The Stoning of Soraya M.
The Stoning of Soraya M.
| 26 June 2009 (USA)
The Stoning of Soraya M. Trailers

In 1986 Iran, Sahebjam, whose car breaks down in a remote village, enters into a conversation with Zahra, who relays to him the story about her niece, Soraya, whose arranged marriage to an abusive tyrant ended in tragedy.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
misiek-55553 This film deserves a 10 out of 10... The true story is so heartbreaking and sad, and astonishing, that watcher cannot hold it sometimes. The fate of the poor Soraya is so terrible and miserable that one cannot help from crying... A heinous husband (if we may use this term to describe such a villain, such a bastard...) who set up a devilish plot to get rid of his wife (who bored him four children, stood aside to him 20 years and should be very beloved) to marry a 14 years old girl, who could be his daughter, helped in this atrocious plan by corrupted Muslim priest and Mayor; and made this to a creature as Soraya, so lovely, so sweet, so caring, with a beautiful soul and feelings, with so sad and tender eyes, who deserves only to be loved and cared of... I have been so taken by this film that I was pretty intoxicated, and I've been so moved, so touched by Soraya's story that I couldn't breath. Soraya's and her aunt's characters are played in an outstanding way, actresses deserve an Oscar. This film is a must see for people who loves Cinema, if the viewer can bear the terribly appalling execution scene. It's a shame that there still are places in the world where women are so ill-treated and have to endure such ordeals.
Muzafar Saeed ah! was really shocked when I got to know that this movie is based on true story. Painful movie of the stoning here in this case, but in Islam you need a strong evidence for stoning not only for girls and woman's but also for boys and man's .The reason for Stoning in Islam is only for the purpose that our society/world should be safe by the rape cases .But in this movie the stoning case is disturbed Caz the Mayor does not have the strong evidences whether Soraya is involved or not . So after watching this movie I got a point that Stoning case is not verified clearly and nor you people have the permissions to tease this matter. Look who many Rape cases we see all over the world , how many mobile Apps we have installed on our smart phones regarding about happening of these cases like 'Guardian' App from Microsoft for Windows Phone (as I am using it now). If we all people accept stoning then we will notice that these cases will decline Caz every body loves his/her life. So I'm not against Stoning . Why I will ,in our country when my sister leaves home for any purpose say schooling then I too have to go with her Caz I didn't know what is going to happen with her especially on roads and in bus stops . Why our whole generation is found of watching PORN movies ?? the reasons is that they think we will do it to any unknown girl....
Faiyaz Muhtasim Islam completely exposed in this tragic film. They talk about peace while their brutality and violence surpassed even the worst tyrants!! Every Muslim who says Islam is a religion of peace should sit down and watch this movie. Although I'm certain that after watching they'll say, "this is not Islam. They abused it. Islam is peace." Yes, stoning an innocent, caring, lovely woman to death is peace. Beating them however you want is peace. Treating them like slaves is peace. There will come a day when everyone will understand that Islam is vulnerable to Humanity. I pray that no woman would ever have to face the brutality of the misogynistic, terrorist religion called Islam.
Rich Wright A tip: If you are born a female, make sure it's not in Iran.They say it themselves: If you're accused of having an affair, and you're a woman, it's not up to them to prove you're guilty, but for you to establish your innocence. Of course with men, it's the other way around. You've bore your violent husband two girls and two boys and been married to him for twenty years. Suddenly one day, he decides to hitch up with a 14 year old girl instead. That's gratitude for you. But you won't give him a divorce, due to the fact it would leave you virtually penniless. So, he does the only thing a nasty bastard could do... he makes up a cock and bull story about you having an affair with a neighbour... and enlists the help of the local corrupt law officials in his plan. And the punishment for such a crime is... well, look at the title.The Stoning Of Soraya M, as told by Soraya's aunt after the event to a journalist, is one of the hardest films to watch that I've seen in many a moon. Throughout, the sense of injustice and frustration at such an unfair situation makes you want to scream, and the uncomfortableness factor is moved up about 50 notches at the stoning itself... when everyone, from Soraya's sons to her own father takes it in turns to chuck rocks at her while she's half buried in the soil. Of course, the injuries are graphically displayed... Making this possibly the most upsetting final act since Jesus's fate was sealed in The Passion Of The Christ. Both are extended slow deaths where nothing is left to the imagination, so make sure you're mentally prepared before submitting yourself to such a brutal experience.Brilliantly acted, and echoing with the ring of truth, as the epilogue reminds us: this sort of barbarism is still taking place all over the world. We may THINK we're civilised, but incidences like this prove we still have a LONG way to go. Disgraceful. 7/10