Boat Builders
Boat Builders
NR | 25 February 1938 (USA)
Boat Builders Trailers

Mickey buys a boat kit, and enlists Goofy and Donald to help assemble it. The plans say, "so simple a child could do it", so of course, they have their share of troubles. But before long, they're ready to launch the Queen Minnie, with appropriate fanfare, at which time, all the collapsible parts collapse.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
OllieSuave-007 This is a classic Disney cartoon featuring all of Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Minnie. The former three buys a boat kit and attempts to build a gigantic ship out of the it - it's like buying the parts and building a miniature model. But here, in funny cartoon style, the three characters decide to christen the ship after completion of the assembling and take it out to sea.While assembling the ship, Mickey, Donald and Goofy meet all sorts of weird mishaps, from a rolled-up plank deck that won't cooperate to Goofy taking the boat's statue for a real woman who adores him. It really sends some good laughs your way and it's definitely very entertaining. You're in for huge laughs when the ending of the cartoon comes and Minnie gives the green light for the ship to sail! Grade A
Horst in Translation ( "Boat Builders" is a 7-minute cartoon from over 75 years ago and it features Disney's finest all in one short movie: Mickey, Donald and Goofy. And as the title already tells, the trio tries to build their own boat. Looking at Goofy's clumsiness, Donald's temper and Mickey not being the most skilled either, this can only result in trouble, or will they actually manage. In the end, it looks like they came up with something great and it is called Queen Minnie. Actually, I expected everything to collapse the moment Minnie hit the boat with the bottle. I thought this was a decent short film. Donald was a bit insignificant here, but Goofy may have had the best scene during his short but intense romance with a mermaid. Not among Disney's best, but worth the watch.
Robert Reynolds This is a Mickey Mouse color short featuring Donald and Goofy. There will be spoilers ahead:As with virtually every Disney produced short, the animation here is generally excellent. The premise is basic and the results are predictable. What makes these cartoons work is the gags and the animation. You know at the outset that things won't end well for our heroes. It's just exactly what's going to go wrong that you wait for.The three decide to build a boat from a kit. All they need to do is assemble the parts. Much easier said than done. From the first step (unpacking the keel and ribs) the three are clearly in way over their heads.The chief problem is clearly a failure to communicate, as the three seem to be working in complete and blissful ignorance of what the other two are doing. This results in two of the funniest sequences, where Mickey plays havoc with Donald as he tests out the wheel while Donald is trying to paint the rudder and then later, when Goofy uncrates the mermaid which serves as decoration and Mickey carries her off and Goofy thinks the mermaid is flirtatiously playing a game with him. The results are less than pretty.The end is very funny even when you know what's going to happen. So don't book your space on their boat just yet, as they have a few kinks to work out at this point.This short is on the Disney Treasures Mickey Mouse In Living Color DVD release and is well worth seeking out. Recommended.
I_Am_The_Taylrus *****Some Spoilers******When I saw Meet The Robinsons I saw this little fun short with it. I actually quite enjoyed this, but to be frank, I like Steamboat Willie .0001% better. Still, this is fun and a prime example of how simple things could and would be back in the twenties and thirties.Here is the basis. Mickey Mouse, Daffy Duck, and Goofy are back again for another task. This time they are building a huge Titanic-like ship. The only problem is that they are not the best boat builders in the world, especially Goofy. Mayhem occurs throughout their attempt to make a good ship. Here is the real question though. Can they possibly pull it off?Overall, this is a good short. It is actually one of the best shorts before a Pixar film that I have ever seen. It is enjoyable, and trust me, you will get a kick out of it. Anyway, this is good, clean fun.9/10Recommended Shorts: Steamboat Willie.
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