The Sound of Music Live!
The Sound of Music Live!
NR | 05 December 2013 (USA)
The Sound of Music Live! Trailers

The Sound of Music Live! is a television special that was originally broadcast by NBC on December 5, 2013. Produced by Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, the special was an adaptation of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical The Sound of Music, starring country singer Carrie Underwood as Maria von Trapp, performed and televised live from Grumman Studios in Bethpage, New York. Meron felt that if the telecast were successful, the concept could become "another kind of entertainment that can exist on TV." By her request, Underwood's casting as Maria was personally endorsed by Julie Andrews, who starred in the 1965 film.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Ratu Jade I would say that the actors at least tried to do their best. Sometimes I can hear them singing not in musical theater style, but sometimes off a bit country and something else. Captain Von Trapp looks to young to be a retired captain (and captains usually have big shoulder as experience swimmers). Sorry, although his real age may be close enough, but his appearance more like a cadet.But the most annoying is the cast of Mother Abbess. The head nun is usually the most senior, among the oldest of the nuns. Not just that, I think both look and personality are closer to type to the rebellious nun at sister act, which was why the movie Sister Act was funny (unless they never watch nor understand).Plus, how many African decent nuns lived in Austria in 1940's?Even to these days, most African descents go to Pentecostal church, which is very opposite in style to Catholic. It's like mixing between the two middle east opposite religions, the Jewish and the Arabic, although both came from Abraham.Well, I wish to know the casting company. Perhaps someday they would cast an Asian female playing Jesus...
daviddaphneredding After I saw twice the live version of this outstanding Rodgers and Hammerstein musical classic, based on the true story of the Von Trapp family of Austria about 1938, which became a singing family, I felt impelled to order the DVD of it, and did. Carrie Underwood, who has always screamed out singing "Are you ready for some football?!" was as adorable as adorable can be as Maria. Carrie Underwood in this showed that she is a versatile actress. Audra McDonald, who has always been so sweet in any production in which she has acted, was so excellent as the Reverend Mother, so very caring; and it goes without saying that she has a strong, beautiful, singing voice. Steve Moyer, as Captain Gaylord Von Trapp, did so well in virtually two roles, that of a firm, staunch retired widowed navy captain and then someone who, thanks to Maria, became a bit mellowed and loving. The children were adorable as well. The artificial snow-capped mountains in the background were very beautiful and picturesque. Again, Carrie Underwood was wonderful as the lady who was a source of comfort and strength to the proud Austrian Von Trapp, which he needed during the time of the late 1930's when Hitler was coming to power and Austria was threatened by the Gestapo. It has all the basic elements I want in a drama-beautiful color, excellent acting, and a warm story. This musical is tops.
Patrick Rusk Read all the favorable reviews that discuss the importance of comparing this to the Broadway play, rather than the Andrews' movie. They cover that much better than I can.For my part, I think this was a towering achievement for Carrie Underwood. She is just 30 years old, just as Andrews was in the '65 movie. But Andrews had 15 years of experience on stage and in film before making the movie. Underwood was discovered by American Idol only eight years ago, and has mainly been busy selling 16 million albums and winning every singing award possible. Her star power was necessary to bankroll and draw viewers to this production. Just having the *courage* to do this is laudable, but she nailed even the acting as well as anyone could possibly expect her to.You only need to reflect on the strength of the performances of Captain Von Trapp and the Abbess to realize how flawless the performance would have been if they cast a seasoned Broadway actress in the role of Maria. But would you have tuned in? Maybe a quarter of you would. I don't think I would have. Answering the question "Can she pull this off?" was half the fun of watching... and she did!One other outstanding feature of the production: the camera angles were immaculate. I have never seen a live event with so many camera angles and changes. The height of professionalism in direction.Also, I loved the scene changes where characters walked from one set into another. Very clever, and excellently done.
david-569 First, kudos for creating a live television presentation.Please please please... more. I and I know many would flock to this kind of live performance. Next, too easy to do the comparison thing. But unavoidable... so must qualify this by declaring the obvious intimacy of film versus the live TV/stage adaptation. And there it is... intimacy of film. One is hard pressed to not draw those comparisons in spite of this. So let's... first Ms Underwood. Most excellent to give this a go. She is also not an actress. It was obvious. There is no substitute for having worked on stage, as an actress. There was a distinct lack of depth to the character. And the vocal performance that is markedly different from people with great voices as Ms Underwood has, and seasoned stage actors and actresses as for instance Ms MacDonald has. Ms Underwood hit her marks. And her voice is superb. But the performance lacked that *it* thing. If she would commit to doing more stage work, her depth would grow. As it was, it was a thin performance. All the other performances were serviceable, and some good. Or as in Ms Audra McDonald, she was superb. Ms McDonald of course is a trained stage actress, and it screams so. The production quality not the least of which was the musical production was top shelf. And choreography. Well done here. There was one huge mistake that overtook the entire production however. It must be pointed out. The lack of a live audience was a huge misstep. The 1965 version had the huge advantage of the intimacy of film. In choosing to do a live TV version, what would have bridged that difference would have been to honor what live stage productions have... and that is a living breathing audience. The energy, the ambiance, everything would have been greatly influenced by this. Not having it in my opinion crippled the experience. If there is a future attempt at a live TV production of anything.... do not make this same mistake. You must must must have the energy that a live audience brings to a production. This would have without question made a significant difference in this current production. Am not sure why there was a choice NOT to have a live audience.... Still, that this happened at all is big. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze take on another one, and another one. As the ratings would show, this art, this craft, is alive and quite well. I give mega props for taking this on and hopefully the learning experience will go into future productions...