| 24 August 2017 (USA)
Redwood Trailers

A couple hiking out in the woods, disturb a nest of vampires.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
haldon-365 A fantastic Low Budget Psychological horror that shows us that the monsters lurking in the woods are not necessarily the scariest thing imaginable. Director Tom Paton turns vampire movies on there head a little while showing complete respect to the genre and giving us something new. Fantastic performances from the leads that really pull you in and have you on the edge of your seat right till the conclusion. Great Flick... 5*s
Fella_shibby I saw this on a pirated dvd few days back. Got enticed due to the trailer. The only good thing about this film is the settings n for that i have been generous enuff to rate it 3 stars. Ther is too much of chatting, too much of stupidity. Almost nothin happens till 70 mins. We dont even get to see the creature mayhem. The creatures/vampires r laughable. In one scene during nite time, a couple is surrounded by creatures outside their tent n nothing happens. After that they outrun the creatures by spraying pepper spray n voila there is sunlight. Again they try to go back n its night time. The creatures/vampires seems to b more afraid. The ending was kinda meh.
pensacolacomputer Bad writing...bad acting...need I say more? Not worth writing a full size review...Pass on this one
michaelant555 A couple go into the woods for a camping trip and are told to stay away from the gray zone areas and stick to the green zone. It's pretty simple, really, but you know how these things turn out - in a moment of stupidity and after being warned a couple of times the guy's like, "Hey! I know, let's take a short cut!"...Next thing you know they find themselves in vampire territory.Very Low-budget horror where the fear is generated by a combination of over-acted emotions and creature screams. You don't see much of the creature and when you do they're extremely lame and cheap. The only thing that saved this for me was that it wasn't a found-footage film. I saw the 6/10 rating so I was expecting something good but I ended up very disappointed.