The Stairs
The Stairs
| 26 February 2021 (USA)
The Stairs Trailers

In 1997, 11-year-old Jesse finds a mysterious staircase in the woods and disappears - - 20 years later, a group of hikers sets off into the very same woods. Unfortunately for them, they come face-to-face with the very same set of stairs...

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.