The Taste of Others
The Taste of Others
| 01 March 2000 (USA)
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Unpolished and ultra-pragmatic industrialist Jean-Jacques Castella reluctantly attends Racine's tragedy "Berenice" in order to see his niece play a bit part. He is taken with the play's strangely familiar-looking leading lady Clara Devaux. During the course of the show, Castella soon remembers that he once hired and then promptly fired the actress as an English language tutor. He immediately goes out and signs up for language lessons. Thinking that he is nothing but an ill-tempered philistine with bad taste, Clara rejects him until Castella charms her off her feet.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
betty dalton This review will never achieve in representing the wonderfully joyous feeling this picture gave me, because HOW can I express into words these feelings of love and hilarious joy, that are so subtle and sweet? I am not a writer, I am merely an ordinary yet passionate movie lover. But the only thing I want to achieve with my review is to seduce everyone who is reading this to give this movie a chance, just for 15 minutes. If you dont get the subtle humoristic direction within the first 15 minutes than this is just not the sort of comedy you like. No problem whatsoever. But everybody please do give this gem a chance, because for all those who already love the smaller arthouse movies, especially for those who already love French cinema and the finer French comedies, this is truly one of the best french comedies ever performed on the moviescreen. The more often I see it, the more I have come to love it, because the acting AND the dialogues AND the direction AND the soundtrack AND the editing are all together one subtle comical hommage to LOVE. Vive L'amour! I just wanna explain with this little review that this movie is all about being rejected and finding love again. All the characters in this movie struggle with broken hearts, and they all still do long passionately to find true love again. Will they? Ofcourse they will. This is one terrific feel good movie, with some melancholic french notes mixed into it, because there is no comedy without some true to life drama. Think of Woody Allen falling in love, for those unfamiliar with french comedies. That doesnt do justice to this french masterpiece, but I dont know how else I can convince people to give this movie a chance. Woody Allen's comical whining about his trouble with women comes close to the whining in this picture about the failed relationships. But everything is portrayed so comically that the most depressing break ups and misunderstandings between men and women are just a joy to watch.
adamgillett This is a character film, a portrait etched in dialogue between the self-written lead and the wandering sympathies of simple, well-executed cinematography. Echoes of Bacri's erstwhile partner-in-crime, Resnais, abound in image and in the weight of unspoken actions. These glances and comedic zooms denoue with the sharpness of Tati, without clouding the gravity of the story.And it is a meticulously woven story they Jaoui gives us, at a pace that might leave an impatient viewer distracted. Tracking Bacri, smooth pans move ethereally through Petit-Bourgeois sets, ever pressing the banality of her subject. The middle-aged businessman in mid-life crisis is a bittersweet choice for comedy: bitter in its reality and sweet in the familiarity, he is tantamount to a French David Brent. Castella is a character whose weakness is sympathetic to the point of embarrassment.By contrast, the hand-held and quick cutting that accompanies the theatre troupe and artists expresses the impatience we see in their speech, the bitter jealousy of the unsuccessful and arrogant intellectual. An attack on 'her own people', Jaoui here takes a dig at many of her peers in favour of the senior man, giving Devaux hints of the autobiographical that echo down to Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino.A soundtrack bridging centuries evokes the knowledge of the older man on screen as well as of the auditorium. Kathleen Ferrier's warble punctuates moments of silence as we observe Castella's nonplussed expression, while Metheny and Murray smash and spark away in background to the Bohemians. These interludes mark sea changes in viewer sympathy, serving to give some degree of cultural empathy to the characters.Above all, though, the music and rhythm of cinematography, script and music span great clashes in taste. A mesh of contempt and desire that result in a rounded and masterful work, with appeal for all but with affection for those with grey streaks in their hair.
Syl I bought this film on VHS years ago to help me with my French. I guess England has the theater and the French and Italians have the cinema. I love the story between the English teacher/actress and the rich businessman Mr. Castella who tries desperately to fit in to her world. How could she not fall in love with him? HE is more than willing and able to love her back. Anyway, there are other stories that go on here. I love French films or cinema because they focus a lot more on character developments, relationships, and beauty as well. The beauty of France cannot be overlooked. I still miss if after 10 years and long to return home again. This film looks at the loneliness of people even the married ones or involved ones. It always appears like everybody is in their own little world of loneliness. Well, the writing is good but then again I was reading subtitles and trying to remember my French lesson plans as well. If you pay attention, you notice the differences in the written language from the spoken but that's with ever subtitled film. If only French film directors can teach American film directors that you don't need violence, sex, or special effects to make a good movie. You just need a good story and flawed characters.
Dockelektro Magnificent piece of actors' work, the movie unites a set of characters elaborately put together, like a human puzzle, and the result is nothing short of spectacular. The quality of this script allows us to rethink everything about the characters we take for granted, and there is always a surprise around the corner, which, for the viewer, is one rewarding experience, since the story is so simple, and yet so complex. At the end, we won't believe our eyes - talk about character arcs! Rest assured, this is a movie always worth seeing and one of the best actors' movies I have seen for years.
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