The Very Same Munchhausen
The Very Same Munchhausen
| 31 December 1979 (USA)
The Very Same Munchhausen Trailers

A philosophical and poetic portrait of the famous (or maybe infamous?) Baron Munchhausen. His crazy, yet very merriment, stories, views and behavior is what sets him apart from others. He becomes alienated from the society that failed to grasp his brilliance. In fact, his brilliance is what underlines the faults with the society itself. It's a beautiful yet tragic story that is filled with dense and intellectual dialogue.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Micransix Crappy film
fiveisforsecret Although not too many people outside the land that produced this picture have even heard of it, it may be one of the best TV movies ever made, plain and simple. And, probably, the best one delivered by the great tandem of Russian film-makers Grigori Gorin (writing) and Mark Zakharov (directing) – with "The House That Swift Built" being the close second.The script is nothing less than brilliant. The general concept is original enough as we happen to be presented not with fairly funny narratives invented by the legendary Baron Munchausen, but rather with the fairly dramatic story of the Baron himself. Which is complemented by an interesting take on the title character that turns him from a nobleman and famous raconteur into a noble dissenter and romantic rebel. But the development and dialogue still bring it to another level. The latter is virtually entirely comprised of quotable witticisms. And the whole construction explores serious problems like freedom and conformity, personal happiness and personal integrity, the hypocrisy of a society and the way it tends to treat those who choose to challenge its norms and confines. Since it's a TV movie featuring a cast of superb stage performers, the realization is overtly theatrical. But it is so in the best way possible.Given that, as far as the dialogue is concerned, all phrases and inflections matter, an excellent translation is of the essence here. But if you manage to get one you won't regret a bit of your effort while enjoying every minute of this piece. This movie is very clever and funny but also filled with some wonderfully moving poetry. So it's likely to make you both cry with laughter and smile through the tears.
Andrei Pavlov When one reads something about the movie or sees the title, the first reaction can be: "Why should they mess it all up with a classic hero, couldn't they invent anything new and use a new character for adventures? Isn't it plagiary?" Well, see the movie first and you'll probably change your first negative opinion.The film is a very charming satire. Satire on our society and on people's relations. It has great soundtrack and very intricate scenery. Any child has the right to watch it (absolutely no adult-oriented scenes) and suppose any child will adore it.A very solid Russian cinema product of the highest quality with lots of witty sayings and ridiculous happenings which often take a dramatic or even a tragic turn.10 out of 10. Thanks for attention.
rouzanna Most of the time it would be difficult for one to describe one's favourite piece of anything: favourite movie, book, composer or even dish. It is normally the same for me, however, when it comes to movies I always answer "Tot samiy Munchgausen" is my all time favourite. You could hardly find another movie full of such an amazing combination of perfectly matched ingredients, ie. humour, romantics, superb screenplay, incredible cast with the best Russian actors involved and, of course, the best (in my opinion) Russian director Mark Zakharov who brought these all to be a masterpiece. The movie makes you laugh and think all at the same time. Every word, phrase and scene are full of such deep meaning that makes you watch this movie over and over again. I don't know if the movie was ever translated into English, or French, but I would so much like all people could see this. This one just gets 10 of 10.
mchesn Remembering that this movie was made in Soviet Union during the times, when you could still get to prison because of a joke, you naturally start wondering if the freedom of speech actually brought us something or robbed us of a real "finesse" of expression and metaphore. This is a powerful and corageous tale of a peculiar man in hypocritical society, that will not leave anyone unmoved. Even though the acting might appear static sometimes, Jankovsky is at his best in the main role and will save a hurried Western spectator the pain of sitting through the example of typical union of theatre and cinema in Russian style, and make it watchable not only for "european and rare" movie fricks. It also has a merit of being sort of a cult movie, and a good introduction to the culture that it presents indirectly, reflecting at the same time the ever-lasting russian struggle of saying things, so as to stay balancing on the edge, that will permit you to be understood by intelligent people, and still ignored by a watchful big brother(liable to tear you apart) and the fascination and identification with European history and culture - forbidden fruit at those times still.