The Sweeper
The Sweeper
| 25 June 1996 (USA)
The Sweeper Trailers

A young cop, haunted by the murder of his entire family years earlier, is recruited by a shadowy organization to hunt down criminals who are beyond the reach of the law.

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Leofwine_draca THE SWEEPER is another solidly enjoyable action flick from PM Entertainment, made at the height of their powers when they were churning out one action-packed bit of spectacle after another. This one has a great opening car chase involving supporting actor Jeff Fahey, before the plot moves on to maverick cop C. Thomas Howell (virtually unrecognisable behind long hair and a beard) and his efforts to get revenge on the gangsters behind his father's death. The plot is nothing special here, but there are a couple of familiar faces in the supporting cast (Ed Lauter, Fulton Perry) and the action comes thick and fast, with all of the hand-to-hand combat, shoot-outs, vehicle chases, explosions, and big, slow motion crashes that PM used to shoot so well.
zardoz-13 C. Thomas Howell plays a combustible, trigger-happy, Los Angeles cop in the "Lethal Weapon" mode in Joseph Merhi's formulaic but above-average crime thriller "The Sweeper" with Ed Lauter. Merhi's fast-moving, 101-minute epic evokes memories of the "Dirty Harry" sequel "Magnum Force." In other words, when the legal system fails to serve the public, a secret organization called Justice Incorporated steps in to resolve the situation with extreme prejudice. The action opens with an exciting prologue that traces our protagonist's back story. Mark Goddard's father was a police sergeant (Jeff Fahkey), and he was a good cop until a hit squad strike at his home and killed him. One of the killers terrorizes Mark rather than kill him. Indeed, the assailant thrusts a revolver into Mark's hands and urges him to shoot him in the head, but Mark cannot bring himself to commit murder. Years later, our hero works for the LAPD like his dad. The mystery about who killed his parents haunts our hero's every waking minute. Goddard's team has been getting sloppy. One of them is stabbed by a suspect who preys on ATM users. Our fearless but pugnacious hero chases the knife-wielding maniac atop a high building where they battle it out. Eventually, Mark loops a length of cable around the assailant's neck and plunges with him into the air some twenty feet or more above the ground. Of course, the guy dies by strangulation. Later, when he arrests a child pornographer, Mark loses his cool when the suspect gives him the benefit of his smart lip, and a public brawl ensues. Mark is the bane of the force and his boss alerts Internal Affairs about him because he is fed up with Mark. The action scenes are competently done, and the performances are strong, with C. Thomas Howell showing his tougher side. One of the best scenes has our hero pursuing an assailant down the highway with the villain knocking huge metal chemical bottles off a flatbed truck and shooting slugs in them so they explode in front of our tenacious hero as he swerves behind him. Our hero manages to field one bottle on the hood of his car, smash the villain from the behind so that the bottle bounces through the back window of his car, and then he shoots the bottle and blows the bad guy to kingdom come!
HaemovoreRex The very sadly missed PM Entertainment......Without a doubt, they consistently delivered some of the best and most OTT action sequences ever filmed and for proof one need look no further than this testosterone oozing, car exploding, crazy stunt filled effort starring C Thomas Howell as a bad ass cop with a proclivity to kill the bad guys. Yes, you did indeed read that last part correctly, C Thomas Howell does indeed (against all odds!) make for a great action star in this typically exhilarating action offering brought to us by the consistently superb Joseph Merhi.Howell's no nonsense approach to law enforcement stems from a childhood trauma wherein he witnessed his entire family murdered and was himself left for dead by a sadistic team of hit men. Back to the present and now a highly loose cannon, our hero's habitual excessive use of force finds him in constant hot water from his superiors and has inevitably cost him his marriage. Matters take a strange turn one day however when he is initiated into a clandestine organisation calling themselves Justice Incorporated, a sanctioned group of law enforcers who operate a zero tolerance policy above the usual constraints of the law system. Yes, it's shades of the Dirty Harry outing, Magnum Force here. All seems to be going well for a while with the bad guys getting their just deserts.......that is until our hero discovers that the organisation sanctioned the execution of his family years previously...... Revenge is now on the cards.Well, if you can overlook the highly derivative storyline and a particularly rushed conclusion then you'll find much to enjoy in this little gem, not least of all the absolutely incredible action sequences and stunt work on display throughout. Most notable is the introduction which features an absolutely crazy car chase down a pier in which literally scores of people are getting run over left right and center(!!!!) Truly an incredibly staged scene. Also of amazing note include a truly scary looking roof top dive wherein our hero simultaneously manages to hang a bad guy(!) and a particularly explosive and thrilling freeway chase that would surely make even Michael Bay jealous. Add to this a whole load of bloody shoot outs and fights and a sadly somewhat out of place but nonetheless exciting grand finale with our hero dangling perilously off of a bi-plane(!) (with the stuntman scarily close to the propeller throughout!) and you have a wondrously entertaining one hundred or so minutes.Simply tremendous's such a true shame that PM Entertainment are no longer making films these days.
BroadswordCallinDannyBoy I was quite skeptical when I picked this up off of the shelf at the video store. This film (about which I have heard nothing before) was probably a direct-to-video release from a no name movie director and producer with a lead actor who isn't that well know. I have seen my share of cheesy low budget action movies before and they can be quite entertaining for how dumb they are. Take some Steven Seagal movies recently: they are embarrassingly bad but if you want to watch a crappy movie and get a laugh they are great.I approached this movie with that very attitude only to be totally surprised by the all out action scenes and some remarkably awesome car chases. From the intro to the final scene this movie just rolls along with shootouts, chases, and of course, obligatory B-movie sex. What's more is that the action is better than most big-budget, star-laden productions, because the action here is just action, not so much obvious choreography, but s**t blowing up! Cars flipping over! One pistol in each hand and too much ammo! Guys flying back with bloody squibs bursting! Of course the action was, in fact, choreographed, but that factor is much less in your face then say... a Jerry Bruckheimer movie. Bad Boys 2 had a $130 million budget, 2 big stars, other known actors, a big director, and probably Hollywoods current most powerful, money-loaded producer (who has, in fact, made some good films), but that all didn't stop Bad Boys 2 from being a glamorous over done mess. An example from the other end of the spectrum would be Alone in the Dark. That film didn't have an astronomical budget ($20 million) but it was still to glammy and the effects seemed to be there just to show them off. And, in the end, the film was generally hated and now owns a very special spot on the IMDb bottom 100.The Sweeper is not like that in anyway and, as far as mainstream action films go, it is more like Ronin. Though I must say Ronin is better than The Sweeper, as the story aspect in it is much better. Here the story is pretty much an excuse for all action, but if you want to watch an action film, will you really complain? Entertainment doesn't have to be story perfect. And both Ronin and The Sweeper spare the viewer the "big and overdone" aspect that Jerry Bruckheimer and his good friend Michael Bay love to specialize in. Also, ironically, Ronin didn't fare that well at the US box office despite having respectable actors and good director, because people just want fun and glam too much. I guess truly good action films are like heavy metal: everyone knows they exist, but other forms of the same thing dominate the charts. And both have their own loyal audience. 8/10 Rated R: violence and profanity