The Snow Creature
The Snow Creature
| 01 November 1954 (USA)
The Snow Creature Trailers

A botanical expedition to the Himalayas captures a Yeti and brings it back alive to Los Angeles, where it escapes and runs amok, seeking food.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
JohnHowardReid NOTES: Myles Wilder is W. Lee Wilder's son. According to the pressbook, the Yeti was played by Dick Sands (IMDB has Lock Martin, unconfirmed). COMMENT: Despite all the abundant ploys of financially stressed "B" picture-making (including a copious amount of obvious library footage, and the repetition, freeze-framing and reversal of numerous shots - one brief clip of the "monster" advancing towards the camera is spliced into the picture no fewer than twenty-one times); despite the laughably inept make-up and costuming of the "monster" who is so phony he will scare not even the most panicky child; despite (or maybe because of) the lack of feminine interest, The Snow Creature still has a certain appeal. It is most attractively photographed (particularly the scenes in the sewers) by Floyd "High Noon" Crosby, and - with the exception of the points noted above - not too ploddingly directed by that experienced, exploitation cost-cutter W. Lee Wilder. Aside from Dick Sands, the cast isn't half-bad either.OTHER VIEWS: The Snow Creature is one of the tamest we have ever met with, he is so obviously a tall actor in a fur-moulted suit that has seen better days. Both script and direction show occasional flashes of promise, but the film's Z-grade budget and corny dialogue defeat any attempt at imaginative handling or suspenseful plotting. The same shot of the snow creature advancing into the camera is endlessly repeated - and it wasn't a very menacing shot in the first place! Still, the acting is serviceable and the film's short running time and numerous changes of scenes lend it a rapid enough pace. Horror fans will probably accept it in supporting slots. There is no femme interest. - JHR writing as George Addison.
Leofwine_draca There was a wave of films about the abominable snowman back in the 1950s and this is one of the weaker efforts. A typical B-movie, it takes an age for the film to get going and when the Yeti finally does make an appearance it's just an ordinary guy in a very poor-fitting monster suit. A cast of wooden and cliched characters spend a heck of a long time discussing various pressing and non-pressing issues before the snowman is shipped off to Los Angeles, where it escapes from cold storage and goes on a low rent rampage. This reminded me of the Lon Chaney Jr. vehicle THE INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN and is of a similar quality.
bkoganbing The Snow Creature casts Paul Langton and Leslie Dennison as a botanist and friend on a Himalayan expedition to investigate the flora and fauna of the roof of the world. But flora and fauna give way to the fabled Yeti, the abominable snowman only hinted at and never seen except by the native Sherpas of the region.According to them, the big Yetis are reticent except when in need of some kanoodling and there are no female Yetis around. That's when they come down the mountains and run off with some human women. Which is what they do to the Langton/Dennison expedition. And which is why Sherpa guide Teru Shimada takes over the expedition and declares it a hunt for the Yeti who stole his wife.After that business is settled and the Yeti captured by reluctant Sherpas he's transported to Los Angeles where a second film starts while the government decides whether he's animal or human and which department of our Federal government should deal with his arrival. While all that goes on, the big guy escapes and starts on the prowl in Los Angeles where he's never seen so many people, especially so many of the female variety.If you're asking is this as stupid as it sounds, the answer is, even stupider. This film was produced by Lee Wilder who was Billy's brother. You can hardly believe the products of the brothers being so different.
Matthew_Capitano A mountain climbing expedition encounters a big freaking snow monster who watches them from above the snow-line while they take pictures of weeds and freeze in their wind-battered tents at extreme altitudes.... oooh, funnn! Later, one of these schmucks captures the beast, straps him to a tarp, and sends him to Los Angeles in a goofy icebox, but some lame cop murders it before it can find an apartment and become part of the community.Director W. Lee Wilder's 'abominable snowman' flick. Clumsy and incredulous, but concomitantly the most trenchant film of Wilder's career.