In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones
In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones
| 22 January 1989 (USA)
In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones Trailers

Annie struggles to to clear his bachelor's degree with one final hurdle-The Thesis. It's his final attempt to clear it. Can he?

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Anoushka Saha exactly our condition rite now. S.P.A. ruining lives since times unknown!!!!!!!!!!! they screw u and crush u down and kill u emotionally and just when u think u are done, there is no worst condition that can happen to u, they take u to another whole new level of depression and scrutiny. be hell with this spartan faculty! for all those who haven't really been to s.p.a, well guys u must b thinking this just cant happen rite? believe me, it does.and sometimes it may even get worst. moreover this film shows only the final year issues. we got another set of problems in the first years too. not having a supply? well that's like a dream come true.
Pallav Agrawal I voted 10 on 10 cause this is the movie which shows what SPA (formely NIA)is. I have spent 5 long years of my life at the prestigious institution and so has Sahil and Kuber above. Well Kuber is another Annie in making, cause he got to spend 8 years. When i saw the movie for the first time in my first year i though that the movie is too far fetched and stuff like that does not happen, but now i know that the movie is so close to all our lives and most bit of it is true. The ego clash between Radha / Annie and faculty (for entirely different reason in both cases). The helplessness and above all the coolness. The weird Couple, Lakes, each character is true. We could even relate to each of the characters from within our own batch, i hope others like the movie too.
ajayhk Just a small intro on how the TV situation in India was in 1989 when this film was released on TV. We had one channel (two in Metros) that was supposed to educate/entertain/family planning/national integration/news/sports/movies/foreign movies/grammys/Oscars, you name it. To say the least it was boring most of the time with the prime slots used up by Krishi Darshan (program to educate the farmers on better crops, farming techniques, fertilizers, water harvesting, crop diseases and what not discussed by three people sitting stoic among TV cameras and around a coffee table). There used to be a late night movie once a week (foreign or Indian) and every other time it used to be cancelled and no reason given for the same. Anyway, once while I was flipping channels (just kidding, only one channel, remember? :) ), I saw this movie. It was one of those great college movies, not the American Pie kind, rather the American Graffiti kind. It happens in the SPA (School of Planning and Architecture) formerly NID/A Delhi. This is one movie that will inspire you to become an architect and study in a cool college. It really inspired me and I applied for Architecture (till my dad put an end to my ambitions, but that is another story).Everything about this movie is so cool, its cast, their attitude, their life, the college/sets and the generous helping of Beatles songs (the movie is set in the 70's) makes this movie all the more endearing. The story is about a bunch of final year architecture students in SPA and how they prepare for their final year presentation. Considering that Arundhati Roy had gone on to become a Booker prize winner and Shah Rukh Khan (who has a 2 minute cameo in the movie, his first) has gone on to become India's current number one hero, it has proved to be a star cast :) And one more thing. The movie was not interesting because we had only Krishi Dharshan in comparison. Exactly 3 years later I (and much of India) got cable and MTV and Baywatch. A few years after that I got the VCR tape of the movie. I still loved the movie and watched it title to title a number of times again and introduced my friends to it too.
desiensus This is a wonderful departure from the typical Indian movie in many regards, the least of which is the language, English. It chronicles the life of students in the hip Delhi School of Architecture and has many intelligent twists and turns. Annie is a male student and I would be giving out too much if I explained what "those ones" are. The movie feels more like an episode from MTV's "Real World" than like any Indian movie I have ever seen. The movie features the writing debut of Arundhati Roy, who later rose to prominence with her novel "God of Small Things". She also stars in the movie along with Roshan Seth. A must see.