Lonesome Ghosts
Lonesome Ghosts
NR | 24 December 1937 (USA)
Lonesome Ghosts Trailers

On a dark and stormy night, four bored ghosts decide to have some fun by calling the Ajax Ghost Exterminators.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de) "Lonesome Ghosts" is an almost 80-year-old Walt Disney cartoon. It does not happen too often that Mickey, Donald and Goofy appear in the same film, but here they do and it's nice to see them together. Sadly, after the first scene at the office (and apart from the ending), they sort-of get their own very short film each of them within these 8 minutes. The three are called to a spooky place where a bunch of ghosts are truly board because they have nobody to fear. How luck for them that our Disney trio works as ghost hunters right now and here they come. They get owned by the ghosts pretty harshly, but wait for who has the last laugh. This film has Walt Disney, Clarence Nash, Pinto Colvig and Billy Bletcher as voice actors, some of the finest and most talented people back in the day which certainly elevates the material. It was smartly written and it's a very fast and creative short film. Unfortunately, however, I have to say that I found the action here just not as entertaining as most of their other movies (and why does Goofy not know how he looks like in the mirror scene???). That's why I don't recommend giving this a watch. It certainly could have been a lot funnier.
TheLittleSongbird Lonesome Ghosts is a classic cartoon, with great visual gags and a good story this has the whole package. It mayn't be the absolute best of the Disney cartoon canon, but it is like a real pleasure of mine. The animation is very well done, with spooky enough backgrounds and nice dark colours. The music is pleasant also, with some nice macabre motifs and quirky ones for the ghosts and their antics. Mickey, Goofy and Donald are on top form, as are the four lonely ghosts who want some fun(who wouldn't?). Making sure that is possible is the spirited voices of Walt Disney, Pinto Colvig, Clarence Nash and Billy Bletcher(who I know as the original voice of Pete). Also excellent are the quips between the ghosts and the ending.Overall, a classic of a Halloween cartoon, and if you love Lonesome Ghosts I highly recommend Trick or Treat. 10/10 Bethany Cox
Neil Doyle Decades ahead of "Ghostbusters", this Mickey Mouse cartoon was an extra feature on the ICHABOD AND MR.TOAD feature from Disney, about a quartet of ghosts in a spooky old house bored out of their wits with nobody to scare. A newspaper ad advertising the services of ghostbusters Mickey, Donald and Goofy, catches their attention and lo and behold, they've got the trio arriving at the mansion ready to go to work.The fun begins as soon as they enter the house and from then on it's strictly a series of sight gags as the ghost hunters are scared out of their wits at the pranks dreamed up by the lively quartet. Funniest segment has Goofy doing a mirror routine with a ghost likeness who follows his every move and gesture. The payoff is the finale where an accidental mishap scares the ghosts away and turns the whole thing into a mission accomplished for the naive ghostbusters.Nice animation, good background art and some clever plotting make this one a sure fire delight for young and old Disney fans.
Shawn Watson Almost 55 years before Bill Murray and Co. cleaned up New York there was a different trio of 'fearless' spook-fighters. They were Mickey, Donald and Goofy. Though none of their equipment is high-tech (they carry nets and, bizarrely, axes) they make up for it with phony bravery.A quartet of ghosts in a spooky old mansion phone them up and get them over to scare them and play tricks. So, you can pretty much guess that the rest of the cartoon will be made up of related hijinks. Though this time, it's slightly more imaginative than usual. Nice animation and spooky atmosphere too.