The Treasure of Pancho Villa
The Treasure of Pancho Villa
NR | 19 October 1955 (USA)
The Treasure of Pancho Villa Trailers

In 1915, an American adventurer joins the supporters of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
ed_two_o_nine So here it is a film set around the time of the revolution of Pancho Villa yet features a Coca-cola advertising board!! Once you get past that this is not a bad movie at all. A movie of a simple premise where a train is robbed of its haul of gold by a band of guerrillas to support the revolutionary Pancho Villa and the trials and trails of greed an honour that the money breeds between men. At the centre of the story are two men. The American mercenary Tom Bryan who is essentially torn between his greed and doing the right thing, and his counter part Mexican revolutionary Juan Castro who has no deigns on the gold and will give everything for Villa's revolution. The story goes through many twists and turns with the standard female love interest (Shelly Winters) capturing the affections of both men. It is refreshing to see a film from this era not afraid to show Americans in a less than glorious light and a lead character with a great deal of moral ambiguousness whilst it is the Mexican who has the hero traits. Whilst not particularly well acted there are no poor performances and if you are a fan of the western then this film is worth checking out. Would I watch it again? Perhaps but only if I was bored and had nothing else to amuse me.
lao zing Rory Calhoun leads the way as American Mercenary Tom Bryan, who is persuaded by fellow American Ruth Harris (Shelly Winters) to join Jaun Castro (Gilbert Roland - a David Niven wannabee) and his rebels in 1915 Mexico right in the middle of the revouloution. Together, they rob a Mexican train and steal its cargo of gold which they then trek across the desert to find Pancho Villa himself and deliver the gold to him, so it can fund him to buy more weapons and ammunition.Of course there is plenty of double crosses and gunfights along the way, pushing the body-count up to around 80, but there were a few things i enjoyed quiet allot. One is the Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid esquire outnumbered showdown, but the thing which I was not suspecting was when Tom Bryan mows down several Mexicans at the start of this film with a machine gun! A frickin machine gun. I was definitely not expecting that from a 50s Western. Check it out.
BOB L'ALOGE Yes, it's true. There is a 1950's Coca-Cola sign atop a building in this Western movie. About 5 minutes into the movie, Rory Calhoun and some Mexicans rob a bank and there, behind them atop one of the buildings, is a 1950's time period Coca-Cola sign visible for all to see. I checked the history of Coca-Cola signs and find this one was not a style until the late 1940's and, since the movie was made in 1955, it is obviously not an original 1914-1915 time period sign (which is when the movie was supposed to take place). So one wonders who was in charge of the scenery for this Western.Otherwise, the Western is good. Calhoun plays a mercenary who is fighting for Pauncho Villa and helping the cause to raise money for guns and ammunition. Roland is one of Villa's main men who is responsible for delivery of the gold they steal to Villa. Winters, as lovely as ever, is a school teacher who wants to fight for the cause because she believes in it.The gold gets stolen off the train and is taken by mule train to where it is to be delivered to Villa. But Villa is not there when they arrive and Calhoun wants the gold for himself. Then it becomes a struggle between him and Roland.There's plenty of action and definitely a very good plot. The acting by the stars is good and believable. It's a Western certainly worth watching--despite the Coca-Cola sign.
cforshage Growing up, I saw this movie - and parts of it have lived with me all my life. I love the concept and the shoot out at the end. I do not know why somebody does not remake this movie. I have not been able to find a copy of this movie till now, and I know parts of it will be lame - but I loved the concept!