The Tune
The Tune
| 04 September 1992 (USA)
The Tune Trailers

Del is a song writer for the obnoxious Mr. Mega, and in love with Didi, Mega's secretary. His quest to write a hit tune brings him to the wacky world of Flooby Nooby, where he just might learn to write songs from the heart.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
neonboy619 The Tune is an animated musical made by Oscar winning animator Bill Plympton (Your Face) who also did every single drawing in this feature. A first for animated movies. With Bill Plympton's drawings and music by the talented Maureen McElheron, The Tune becomes a unique classic. The story follows songwriter Dell on a journey to write a song so he could live happily ever after with the girl of his dreams, Didi, also played by Maureen McEhleron. He travels through the wonderous place of Floobynooby and learns to write songs with his heart, and not his pancreas. Drawn solely in a style that looks like colored pencil, the look of the film tends to be uneven, but Bill Plympton's style itself is so unique and invitingly strange that one tends to ignore the style shift as each song in the story is presented with a unique look. The music is in this movie is what really makes the film. Mauren McElheron juggles so many styles that it's hard to believe that she's the sole composer. We go from Old Broadway to Country, to 60's Beach Rock. We even get some Rhythm and Blues and a Tango Piece. The music in The Tune really celebrates the old American Classics. The Tune really suffers during some long drawn out sequences and songs that do garner laughs, but many might seem to think that they detract from the story. (Namely a scene with a wise man and another scene with two business men inflicting torture upon each other's faces.) Still, even with these scenes, it's very easy for me to recommend a viewing of this film.Check out my Movie Blog:
Xander Seavy (RiffRaffMcKinley) "The Tune" is amazing, a fantastic blend of low-quality animation and hilariously ridiculous songs. The characters are the most amazing ever seen-- doggy Elvis, a cab driver without a nose, a bellhop with a very large streak of sadism... they're all memorable head to toe. Perhaps the best moment in the movie involves Del's girlfriend Didi filing music notes ("C sharp... B flat....") What's not to like? Any movie that features a hot dog and a hot dog bun running towards each other in a meadow in slow motion is okay by me. The movie ranks in the pantheon of great cartoons with "Dilbert," "Family Guy," and even "The Sword in the Stone." If you're looking for a safe, boring, sane award-winner, "The Tune" is definitely not for you!
Davidon80 I watched this years ago when I must have been twelve or thirteen, and then saw it again when I was about seventeen, and although there was a gap of no more then five years I felt as though the time in-between was far greater. I am now twenty two and recently saw a trailer for this movie and in one frame everything that I loved about the film returned, I can't honestly remember the details of this movie but a few songs and some great images have stayed in my head ever since I saw it the for the first time. I have yet to see it again and to be honest am resisting trying to seek it. It seems strange to say but on the couple of occasions that I watched this movie both times were purely by chance, channel surfing at about two in the morning and on both occasions I was almost reduced to tears by the end (Yes guys do cry as well).How we view this movie is purely subjective, it is a simple story of a man and his 'tune' but there seems so much to take away from it, it mirrors the French story 'the little prince' in many ways in that to watch it you have to be detached from any sense of realism, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist and feel what the artist is trying to convey. I'm sure if I rented it now and got all my friends round telling them this was the best movie I ever seen, halfway through it they would ever laugh their ass's off (with good reason) or say it was 'OKAY', I don't want that to happen, this movie has to be seen on your own circumstances to be understood, meaning you have to be taken away by it, The Tune can not be approached as a movie which is objectively a 'great movie', it is for you to decide and enjoy.I hope for the day when I'm grey and old and this movie will like an old pal appear on the screen and I'm whisked back to my strange teenage years, yes I know it is a totally whimsical view of life, but that is what The Tune means to me, a small insignificant part of my youth, a part which I'm sure will surface to then disapear again countless times through out the years. "Alas this old timer sure does rattle on".
Michael Sean Celebrated cartoonist Bill Plympton's first feature film is a surreal musical fantasy with some inspired animation. He financed it entirely by himself, raising extra money by doing work for a few television commercials (see "Plymptoons: Complete Works" on DVD). He also released early portions of the film as shorts to help generate funds ("Dig My Do" in 1990, "Push Comes To Shove" and "The Wiseman" in 1991), even winning the 1991 Prix du Jury at the Cannes Film Festival for "Push Comes To Shove." Working again with Maureen McElheron (she scored his 1988 Oscar-nominated short "Your Face"), Plympton pieces together the story of a songwriter who, after receiving a 47-minute deadline to deliver a hit song or get fired, finds himself lost in the town of Flooby Nooby. Through the course of ten musical numbers (touching on various popular music genres) and some outstanding animation sequences, he learns to pen songs from the heart rather than by the book. This film is classic Plympton, but the light-hearted theme and often silly songs contrast greatly with the bizarre sex and violence of his second feature-length film "I Married A Strange Person."