The Sky Crawlers
The Sky Crawlers
PG-13 | 02 August 2008 (USA)
The Sky Crawlers Trailers

Youngsters called Kildren, who are destined to live eternally in their adolescence. The Kildren are conscious that every day could be the last, because they fight a war as entertainment, organized and operated by adults. But as they embrace the reality they are faced with, they live their day-to-day lives to the full.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
jazzy663 Just watched the movie using Crackle on my Xbox 360.To be honest, I thought this movie would involve a lot of blood and fighting. But actually not at all, the majority of it involved conversations between characters. The fight scenes that did happen were entertaining, however, especially the opening one. I'll also admit that I initially thought that "The Teacher" was the main character. That part was confusing for me.I couldn't really see a clear storyline. The plot summary on Crackle was short and not informative, so I had a hard time gathering information and putting it together.Characters were uninteresting at best. Everyone seemed 'cryptic' in nature. By that, I mean they seemed to lack a personality. I never like that sort of thing. I enjoy seeing characters that express their personality, and when there's none to express, it gets boring really fast. This is one of the most beautifully-animated movies I've ever seen. Realistic explosions and movements, especially the props on the aircraft, were pleasing to the eye. No bright or vibrant colors were used, but somehow I found that appealing.If I were to improve this movie, I'd add more fight scenes (the battle between Kannami and The Teacher, especially) and take out a lot of the conversations. One key scene that I thought about for a while was the bombing attack - I seriously disliked that they didn't show the bombing, the interceptors, or how they "botched" the job.
Lars Gottlieb Take a couple planes and combat scenes from Crimson Skies, mix them up with the most empty, uninteresting, bland scenes ever, and the most void, stagnant story possible, and this is the whole movie. For example: At one time our main character is driving somewhere, and the movie renders every single second of the drive, we watch him park, turn the key, use the door handle, open the door, get out of the car, close the door .. All rendered painstakingly slow. If you haven't fallen asleep during this unnecessary waste of time, you're rewarded with watching him take every single step toward the building he was driving to... The combat scenes made me want to go back and play the game, but for this movie to claim to be any kind of good is preposterous. If this is art, it's the art of the void.
popitotoro I just watched this movie and it upset me after the first 30 minutes. I'm not a huge fan of Mamoru Oshii but I loved the job he did on Ghost In The Shell 1 and 2 as well as Patlabor 2 (in a lesser way). I think I understood the movie pretty well, and I agree with most of the arguments of the reviews praising the movie, except that for me the plot is just inadequate for an animated movie. It's far too slow, the characters are quiet, boring, plus the character design looks so poor compared to the CGI, it's just not fitting at all. There is a lot of static shots, with pretty much nothing to think about. Okay, they give you some of the reasons why it was so slow all the way long, nearly at the end, but my point is that it's too late! It's not like I jumped off my seat, I was actually quite disappointed, so long for this! And what do I care? It's not like after 2 hours I really got attached to any of the characters... It just barely saves the movie.I understand it could work very well for the graphic novel (wouldn't get this issue with the different styles, plus you can read it at your own rhythm, and go back for another reading after the big revelation at the end), but here I just got the proof from Oshii himself that one cannot adapt everything to animated movies or movies. Sometimes it's just impossible. A movie HAS to entertain, and not only for the last 5 minutes.
Argemaluco I know not everybody appreciates the parsimonious style and deep subjects which have the films directed by Mamoru Oshii,but I am delighted by the existence of a filmmaker who always offers us scenes of an amazing visual beauty and exciting action,but which are always endorsed by fascinating ideas.I think there is not any other contemporary director who combines the tools from modern cinema with philosophical monologues,metaphysical fantasies and analysis of subjects like,for example,the conscience or the soul.In summary,Oshii is not afraid of making unaccessible films for the casual spectator.With every new movie,Oshii seems to be more far away from the "normal" narrative,because from the humor and action from the saga Patlabor,he went to showing spiritual reflections in Ghost in the Shell; then,he criticized the ontological reality in Avalon; after that,he analysed the reality of the existence in Ghost in the Shell : Innocence; and now,he makes a study of the function and limits of memory in the construction of human identity in The Sky Crawlers,which may be his least obtained film to the moment,but it is still very interesting.The plot summary from this film may make it seem as it is focused on the causes and consequences of the war conflict it portrays.But reality is not like that.In spite of showing us some excellent scenes of air combat,the authentic melodrama from this movie is on the earth,pushed by laconic conversations and monologues which slowly and precisely show us an ambiguous image of the function of war,the fighters' identities and the curious condition which avoids them of growing older.But,as in Oshii's previous films,there are not easy answers or simple solutions to the questions raised by the characters,so the movie leaves the spectator the homework of taking out conclusions.I think that's the best element from this movie.As I said before,the sequences of air combat are excellent,because they certainly produce impact.The ending is ambiguous but it is satisfactory,because it closes the movie on a solid way.However,there are some fails on this movie.On a few moments,it gets a little bit tiring and there are other moments which feel pretentious.There are a few other fails,but they are minor.I liked The Sky Crawlers pretty much,but I do not know if I can recommend it to everyone.I found it very interesting but I am sure other people may find it boring.I do not think it is a great movie,but I appreciated its narrative and emotional complexity very much.