The Tribe
The Tribe
| 17 December 2014 (USA)
The Tribe Trailers

Deaf-mute Sergey enters a specialized boarding school for the deaf-and-dumb. In navigating through the school's hierarchy, he encounters a corrupt underbelly of criminality, known as The Tribe. By participating in several robberies, he gets propelled higher into the organization, when he meets one of the Chief’s concubines Anya, and unwittingly breaks all the unwritten rules of the group.

EssenceStory Well Deserved Praise
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Walter Sloane Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
masonfisk The Tribe hit my radar a while back when I heard about the novelty of a film being silent in the world of the hearing impaired in a foreign country w/no subtitles in existence. What is essentially a silent film made in the digital age, eschews themes we've seen in other cinematic rites of passage w/silent thieves on the make all the time going from one score to the next. One wonders if the bleakness depicted translates to other schools of impairment around the world where the easy way out of dealing w/adversity is to turn to a life of crime. The choice of an non-subtitled version really puts the onus on our viewing collective who don't have the patience for this interesting endeavor.
Jerd Guillaume-Sam Like Kubrick's said: "In a film, however, I think the images, the music, the editing and the emotions of the actors are the principal tools you have to work with. Language is important but I would put it after those elements. It should even be possible to do a film which isn't gimmicky without using any dialogue at all. Unfortunately, there has been very little experimentation with the form of film stories, except in avant-garde cinema where, unfortunately, there is too little technique and expertise present to show very much.As far as I'm concerned, the most memorable scenes in the best films are those which are built predominantly of images and music."
djo_34 This is one of those movies that artsy, intellectual people will claim is a masterpiece, when it's just a boring, senseless, silent film. The characters are speaking, just in sign language. But apparently the dialogue was so bad, they didn't bother to translate it. I guess if you're a struggling screen writer, you can write movies in sign language with no subtitles. Have you ever gone to a museum and seen a painting that is simply a white canvas? You walk on by and see a white canvas, while artsy, intellectuals grasp at some asinine interpretation to justify the genius of the artist and prove they're smarter than the rest of us. You know, the ones that claim, "it's pregnant with meaning", while it's a blank canvas that someone mistakenly hung on the wall. That is THIS movie. The great thing about his movie, there are no spoiler alerts, because nothing happens. I know you want to see what the hub-bub is about, so go online, download it, watch the first 6 minutes, and then save yourself 2 hours that you could otherwise, never get back.
Joshua_Barry I was so looking forward to this! The trailer looked amazing and the hype and general consensus was that The Tribe was incredible. My word. I was so bored! So many components were poorly executed. The acting in general is quite bad, with a few minor exceptions, but I really think the directing makes it seem even worse than it is. The fight scenes are done with, what seems like no effort at all. I couldn't figure out the first fight. Were they trying some moves out for a school play. Some choreography the kids came up with in between classes. That's how it came off to me. The punches certainly don't actually make any contact. The sex scenes are so unrealistic. I mean they're not even close to each other, unless he's very well endowed (which he's not). The plot seems to have many holes in it as well. Where did all the adults go? Are all the truck drivers deaf and mute as well? Too many to list here. I understand it's quite an achievement to make a film with no dialogue whatsoever, and I think it had potential. The cinematography is pretty well done and the general overtone of the film has merit. The Tribe is a film I had high hopes for and was definitely looking forward to, but I just can't see what others are seeing.