The Return of the Native
The Return of the Native
| 04 December 1994 (USA)
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Eustacia Vye, an exquisite beauty despairing at her boring life on an English moor, sets up a fateful lovers' triangle when she uses her wiles to entice two men, a dashing suitor and a successful man who made his name abroad and returned to his home on the heath.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Executscan Expected more
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Red-125 The Return of the Native (1994) (TV) was directed by Jack Gold. Many of us read Return of the Native in high school. That's because it's a great novel. Hallmark has given us a rendition that's faithful to the text.The plot takes place on Egdon Heath, which--even in 1878--was still a wild and primitive location. The people who live there have not shed off their pagan past. Some still believe in witchcraft. In fact, Eustacia Vye (Catherine Zeta-Jones), is thought to be a witch by some of the locals. Not only is Zeta-Jones an excellent actor, but her exotic beauty is perfect for this part.Clive Owen plays the seducer Damon Wildeve, Ray Stevenson plays the learned Clym Yeobright, who loses his vision so that he can't read. Chaire Skinner plays Thomasin, who is kind and gentle--everything that Eustacia isn't. Steven Mackintosh portrays Diggory Venn, an enigmatic reddleman. (Reddle is a red dye used to mark sheep.) I think acting honors go to Dame Joan Plowright, as Clym Yeobright's mother. Dame Joan is perfectly cast as the mother who sees her son taking the wrong path, and is helpless to stop him.This film will work better in a theater than on the small screen, even though it was made for TV. However, we saw it at home, on VHS, and it was still wonderful. When a classic novel is turned into an excellent movie, you don't want to miss it. Seek out this film and watch it. You won't be disappointed.
VimalaNowlis It seems that all western literature have the same theme. All tragedies are due to the stupidity of men and all comedies are due to the cleverness of women. As this movie is based on a Thomas Hardy story, it is naturally a tragedy. True to form, the stupidity of men, was the primary cause of the tragedy. Of course, a woman must be blamed especially if the woman is not content to be an obedient and docile wife to a selfish and blind husband. Clym, as a spoiled only son, only ever thought of himself. What he wants was all he cared. It never mattered what his mother wanted or what his wife wanted. He must have his way. When his wish was challenged, he blamed his mother. When his dream was shattered, he blamed his wife. Yet, he was considered the good son, the good man, the good husband, and the hero. That's the real tragedy. Eustasia, as a girl with a dream beyond the small backwards village in a harsh landscape, only dreamed of a better life in the shinny world. But the ignorant villagers shunned her as a witch. No matter what she does, she was the evil one. Her stupid selfish husband never understood because he only thought of himself and what he wants. In the end, she could only escape from her jail was to die. That's the real tragedy. That was the bleak rural life of Thomas Hardy's England. I gave the movie 7 stars because it was well staged, well acted, and focused.
treeline1 The story opens in southwestern England, in the year 1842. Clym Yeobright, a successful businessman, has just returned to his beloved heath after some years in Paris. He meets beautiful Eustacia Vye, the local vixen and tease, believed by many to be a witch, so powerful is her hold over men. Eustacia dreams of escaping the dull moor and sees in Clym a way to finally make it to the bright lights of Paris. Clym, however, wants to live out his days as a humble schoolmaster on the heath with his beloved Eustacia.It's no wonder Thomas Hardy's novel is a classic and this TV-movie does it justice. The acting is uniformly excellent, the location is, in turns, bleak and wonderful, the sorrowful mood is enhanced by a plaintiff folk score, and the literate script stays close to the book. The hypnotically beautiful Catherine Zeta-Jones captures Eustacia's willfulness and pride and is perfect in the role. Clive Owen plays Damon Wildeve, a local man who lusts after the elusive Eustacia. He's very good, as is Ray Stevenson, the 'native' blinded by Eustacia's charms. Together, they form a powerful and tragic love triangle. Recommended.
Noirdame79 I caught the first half hour of this when it originally aired on CBS in 1994, but as I was a teenager I did not know of Thomas Hardy's work, nor did I recognize Catherine Zeta-Jones or Clive Owen as they were both unknown in North America at the time. I have since taken a liking to watching period films and reading the classic novels upon which they are based. I have read the novel of The Return of the Native several times; it is one of my favorite Hardy novels, but I couldn't help but notice some similarities to Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, similarities that are evident in the film as well. Wind-swept moors, a headstrong, misguided heroine who marries a kind-hearted but dull gentleman for opportunity and possibility of society acceptance yet she maintains her strong connection to the brooding, roguish man who is tormented by the spell she casts. Spell, of course, used as a figure of speech, although raven-haired Eustacia Vye (Zeta-Jones) is suspected to be a witch and shunned by the locals of Egdon Heath, since her effect on men seems to have some kind of bewitching quality in their eyes. Even though Damon Wildeve (Owen) is pledged to marry the fair Thomasin Yeobright (Claire Skinner), he cannot seem to shake his feelings for Eustacia, who keeps drawing him to her with her bonfires and her indecision to leave England with him. As much as she wants to escape from Egdon, she feels that somehow Wildeve is beneath her, so when Thomasin's cousin Clym (Ray Stevenson) returns from Paris, she immediately sets her sights on him and leaves Damon in the dust. He, in turn, marries Thomasin almost out of spite, hoping to hurt Eustacia, but she only pushes forward with her plan to win Clym's heart, wed him and hoping that he will take her away from the heath she despises so much. However, with Hardy, things rarely the work out the way his characters hope - Clym wants to stay in Wessex, to open a school and live simply, which only brings his wife to despair and boredom. She begins to wonder if she made a mistake, and re-encountering her former lover only cements her confusion. She is somewhat torn, and this ultimately brings on her downfall as well as Damon's. Other notable portrayals are Steven MackIntosh as reddleman Diggory Venn, who unselfishly loves Thomasin and will do anything to see her happy; his character is both honorable and down-to-earth yet possesses a kind of unworldly knowledge about what he sees around him. And the ever reliable Joan Plowright as Clym's mother turns in yet another wonderful performance. Of course, there are liberties taken (cause of death of Mrs. Yeobright is altered, omission of Damon and Thomasin's child, inclusion of more of the novel's text would have been good at the climax), but overall, for the running time, Hallmark did a commendable job with this presentation. The characters of Eustacia, Wildeve, Diggory and even Thomasin have always held more interest for me than Clym, who in my opinion was never a very compelling character to begin with, sort of like Edgar Linton. Stevenson, also a virtual unknown at the time, does well with his pretty much thankless role - I never really understood what Eustacia saw in him other than her plans for escape and maybe his idealism, but Damon was a far better match for her. With Clym, she sees what she wants to see, whereas with Damon the reality is something that she doesn't know if she wants to see (there has to be some symbolism of Clym losing his sight). Of course, Eustacia and Damon are the most tragic, and are doomed, not only because they are both outsiders and their relationship to each other (which would be considered scandalous in Victorian England), but their desire to escape is only achieved in death. One of the complaints I have about this production is how there was none of the novel's dialogue when Eustacia takes her fatal plunge and Wildeve's ill-fated attempt to rescue her were included.Filmed in Exmoor National Park (rather than in Dorset), the location does make the setting seem more rugged and wild, the music is very emotional and romantic, the cinematography very lush and pretty, Zeta-Jones is costumed more colorfully than the other women, no doubt to make to make her more distinctive (but her beauty does that alone). Very good supporting cast also. And I have to say, I cannot picture anyone else but Catherine and Clive in the roles, even when I read the novel. It's worth seeing for them and the landscape alone!
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