The Thing Below
The Thing Below
R | 07 January 2004 (USA)
The Thing Below Trailers

A top secret drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico raises a dormant alien creature from the depths. Once loose, the creature goes on a murderous rampage.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
elavigne7885 No doubt this piece of garbage will end up on the late late movie. If it does,don't watch it. It is pure crap. The special effects were bad,no doubt,none of the actors,were paid much for their acting,none of the major DVD rental stores,here in the Toronto,area,have this film in their rental selection. No doubt,this film will end up in the dollar store selection. Even at that price,I would not buy it. This is probably one of the worst films released. As for the actors,their were no well known names associated with this film. The film was released by a independent film company,associated with the movie channel.a Canadian owned company. If you see this film on DVD,avoid it.
acustomer Do you sometimes stay up late at night watching John Carpenter's 'The Thing' and think to yourself: "Gee, I really wish this movie had worse actors, no suspense, worse dialog, terrible CGI graphics, and was set in a deep sea ocean base." If you do, seek help. While this movie may be exactly what you're looking for, that is only indicative of problems you have as an individual.I am genuinely surprised that this movie did not get sued for copy-write infringement. Maybe it did and it was settled quietly. But I don't know how you can take the general premise of The Thing (doppelganger monster) and repackage it as "The Thing Below" and not get sued. Just saying.There were some enjoyable points: - The CGI is laughably bad. The first times people were killed by tentacles, I literally couldn't stop from laughing. - Traditional horror movie tropes, such as: * No matter how fast a monster seems to be going, it's still slower than a jogging actor * If no reasonable person would fall for a trick, then a person in this movie will fall for it. * A monster than has no obvious need for subterfuge due to is apparent invincibility still hides before striking. * They keep the story moving. Which is good, because if it ever slowed down, you would immediately recognize how much your time is being wasted and you would leave. On second thought, maybe this is a minus.So... bad movie, and only somewhat a "bad movie" for amusement purposes.
José Redondo First, you don't believe.Maybe you had some wine(a lot of wine),or some improper food. Second, you realize,since you hadn't wine or food, that must be something else. Third, after you became aware that must be the so called movie(?), you say goodbye to life and slash your veins with a more or less sharp stone.Please don't stay close to this....THING.It's worst then spit in your food or beat your lovely grandmother to death!Now i'm just typing to achieve the minimum lines of text necessary to have this published. By the way this is worst then death,because it could happen twice if you are distracted...
mbg411 The ONLY redemptive feature of this beyond horrible movie is that Billy Warlock is in it. It is sad to see that talented soap actor reduced to doing movies like "The Thing Below". The acting is terrible and the script and direction are laughable. The characters are fake and boring. The CGI effects are beyond laughable. This has to be the most ridiculous movie I've ever seen. I can honestly say that I am traumatized by this movie. Even the talented Billy Warlock can't save this sinking ship. This movie doesn't even deserve one star but I'm giving it two only because Billy Warlock is in it. This movie makes those bad soap operas that he is in look great. He deserves so much better.