts are visually beautiful, though the story can be hit or miss. The Wayward Pups is probably just not I short I'm disposed to like, because I find the pups annoying rather than endearing. Most of their problems here are of their own making to some degree. Even the first problem, the one which gets them put out, even though the cat can be blamed, wouldn't have happened if they hadn't been rough housing and crashed into the cat, who was just trying to sleep near the fire.The pups wind up out of the yard and get chased by a rather stupid dogcatcher. They give him the slip only to run afoul of a bulldog while trying to steal his bone. They do manage to steal the bone, only to set up a whirlwind chase, eventually getting most of the dogs in town chasing after them.That evening, the cat, feeling guilty, goes looking for them, finds them at the dump, rescues them in the best scene in the short and then takes them home with a closing scene far too cute for me, though it's nicely done.This short is available as an extra on the Prisoner of Zenda DVD and is enjoyable to varying degrees, depending on how much you like cute cartoons.
Julia Arsenault (ja_kitty_71) I have only two words to describe this MGM "Happy Harmonies" short: Sweet and cute. Of course I had never heard of Harman & Ising's cartoons from MGM, until I had watched the first three on TCM's Cartoon Alley. And then I had watch a few more online.Well anyway, this short is about two cute little puppies that were put outside as punishment for something they did not do - breaking the mistress' china cabinet. But really it was the puppies' bully the cat that broke the china, from going hay-wire after a balloon the pups were playing with exploded from the heat from the fireplace. Upon seeing the front gate flapping in the wind, the two pups ran outside of the gate. But the wind shut and locked the gate with the pups on the other side of their yard. The pups ran into sorts of trouble: Like the local dog-catcher and stealing a bone from a really mean bulldog. Both the dog-catcher and the bull-dog, along with two hungry dogs that smelt and wanting the stolen bone, chase the pups (with the bone) right through traffic and into a dog show with all the competing dogs. The chase led the poor pups to the city dump. Meanwhile the cat, who felt guilty about the pups alone outside, went searching for them, until he heard the police message about investigating a dog fight in the dump. So the cat followed the pups' scent and headed to the dump and save the little pups and bring them home.Yes after watching it, I love this short and you would too. As you watch the short, you would feel sympathetic for the pups; until the ending that is.