The Vatican Exorcisms
The Vatican Exorcisms
PG-13 | 29 May 2013 (USA)
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The Vatican Exorcisms was shot by Joe Marino, an American film-maker who went to Italy to shed light on the phenomenon of exorcisms. Accompanied by Padre Luigi, a true exorcist, Joe travels to the south of Italy, a place where the sacred and profane have always lived together, where Christian rituals are inextricably linked to the pagan ones.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
mm-39 The Vatican Exorcisms is a low budget Italian/American shocker movie. I find the genre either is a whimper or a bang. Done in a Blair Witch documentary style the Vatican Exorcisms starts out okay but slowly gets worse and worse. From Okay to bad to awful. The director ascends into madness, while the viewer watches non-convincing horror scenes. The okay acting and characters become lamer and lamers as the movie whimpers out. No real movie chemistry or impact conclusion. The only real scare is watching this stinker. 2 out of 10 scares. Do not let the cover or title fool you! No scares here! Another direct to video low budget movie!
shaelyna This movie was a waste of time and money. It shouldn't be under horror films at all. It had no scary or creepy parts, in my opinion. The scariest thing about the whole movie is that throughout the movie, it says "this is a real exorcism, this is a real conversation with such and such". For all we know, the exorcisms were probably just mentally ill people. The last exorcism was most likely a contortionist. All the people really did was scream and or run around. I don't even recall them speaking. It's definitely one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It's definitely in the top 5 worst. Just, don't waste your time on it.
Steve Pulaski While the found footage genre has definitely deserved some of the hate it has gotten over the years, it angers me that films about exorcisms and the conspiracies of The Vatican, which are more uniformly awful than the former, don't seem to get the widespread hate that found footage films do. Whenever a new found footage film hits theaters, it's dismissed almost instantly of a retread of familiar ground, yet films concerning the Catholic church don't get the same sort of dismissal (perhaps because they are now appearing in less and less theaters and more on the direct-to-DVD market?) Whatever the case, Joe Marino's The Vatican Exorcisms adds to the scrapheap of lackluster exorcism films, a genre that some thirty years ago seemed fresh and limitless, but now, is as predictable and as frightening as a child jumping out of bushes shouting "boo" in the middle of the afternoon. The film's DVD release is positioned ever-so closely to the limited theatrical release of another film titled The Vatican Tapes (unseen by me, as of now), undoubtedly to cause a sense of consumer confusion (or perhaps market saturation) of a genre of films that peaked with its first major hit in 1973 and has yet to impress on a level even remotely close to its grandfather.This is one of those mockumentaries (fake documentaries) that tries to get you to believe what you're seeing is real footage, but because the approach (the constant iteration of showing the truth and assertion that the director and crew are making a movie) and the structure are so generic, any elements of originality are sacrificed for routine storytelling. We follow director Joe Marino as he travels to Italy with the goal of exposing the many crimes of The Vatican, including the disappearance of young women, Satanic rituals, orgies, and exorcisms, all of which the church has worked to cover up. By his side is exorcism-expert Padre Luigi, who helps Marino piece together the plethora of paranormal activity that occurs and how The Vatican has managed to be so secretive when it comes to profiling these incidents.The film does find itself a tad unsettling during some of the Satanic rituals because of the way Marino and his crew choose to capture them. The scenes themselves don't always come equipped with a payoff, and sometimes, for extended periods of time, we are voyeurs into the noneventful rituals, passively waiting for something to occur while there is limited dialog and an eerie presence of silence. This effect is quite stimulating, actually; a relieving break from the horror films that constantly feel the need to work towards something rather than having a more liberal structure to showcase their events.The effect, while admittedly unsettling for the first few scenes, becomes a grating one very quickly, even for a film that barely qualifies as a feature (without credits, the film is roughly seventy-four minutes). Even with this concise runtime, The Vatican Exorcisms plods along from one ridiculous, foreseeable scene to the next; how many films do we need to see that involve innocent people contorting themselves on the floor of a church in front of numerous bystanders, and how many of them do we need to see that are so theatrical they cannot even bear the element of being believable.Exorcism films are films, from what I've seen, with no staying power whatsoever. Slasher films give you an uneasiness at night, films about wild animals make you weary of the woods, and films that go beyond the realm of reality into your subconscious make lying down to to go to a sleep a bit more difficult. Exorcism films are so conventionally made and arbitrarily concocted that there's little to make you fear other than the fact that you're losing time by watching yet another one, and Joe Marino's The Vatican Exorcisms is a result of undisciplined and unambitious mockumentary fluff.Directed by: Joe Marino.
timothyang You have to be pretty lax and generous when it comes to reviewing a horror film, but I had to chime in on this one. The timing of the scares were off. It had its moments where it could have been truly horrifying but then it went back to the drag of the exorcism rites. Horrible makeup on the possessed people.The final scene involving a man who contorted his body clearly went way over the top. I wasn't sure if I was watching an advanced yoga course or a possession. The only frightening part of the movie was when it came to the house scene, and even then that was another let down. Wasted potential but hey at least the Italian countryside was beautiful.
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