FRED 3: Camp Fred
FRED 3: Camp Fred
PG | 28 July 2012 (USA)
FRED 3: Camp Fred Trailers

Schools out, and Fred Figglehorn's dream of water slides, horseback riding and monkey butlers during the summer turns into a nightmare of gruel and poisonous berries when his mom signs him up to an unsanitary camp.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
tomdaly-17436 You'd think after two Fred movies and a sitcom, Nickelodeon would cool it a little bit with Lucas Cruickshank's screaming teenage character. But no! We get this monstrosity! Basically Fred goes to this summer camp that's struggling. That's it. I swear, every time you watch Fred run around and listen to his aggravating voice, you wish for Jason from Friday the 13th to jump out of the TV and finish you off already! Thank god that this was the last movie in the Fred trilogy, and Lucas eventually retired Fred for good.
aaaronhamilton I didn't think it was possible, but they did it. Each movie in the Fred trilogy somehow tops the other in how mind-boggling awful it can be. We're not here to talk about the other two movies, though. We are here to talk about what is, in my opinion, the worst of the three. Let's start with the obvious: it is an entire movie about an adolescent boy with a chipmunk voice, doing stupid things, messing up, and screaming. If you can't watch the first minute of the movie without getting a headache, then you aren't going to have a very good time, to put it lightly. All of the "jokes" end up falling flat on their face. At least the previous two movies each made me laugh once! The supporting characters are all extremely generic and uninteresting. The plot is non-existent, and jumps around all over the place. One minute Fred is creating a theory for why people in the camp are getting sick, and the next minute he is in a team competing with another camp. The editing and cinematography are both awful. Multiple scenes have Fred suddenly jumping around the screen for no reason while he is talking. Finally, the movie is extremely boring. The only possibly(?) good thing this movie has going is that John Cena makes a very, very short appearance, and that isn't saying barely anything. I'm pretty sure the actor and creator of Fred once said that he wished this movie never existed, and I agree with him!
cureariel I love this Fred movie!!! Why? I love Fred screaming in the bus on the way to the camp! It's so hilarious i can't even stop laughing at that scene!I also like his bunkmates working together to defeat Camp Superior, which is led by Kevin, Fred's childhood enemy.Anyways, Summary Time!!!Schools out and Fred's dreams of water slides, Clydes dales and waffle bars turn to nightmares of gruel and poisonous berries when his mom signs him up to the wrong camp!This is movie is better than The first Fred movies!! it gives me more memorable named characters, and even Fred's awesome screams in the bus.I would recommend this movie a watch for all Fred fans!! YAY!!!
TheLittleSongbird The first Fred movie is one of the worst movies ever made, while Fred 2 is a marginal improvement- and is still the best of the three movies- but still very bad. Fred 3: Camp 3 is on the same level as the first and manages to almost be even worse, and this is coming from someone who had low expectations already. The movie visually never rises above bad TV show quality, with gaudy sets and very simplistic camera-work, and just as badly made as the Friedberg-Seltzer movies. The music is no better either, there are musical numbers that are mind-numbingly cheesy as well as out of place and irrelevant and there is nothing interesting or memorable about it generally. The story is practically non-existent and often feels like a predictable, badly-written parody. The writing and jokes are lazy, painfully unfunny and immature, the name of the camp is the closest the movie gets to induce a strained smile. The characters are obnoxious and stupid, as well as cardboard stereotypes. Fred is without a doubt down there as one of the most unbearably annoying characters ever committed to movie celluloid. And the acting is terrible, consisting of either people over-compensated or looking and sounding embarrassed. Siobhan Fallon and John Cena have little to do with badly written characters, while Lucas Cruishank shows no acting talent whatsoever, and personally there is yet to be a voice for any actor and movie so painful to hear that it literally splits the ear-drums than Cruishank's Fred. To conclude, every bit as bad as the other two and is this close to be worse than the first. This is one camp that you'd want to stay well clear from, otherwise you'll be living a nightmare if you had a camp name like that and to have people behave the way they do here. 1/10 Bethany Cox