Green Day: Bullet in a Bible
Green Day: Bullet in a Bible
NR | 15 November 2005 (USA)
Green Day: Bullet in a Bible Trailers

Bullet in a Bible documents one of the two biggest shows that Green Day have performed in their career. They played in front of a crowd of over 130,000 people at the Milton Keynes National Bowl in United Kingdom on June 18–19, 2005. The band was supported by Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunday, and Hard-Fi during their American Idiot world tour. Fourteen of the twenty songs performed at these shows were included on the disc; missing out "Jaded", "Knowledge", "She", "Maria", "Homecoming" and "We Are The Champions". Bullet in a Bible was released as a double-LP set on November 10, 2009, as part of the band's 2009 vinyl re-release campaign.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
tbolt811 I absolutely loved Bullet In A Bible. Green Day is amazing live and they put on amazing shows. From beginning to end this was one enjoyable watch and listen. The behind the scenes stuff was very nice to see and this was the biggest concert done by a punk rock band to date. It has all there amazing breakthrough tracks off there amazing American Idiot record as well as many classic favorites such as Brain Stew, Longview, and Basketcase. They also even include a wonderful cover to the song Shout. Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, and Tre Cool put on a phenomenal and enjoyable performance that i recommend to any Green Day or punk rock fan in general. This really shows why Green Day is one of them legendary bands that will go down as one of the best ever in punk rock..Green Day rocks!
teniente91 Green Day is a punk rock band (I love more the cinema but i know very much of music cause I'm an actor, filmmaker and musician of the streets and Green Day are the best band on the punk genre) this amazing band born on the 85' and on the 91' comes whit a punk album call ''1.039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours'' whit a combination of the guitars and voices of Billie Joe and the bass of Mike Dirnt until the drums on ''1.039/Smoothed out Slappy Hours'' are by another drummer (that as an apprentice of Mr. Tre' Cool) that isn't sound like now is good later on the 92' comes whit ''Kerplunk!'' whit Tre on the drums and whit a sound better than the first that makes that Warner is interesting on this great band and comes whit the resurrection of the punk music on the album ''Dookie'' an amazing punk sound and won a Grammy for Best Alternative Album, later comes whit ''Insomniac'' an album of punk rock that is more concerted on the sound and no on the lyrics later comes whit a... strange album of (in my opinion) ska-punk for including another's musicians that is not so good call ''Nimrod'' later comes whit an album of punk, punk rock and ska-punk call ''Warning'' that is so good likes is bad later comes the recompilations (''International Superhits!'' and ''Sheninigans'') but whens Billie Joe on the 2003 is arrested is so f*cking angry whit the politic of U.S.A. whit ''American Idiot'' and is won on the Grammys for Best Rock Album and Best Disc, this album of punk rock and powerpop is a ''f*ck you'' for all the motherf*ckers politics and finality this album (also nominated on the Grammys) ''bullet In A Bible'' that is the great recompilation of the best of one of the best bands of all times and best on the genre this is the recompilation of something that is part of the humanity that is that this album a concert of one part of the humanity
Glitch712 I went to this concert on the first date (18th June), and that was probably one of the, no, THE best event I've ever been to. So imagine my excitement when I got this DVD/CD in the post this morning. Now imagine my disappointment when I watched it and found it a badly-directed, chopped-up affair devoid of anything that made it all great in the first place. I'm not sure how or why, but this went wrong somewhere. The DVD features footage from both dates, making it inconsistent, and there's an interview in between each song. Very nice, but couldn't we have had them separately or something? The camera angles are generally poorly chosen, and the promised audience interviews, while funny, are very short. These might seem like minor gripes, but they all add up. If you're considering buying this DVD hoping to relive fond memories of the concert, go ahead. Just don't expect too much from it like I did.
katrinakissez456 I am a huge Green Day fan. That's why when I heard this DVD was coming out I couldn't wait for November 15. Luckily, I found out that the DVD was going to be shown for a "pre showing" on November 1. I went out and got tickets the day they went on sale and got to the theater two hours early to make sure I would get a great seat. This DVD was the closest I could feel to being at a real concert. And I have been to one so I have something to compare it to. The best part was, not only the concert but, in between songs the band members were able to talk about their success and other things. I'm not sure if that means a "spoiler" so that's why I checked the box. Anyways, I give this a 10 out of 10. It really made me feel like I was there and gave me the need to buy the DVD right away.