The Secret Village
The Secret Village
| 18 October 2013 (USA)
The Secret Village Trailers

Greg,an unsuccessful screenwriter and Rachel,a beautiful journalist research an outbreak of mass hysteria in a small village. They start to uncover a secret about ergot poisoning that has affected this village for years. But the cult activity has been kept a secret by the locals and when Greg disappears, Rachel is left alone to unravel the mystery and save their lives.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
nefertiti324 I'm not sure some of the people who left terrible reviews have actually ever seen "real" B movies. This was not the worst film I've seen, especially considering it's very low budget. The lead up to the "big reveal" wasn't executed well, which I think let down some viewers. But overall the story was decent, acting was alright (again, those who think this film had bad acting... I don't think they know the meaning of it), and I thought the "twist" at the end was kinda clever. Yes, there are many typical B movie features. This is after all, a low budget production. But that said, I think this movie is getting a worse rap than it deserves, which is the only reason I'm leaving this review. As far as the random low budget movies on streaming services goes, this film was alright.
Johnny Rawton Not new to telling everyone my opinion but new to doing it here.There is a scene that keeps presenting itself that defies physics, not in a supernatural, or cartoon manner. The story is not slowly bled out in the way a suspense/thriller would in fact there is a defined beginning and the end. No real substance, the acting is poor and the only character i liked was the guy from office space but that's cause he is awesome, actor not character. It was very difficult to make it through this movie. The audio was poorly timed and exaggerated at times, not always but enough that its bad. I will agree with some others that the cinematography was good not great bud good. The story truly had the potential it just needed more substance. I feel very mislead by the synopsis of the film. It was not the worst film I have ever seen I will say that perhaps many others went in expecting the same thing i did and where still holding it to the standards of there preconceived thoughts on what it would be, not what it was. Overall it is a love story, and Disney movies are darker. Please remember this is not dark this is not twisted and there is a lot in place to confuse you from what is really happening. Watch for yourself though and judge it on your own likes.
bz_siege_01 At some point in the future, scientists will be able to prove that watching terrible movies is harmful to your intelligence and overall psyche. The day they do that, this movie is going to be named in my lawsuit.The wife and I love a good horror movie. But we also enjoy putting on a bad horror movie and making fun of it. Some movies, such as this one, are so bad that you can't even extract comedy from them.For instance, it's been scientifically proved that Demons at the Door is the worst movie ever made (and will also be named in my lawsuit). However, it's so absurd that you can laugh at it.I don't even need spoilers to illustrate how bad this movie is. The quality is just so bad that a lot of the time your face will be scrunched up in a "what the hell was the point of that?" expression. The cuts are awful. In one scene, the blast of typical horror movie "shock" music cuts flat off. I almost guarantee they noticed something wrong with the scene in the editing room and instead of re-shooting, they just said, "cut it there."There are long, pointless pauses in the dialog. The expressions don't match the actual mood. The scenes skip all over the place.Worst... the music. Most modern horror movies use the typical method of focusing on the main character in the scene, then something flits by in the background while they play a short, intense burst of "shock" music meant to startle you. In most cases, without the sound, the scene wouldn't make you jump and wouldn't even be ominous. Well, apparently the person who produced this movie was so startled by the flit/shock- music thing during some movie that he decided to use it every few minutes. I'm not exaggerating. If they change scenes, there is a burst of shock music. If they zoom in on someone's face, it is accompanied by shock music. If the main character reaches for a Kleenex, it definitely calls for shock music. I was baffled when I reached for my coffee and no music played.Acting wasn't terrible. Plot has been done a thousand times. Main actress is cute. But they should never have let the monkeys into the editing room... the choppy, ham-fisted style ruined even the possibility of a corny B movie and the subsequent laughs.You've been warned.CWB
dj_foxi_11-1 I consider myself to be a big movie buff. Regardless of what genre and what grade of movie, I will watch it. I watched this movie under the assumption that it would be good. Anything that is remotely a thriller/suspense movie should be good, right? Nope.Nope.Nope.I lost interest 5 minutes into the movie, barely managed to sit through the 85 minutes to follow but wanted to see what the 'fuss' was all about regarding the ending, and was severely disappointed. The score is quite bad. It reminds me of a pisstake on 80's horror films. The actors had NO probable cause for being on the screen, much less uttering a few lines, moving here and there and I kind of felt sorry for them. The editing is typical of a low budget film, but I've seen low budget films that are 10 times better than this mess. I have read a fair few 'positive' reviews and they all say the same thing 'Non-linear'. This was all over the place. There is no substance, no climax, and nothing is ever clear enough for the viewer to actually understand what is going on. Another thing that annoyed me was those two guys that were chasing the lead character throughout a majority of the movie. As soon as she would 'escape' their clutches, instead of jumping back in the car as she is driving off to pursue her, they keep walking forwards then stop and stand there, as if watching her drive off would somehow give her a change of mind and she may come back. Seriously? Where is the suspense? Def would NOT recommend this movie. I'm sure the actors have to have at least one bad movie in their career and this is one of them.