The Reagans
The Reagans
| 30 November 2003 (USA)
The Reagans Trailers

The miniseries featured James Brolin as Ronald Reagan and Judy Davis as Nancy Reagan, and covers the period in time from 1949 when Reagan was still in Hollywood, through his governorship of California until Reagan's last day in office as President in 1989.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Syl James Brolin and Judy Davis should have won Emmys for their performances as President Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis Reagan from their first meeting to the end of their two terms in the White House. Brolin reminds me of why everybody liked Reagan. He seemed easy-going and he could talk to anybody. When Michael flunks out of school, he doesn't bash or criticize him but gets him a tutor and help with Nancy. The Reagan household is a blended one. He was married to actress, Jane Wyman, who was an Oscar winner and on Falcon Crest during his years of Presidency. Sadly, we never see Jane Wyman at all. I didn't know that the younger Patti and Ron Jr. didn't know about Michael and Maureen until Michael came to stay with them. Judy Davis as Nancy Reagan is divine in this role. She really portrays her as a wife, mother, and above all else Ron's best friend and partner in life. They really were an extraordinary couple in marriage. When he actually did die, Nancy didn't want to leave his coffin. It was a heartbreaking goodbye.
bkdement Well it's true enough that people decided not to watch this film, which is clear enough from reading their absurdly uninformed opinions about it.There was an incredible spread of lies about this movie, all published based on a completely unrelated rough draft of an entirely different screenplay, which were quickly distributed via the internet to anyone who enjoys getting fired up. That's a lot of people, and yes, most of them host television shows with screaming people on them. Thanks to the internet, the "American People" did not choose not to support "The Reagans." No, they chose to be prey to brainwashing which was based on lies about a film which had not yet been completed, assembled in the editing room, or therefor seen by anyone including it's own director.And it IS censorship which is caused by official segments of the Republican party organizing protests and threatening CBS, resulting in a fantastic film being dumped in the grand name of ignorance and hero worship. Apparently three hours of actual study is too much to ask of "the American people" these days.I have seen this film several times, because out of curiosity I purchased a copy. Now of course we don't know what Nancy Reagan said during downtime at home when her husband was running for office. But if we had to limit our films and television shows to dialogue that can be 100% verified, then we are all doomed to watch nothing but "Survivor" and "The Surreal Life" for the rest of our lives.Furthermore, anyone with a brain should know that no one, no not even Nancy Reagan, can be pleasant and happy all the time. You watch someone when they know they're in front of a camera and they will not necessarily show you the part of their personality that got them there. Truly objective and humane people would appreciate this film BECAUSE of the negative moments, and the positive ones. I would much rather watch a brilliantly-acted and produced film that seems to be balanced and believable than a live-action cartoon featuring Ronald Reagan as the protagonist.People who are sick and dying deserve to be respected, surely. However, it must be understood that a film takes time and the producers of this movie certainly could not have decided to time the release of this one just before his death. Is anyone really crazy enough to believe that they had this in mind? Is there a stupider idea for a film director to have? Oh, I know, let's mutilate the reputation of the one of the most beloved American presidents in our history just as he's slowly dying of a dreaded disease. And let's not forget to also destroy the image of his wife Nancy, before airing our expose on Mother Theresa. Yup, that must've been their motivation.It reminds me of everyone accusing Ellen DeGeneres of coming out in order to bolster her career....and look at all of the people who followed her lead because of the great effect it has on a person's career.
Old70115 No matter how you feel about this production you should see it before you "trash it". Nancy in this movie comes across fine! She does love her husband! To me everybody should be loved like this! She was his protector! She was always looking out what was best for him. In the long run this caused emotional distance between all of "Reagan's" children. Now this is not a perfect movie not by a long shot however you come away from it seeing that Nancy did what Nancy wanted but did it for love. Judy Davis does a great job as Nancy. James Brolin WOW great job. As far as the children they are shown like this: "Maureen" bland and no life. "Michael Reagan" as stupid brat and always in some sort of trouble. "Patty Davis" yes a rebel but please remember she was child of the 1960's. Who wasn't a rebel in the 1960's! "Ron Reagan Jr" well they seem to hint at certain things. Its ashamed that CBS did not show this. After I finished it I respected Ronald & Nancy Reagan more than ever.
mm-39 Spoilers. I believed this would be a left wing hatch job. This wasn't, well the ending notes where a bit too much. Instead, we have a realistic portrayal. Who has the perfect family, or never makes mistake is not a real person. There were a few shots in the movie, but other parts probably happened. The movie showed the human and kind side to Ron, and how Nancy loved him so much. The dark side to Nancy, and the kids, along with the real life human infighting at the white house is real. I bet the Clinton's would be hit a little less hard from some in the media, I like watching hard hitting, more real life shows. This brought some interest too the subject of a great president. 7 out of 10 PS I bet some of the events which was unbelievable probably happened, while other believable events were dramatized.