The Smashing Machine
The Smashing Machine
R | 01 May 2002 (USA)
The Smashing Machine Trailers

A stunning and provocative look at Mark Kerr's career from late '99 through the 2000 Pride Grand Prix, fighting with his own personal demons that rival the men he encounters in the ring.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
dilbertsuperman This is a man who proves every man's worst enemy is himself.This is a great behind the scenes look at the ugly side of what it takes to be a MMA warrior and stay one. Mark discovers that what brought him to the top is going to chew him up and spit him out unless he makes some serious changes in his life. Addictions to pain killers and too much partying used to give him an edge of not feeling pain. His relationship used to be the crutch that would hold him up till the next fight. Fame and pressure to stay at the top makes everything different and more demanding.All of a sudden he is very alone at the top and realizes he's just not able to do it by himself, never realizing he's the one making that decision he can't do it so he obviously was fooling himself all along.He has to decide between being tough and living rough to be the champion or caving in to the demands of his manipulative obsessive girlfriend and taking the easy way out to chumpville with the rest of us mortals. It was awesome seeing the scenes with Bas Rutten reacting to what he saw happening with Mark. As Mark described it -it's weird when everyone else can see what you are doing wrong except you- and that's exactly the place where he was in this movie because he is in a co-dependent relationship with a negative controlling woman. Their relationship is based on his own loneliness, depression and emotional weakness and fueled by her jealousy and fear. The reason they were together is because both shared the same bad habits and loneliness and an attraction to the escape that the other one offered. Unfortunately, people that meet because they share bad habits, tend to only make it worse on both of them.
ElijahCSkuggs Mark Kerr is the main focus of this film, and it deals with his incredible rise from a wrestler, to one of the elite members of Mixed Martial Arts. Though Mark is at the top of his game, his need for pain relief grows to extremes, and other troubles soon arise. This documentary on "ultimate fighting," features many great Pride fighters like Igor Vovchanchyn, Vanderlei Silva, Mark Coleman and Renzo Gracie. Bas Rutten ultimately steals the show, though Mark is truly a specimen of massive power. The film manages to get in the very midst of the Pride tournament, and fans of Vale Tudo events would love to see such great shots and interviews of their favorite fighters. The film is very violent, though the athletes involved have the utmost technique and dedication for their martial art form. Truly a very unique type of person could be involved in these events, and the film captures that perfectly. Hopefully with this film, people will begin to appreciate the technique and sport, rather than just viewing it as fighting.A 10 ****
robinettesarah The documentary the "Smashing Machine," was an interesting film on fighting in the Ultimate Fighting Circuit. The film shows background on the main character going from how he grew up to how left the circuit. You view the from the main characters point of view. Watching his struggles, his victories, and his pain.In the film you see the pain and struggle on the fighter's face. The pain you see in him makes you care for the fighter. At the point in the film when he is in the hospital for an overdose, you feel you have gotten to know this person on the screen.Even if you not in favor of this type of fighting. You become empathetic for him, watching him struggle through his relationship with his girlfriend, drug use and losing a fight.
sr4nier A compelling and poignant piece on the life and times of ultimate fighter Mark Kerr. Every fan and non-fan of this great sport should watch this. Kerrs' rise and subsequent fall and eventual comeback was both exciting and sad.The man himself is an enigma in the sense that outside the ring, well quite frankly, I don't think you could meet a nicer person. Inside the ring however, he at one point was literally the "baddest man on the planet".As dominant as anyone who ever competed. In his prime, complete power and destruction was what he brought to the events he competed in.