The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism
The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism
| 05 October 1967 (USA)
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In the Olden Tymes, Count Regula is drawn and quartered for killing twelve virgins in his dungeon torture chamber. Thirty-five years later, he comes back to seek revenge on the daughter of his intended thirteenth victim and the son of his prosecutor in order to attain immortal life.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
edeighton My review of The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism(**contains spoilers**)This movie went by so many different names. I think I like the title that most people know this movie by "The Castle of the Walking Dead" best. The title "The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism" is very misleading and off-putting. It evokes images of Eli Roth-style torture-porn movies and this movie is nothing like that.This movie is a delight to watch. The movie was very well shot by director, Harald Reinl. The color palette of this film was rich with blood red sky's and marine blue spooky dungeon walls. The lead actress, Karin Dor wore a dazzling purple dress. Count Regula's laboratory had bubbling viols of every color of the rainbow. Visually, this film has an artistic quality to it, from the elaborate murals painted on the dungeon walls to the surreal colors of the cave walls.In a nutshell, this movie is great example of West German "krimi" cinema of the late 1960's, spooky but not bloody. It is clear that no expense was spared to make sure that this movie looked great. The costumes and settings and props and lighting were all top-notch. I thought that the casting was also fantastic. Christopher Lee played a perfectly creepy Count Regula. The leading man, Lex Barker, managed to portray a rugged masculine confidence in his role as Roger Mont Elise. Lex Barker is used to the strong silent physically imposing roles as he played Tarzan in a number of movies earlier in his career. German actor Carl Lange brought a wonderfully spooky presence to his role of Anatol, henchman to the evil Count Regula.Brian Bly in his review wondered if this movie actually qualifies as Horror. Maybe not. But it does seem like an appropriate movie to watch during the Halloween season. In fact, doesn't this movie seem like something that might have been shown at 6:00pm on Halloween night in the late 1970's-early 1980's? This movie certainly has a safe but spooky feel to it that seems like it was made for a younger audience. While young movie goers of the late 1960's might have been creeped-out by the spiders, snakes, skulls, skeletons and death traps, ultimately no major character dies. In fact the "monsters" are dispelled by a simple crucifix. This movie might better be described as thrilling rather than horror.Rather than market this movie as a Horror movie, I think this movie works better as a buddy adventure movie. If this movie had been filmed in the 1980's I imagine Danny Devito in the role of Father Fabian (the thief). This movie fits in perfectly with more familiar 1980's adventure movies like "Romancing the Stone" or "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom". In fact, the movie might not have been to different had it cast Dean Martin as Roger Mont Elise and Jerry Lewis as Father Fabian. The script of this movie seems to contemplate two swinging guys hooking up with two hot chicks while a whole bunch of spooky stuff happens around them. For sure, the musical score evokes a kooky, happy, 1960's "we are all going to get laid" tone.
Michael_Elliott The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism (1967) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Count Regula (Christopher Lee) is put to death after it was determined he murdered twelve virgins. Fast forward several decades and Roger Elise (Lex Barker) and Baroness Brabant (Karin Dor) are invited to the castle even though no one is living there. Once there they find an assistant who is to bring Count Regula back to life and he plans his revenge on the two guests due to their ancestors.THE TORTURE CHAMBER OF DR. SADISM has been released under countless titles but this German horror film is a pretty good one. If you're looking at the title and expecting anything overly graphic then you'll be disappointed because there's not any gore or violence but at the same time this here is the perfect example of why you don't need that stuff for an effective movie.There is one major problem about this film that keeps it from being better and that's what must be the longest coach trip in the history of cinema. Once Barker gets to town he jumps in a coach to head to the castle but for some reason it seems to take at least thirty-minutes of screen time to get there. I'm guessing all of this was meant to build up some sort of atmosphere but it goes on way too long and most importantly it keeps Lee off the screen even longer.The film really picks up once Lee makes his return and the torture devices are put into play. The torture scenes are extremely effective and quite intense. If you're frightened by spiders or snakes then you might have a panic attack as well. Lee clearly steals the film as the madman seeking revenge but both Dor and Barker are good as well. The film manages to move very quickly through its 80-minute running time. THE TORTURE CHAMBER OF DR. SADISM is certainly a gem that's worth watching.
thejcowboy22 I remember the first time I caught this flick on late night TV. I'm watching a man being executed. Years have passed, enter Leading Man Lex Barker who travels the European Countryside. Then a brief glimpse from a window and I was hypnotized for the remainder of the movie. I was captivated,enthralled and downright smitten with our leading lady Karin Dor. Dor plays a descendant of the prosecutor who sent Count Regula (played By Christopher Lee) to his death, For reasons we don't even know. Continuing onward Lex Barker and a impostor (MAN OF THE CLOTH)played by Carl Lange complete with side arm take a faithful carriage ride to Count Regula's Castle driven by an apprehensive coachman. Traffic was heavy on that country side road that day as another carriage passes them by with Dor AKA Lilian Von Brabant and blonde lady servant Babette inside. Trouble ensues and marauders ransack their carriage.The two lovely ladies are startled as there thrown to the ground. The suspects ride off in the distance as Rev and Lex arrive and help the shaken women into their carriage. Pleasantry are exchanged and you get to see and appreciate the loveliness of Karin.The afternoon turns to twilight as dead bodies appear. The devastation around the coachman is to much and he dies from the stress. Enter Pater caretaker for the castle and count Regula's right hand man. He steals the cab as Lex and Carl watch in disbelief as the two travel on foot a short distance to the Castle to rescue to the abducted ladies. The structure is downright gloomy filled with self opening doors and endless corridors/descending bars of steel as the two stroll inside. Piano music is heard as the two men are drawn towards the sound as they meet up with Man servant Pater. He directs them to the gorgeous Lilian playing a melody on a baby grand donning a lavender Hooped dress. She is under the influence in sort of a trance as she fans her way around the room, Foul play is in order as Babette tips off our guests as the drinks being served are filled with acid. Pater just drinks his acid glass vintage without a burp. The trance wears off and Lilian comes back to reality. The rest of the movie you just watch Karin sashay around the worn torn castle filled with snakes, vultures, scorpions, trapped doors and a moving wooden plank. An anomaly of extreme as blood and guts filled the hallways of this weathered old edifice as our Froline dashes along in lavender and lace. I would have loved to see some outtakes of her skirt blowing over her head but they didn't save those things in those days. In the end goodness prevails and evil fails. Was this movie scary? Of course not! I rated this movie a five just for gazing into her beautiful face. Now it's off to German Class 101 Karin meine liebe,Ihre so schon.
ctomvelu1 Excellent little German-made Gothic thriller about an evil count returning from the dead to exact vengeance on the descendants of his persecutors and executioners. The film is a cross between "Dracula" and "The Pit and the Pendulum," with a pinch of "Black Sunday" thrown in for good measure. Beautifully photographed with the most amazing set design and production values, but haphazardly dubbed and the music is atrocious, more befitting a beach party flick. Christopher Lee is the undead count. Lex Barker of Tarzan fame plays the hero and a beautiful German actress named Karin Dor is the love interest. She looks like a cross between Barbara Parkins and Barbara Steele. I don't know if there were any actual torture scenes in the original. The version I saw had none, which is to say no one is shown dying in agony. Lee is the main reason for watching this forgotten gem, although he is only in the movie briefly.
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