The Sun Comes Up
The Sun Comes Up
| 12 May 1949 (USA)
The Sun Comes Up Trailers

Set in the rural south of the United States, a bereaved war widow learns to put aside her bitterness and grief as she grows to love a young orphan boy and his dog.

Lawbolisted Powerful
PodBill Just what I expected
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
drednm Jeanette MacDonald stars as a widowed concert singer who suffers another disaster and yearns to retire from the world. She loads up her nifty wood-paneled convertible (a Plymouth?) and dog (Lassie) and sets out. She finds a house in the mountains of a small Southern town and settles in. But she's never runs a household before and discovers she must do her own household chores, cooking, etc. This puts her into contact with the comical-but-wise town grocer (Percy Kilbride) and some other locals. Most annoying, however, is the boy Kilbride has sent to do chores. The boy and dog instantly bond. Slowly, MacDonald gets back her hold on her life, learns to love the boy (Claude Jarman) and return to her own world. But she'll never be the same.Full of funny moments and a few that will tug your heart strings, this is a nice old-fashioned film and well done by all involved. The Technicolor is also beautiful.MacDonald, in her final film appearance, looks great and turns in a terrific performance as the woman who learns to love again. She also sings a few songs, including a beautiful rendition of "Un Bel di Vedremo" from MADAMA BUTTERFLY. Kilbride is hilarious as is Margaret Hamilton as the nosy spinster. Jarman is solid in a role that could have been cloying. Others include Lloyd Nolan, Lewis Stone, Ida Moore, Dwayne Hickman, Hope Landin, and Barbara Billingsley.What a shame the great MacDonald never found another film vehicle. Voice aside, she was a marvelous actress with a great sense of comic timing. Her final film doesn't rank with her unforgettable films with Nelson Eddy, but it's a fine and memorable film in its own right.
collegeofuselessknowlege Except for the fact that I feel that MacDonald quit films because being paired with a dog was pretty much the last straw, I think far, everything that's needed to be said has been said--although I'm sure that someone else will come up with something new observation.Viewers and fans always do with each viewing of the film. You get more and more perspectives as time goes by.But for me, I couldn't help but notice two things that strangely make a future connection to a future TV show which would become as much as a legend as Lassie.One is Barbara Billingsly (Beaver's mom) playing a nurse.The other is a kid named Mickey McGuire (Didn't Mickey Rooney use that name for a while when he was acting in the silents? Got it after playing the lead character in a series of "Toonerville Trolley" films based on the Fontaine Fox comic strip). He plays a boy named Cleaver! Somewhat odd and prophetic that the name and the actress should be in the same movie, don't you think?
Neil Doyle Nice, simple family film, a bit dated but still with enough charm and humor to make it agreeable--based on a novel by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, author of 'The Yearling'. Jeanette has her bitterness melted by Claude Jarman, Jr. and Lassie when she decides to retreat to the country to forget about the death of her son. An above-average Lassie film with a rather predictable ending after a tense fire sequence in which he rescues Claude Jarman, Jr. from a burning loft. A few nice songs by Jeanette, beautiful settings and some amusing performances by Percy Kilbride, Margaret Hamilton and others. Lloyd Nolan turns up for a cameo role. Pleasant entertainment. The blurb on the VHS copy I have cites a quote from the N.Y. Times which is so accurate: "Simple and sweet...Jeanette MacDonald has never looked lovelier."
Frazier This is a movie that may be a bit corny by modern measure but a wonderful film to sit down with a young child and watch. Old time values--a slice of life with real problems---a happy ending.