The Real Cancun
The Real Cancun
R | 23 April 2003 (USA)
The Real Cancun Trailers

Sixteen American college students drink, flirt, fight and canoodle during their Spring Break vacation in Cancun, Mexico.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
smurf7 Cancun what i know about it from the Girls Gone Wild to Mexico dangerous clips,This film showed me a little more with less sleaze. I mean my understanding is a group of teens rent a big boat get sh_t faced and commit every sin under the sun, showing all their body parts, even the fake ones. Its mostly women with women and the blokes just watch on and try for a grope. Short of the American screams which is easily fixed by the mute button. It was interesting to see the other side like around Mexico itself,having never really traveled it showed another place that would interest me for a holiday after the young party has left of course.SPOILER ALERT Also interesting is when the group go out only the blokes pick up and some girls who have been playing hard to get all week, get Nasty because they wanted to be with them of course never mentioned it . That amused me and it reflects the games they play in how they will get burned. You do learn a lot about the American Teen culture that i see now in Australia where our young teens go to their Aussie Cancun the Gold Coast.SPOILER ALERT You also see a great time in this one bloke's life Alan where everyone in the crowd decides to vote for him as the best body, it shows them in a different light, they are not always thinking about themselves but about others around them, as i see over there if your not a Jock you are more or less forgotten. Alan steals the film all by being so honest with everyone, its refreshing to see because most of the cast are wearing masks and you never see the real people until its too late.Where is my time machine there was nothing like this 20 years ago when i was a teen. Don't be put off by the negative reviews watch and observe it won't hurt.
superdooperduff I know many people have rated this movie poorly; however I believe they are mistaken. In order for someone to enjoy the film they have to understand the life of a par-tier and what Spring Break means for a par-tier. Spring Break occurs once a year and therefore is very special for College kids who love to party. I believe this movie accurately portrays what Spring Break is like (which was the point of the movie) by showing beautiful girls, random hook-ups, booze, and more booze. Ultimately this movie rocks if you understand the lifestyle of a College kid who TRAINS for Spring Break. I recommend watching the movie with a pin and piece of paper because you might just learn how to have a successful Spring, Duff Man
dbborroughs It was bound to happen, the TV reality craze bled into the film industry, but did it have to be so bad? Shot in ten days then rushed into theaters a few weeks later it was then rushed into video stores where it destroyed countless more minds, this film has to have the fastest turn around time on record. Hey I've actually said something nice about it...amazing.The premise is that a bunch of hand picked jerks are flown to Mexico for spring break and we get to watch them behave badly. I'm sure it sounded good on paper but the people we are given to watch are such awful people we don't care. Any promised titillation and truly over the top behavior isn't there so this comes across as rather tame considering the promises the film makers made.I kept watching this wondering why I was watching it since I hated the people and their behavior. Finally after a just over half an hour of this non-event I turned it off. I suggest that you do better than I did and never turn it on.
jaim_i Let me tell you one thing, at first i was excited cause MTV gonna do a movie of THE REAL CANCUN, and for the people that went there,(like me), that was a fiasco. I was excited cause all my friends when i arrive from there, was asking me about CANCUN, when they saw this movie they dont even believe me a word of what i said. This thing was a waste of money, and a waste of time cause isnt that "real" as i was expected tha this movie gonna be. That was like an episode of the real world, and i dont want to saw that, i want to see what i have done there i just want to live again all those moment in cancun, but all i get was guys getting drunk, women figthing for men, and none of reality. A typical episode of the series REAL WORLD.