The Truth About Spring
The Truth About Spring
| 30 March 1965 (USA)
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Tommy Tyler, a lazy Caribbean sailor, and his tom-boy daughter, Spring, are out to search for a buried treasure. Tommy brings aboard William Ashton, a young lawyer, to help with the search. Ashton turns out to be handy when they encounter dangerous rivals. Tommy also tries to play match maker between Ashton and Spring – a difficult task indeed.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
mhrabovsky6912 Top notch comedy/adventure film with a very solid gotta wonder why Disney did not make this had three of Disney's top performers at the time, Hayley Mills (Pollyanna) and James McArthur and John Mills from - Swiss Family Robinson, both huge grossing films for the Disney vault.....story is about a young, growing of age lady Hayley Mills who wanders around the Bahamas with her landlubber father, a sea captain who wanders aimlessly about and supposedly has a map for buried treasure hidden on his boat...Mills and her father John Mills are a team so to speak - they are waiting for the correct time to find treasure but some of Mills adversaries on the treasure hunt force their way into the action too. In other words some other adventurers want in on finding the treasure....after all getting together through a compromise of sorts a load of dynamite is set off on a beach and lo and behold they find no buried treasure - just a bunch of skeletons.....back to square one!!! Through some shifty juggling Mill's father has managed to con their rivals out of a $1000 advance to find the backfires on the other looters. Secondary in the film is a blossoming relationship between Mcarthur and Hayley....they are slowly falling in love, much to the delight of Mills father who realizes that wandering about aimlessly at sea for years and years is no life for his daughter. In the end McArthur departs Mills boat and returns to his uncle's yacht minus Hayley....then McArthuer quickly realizes he cannot leave the best thing ever in his life on that dumpy fishing boat of her fathers....quickly McArthur and Hayley get together and a marriage is on the way...This is a lighthearted film with lots of laughs and a decent story to tell......made especially for the teenage set of the mid 60s with a cast to attract them in McArther and Hayley Mills. Very hard to understand why this film has never been put on DVD, considering the top notch of Hayley Mills best films. A real treat for the teenage audience.
moonspinner55 Small-budget Universal film stars John Mills as the salty skipper of his own ramshackle fishing vessel whose teenage daughter finds romance for the first time with a law-school graduate on vacation; all three coast into trouble when modern-day pirates vie for a treasure map Mills has in his possession. Sub-Disney nonsense is brash and frantic, yet the high adventure we anticipate never quite arrives. Hayley Mills as Spring isn't allowed to act her age--she's too old to still be playing the kissless teenager--however her quieter moments with James MacArthur are sweetly done, and the film is certainly airy and lively, if not especially memorable. ** from ****
ayhasan52 I was teenager when I saw that movie. Actually I was always dreaming this movies and I still remember some parts. Now I am 54 and unfortunately nowadays teenagers do not have possibilities to watch this kind of bright pictures. All new pictures are having violence, blood,terror, fear.....and all similar. The children grow anti - social and are trained only for harming the others. I would like to know if I can find the DVD of this picture? I really want to watch it again and want to show all teenagers and ever younger ones. Can anyone inform me about the availability of it's DVD. I will be thanking for those who informs me.
irishpalM Hayley was 18 years old when she filmed The Truth About Spring. They had to cut her hair to make her appear grown up. Hayley plays Spring Tyler. She has spent her entire life on a boat growing up away from civilization. Her real life Father Sir John Mills plys Tommy Tyler her Dad. All is well on the small boat until she meets Ashton. Ashton is the handsome young lawyer who spends a week on the boat with Spring and Tommy. Tom boyish Spring does not understand the new emotions she feels for Ashton. Ashton is played by James McArthur. A delightful movie which should be on DVD and video. Unfortunately it rarely is aired on television anymore. It was last seen on A&E.