The Physician
The Physician
R | 05 December 2014 (USA)
The Physician Trailers

England, 1021. Rob Cole, a boy born in a miserable mining town, swears to become a physician and vanquish disease and death. His harsh path of many years, a quest for knowledge besieged by countless challenges and sacrifices, leads him to the remote Isfahan, in Persia, where he meets Ibn Sina, the greatest healer of his time.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
ayush-06521 The character of Rob Cole is not very Strong as it could have been. He has no flaws. Actors have done their part very well, but the script is not the best of all. The story is otherwise very insightful and the film, very entertaining.
Amin Karimi The film tried to show a part of "Ebn e Sina"'s life but it is not true and is just an imagination of writer. A short part of "Ebn e Sina"'s life was in Isfahan but not in the way that movie showed and he came back to the Hamedan after that until the death from a sickness. I thinks every body can do a simple search about that period of time and read the history. But another thing is about the "Rob Cool" (I'm not sure about the dictate). I could not find any relational info about such a student and believe this is another imagination of the writer. I hope the producers and writers try to be more cautious and careful about historic films and do not show the lies to the people. Because it will cause of give away the trust of people t them and the rest of their products.
ali_fourm Unfortunately, the film is full of lies "Abu Ali Sina" or Avicenna was from Isfahan (Iran) The largest world medical (Physician) PERSION and Not Arab And in this film a teenager was teaches him medicine!! And many other liesIbn Sina (AviCenna)was one if not the greatest physician of his time ( considered the father of Modern Medicine)who was in fact a Muslim BUT Not Arabian..It seems that the film's director : 1 - Knows nothing of the principles of historical films or 2 - He made this film is the personal plan (animosity)
the_housers We really enjoyed this movie. It is long, but did not seem it at all. The movie had a great pace to it (never slow), and it covered a lot of ground (literally). The entire movie could have been drawn out over 3 or 4 movies when you think about the timeline of what was covered, but they did not do that - so it is jam packed with intrigue, mystery, romance, some action, and romance.The costumes and setting were great, elaborate, and I am sure a lot of CGI, but you really felt like you were there in the year 1,000.The Director did a great job, and told the story very, very well. He made it very, very interesting, and did not seem like a 2+hour movie at all ! Acting from Tom, Ben, and Stellan was great. They are all really good actors, and I love their work (Tom is currently in Walking Dead). Definitely recommend this movie. I totally missed this movie when it came out in the USA, so I am glad to have found it now !