The Tale of Sweeney Todd
The Tale of Sweeney Todd
| 30 August 1998 (USA)
The Tale of Sweeney Todd Trailers

The fictional tale of the murderous 19th century barber (Ben Kinglsey) who sold his kills to a neighboring butcher (Joanna Lumley) for her renowned meat pies. A young innocent (Selina Boyack) and the dashing inspector (Campbell Scott) who tries to solve the murders are also thrown into the mix.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
bruce_sweeney This movie includes at least two exceptional actors in Ben Kingsley and Campbell Scott but together they cannot pull this period horror story beyond the doldrums of an unsurprising 18th century slash/horror flick. It's lame, slow, unsurprising and bland. It takes place in unjolly olde London of course, with Kingsley playing the nefarious Sweeney Todd and Campbell Scott, (son of George C. Scott) hot on his trail. Mr Todd is the famous barber that chops up people into hamburger after slitting their throats and selling said hamburg to a local meat pie shoppe.Some of the sets and street scenes seem solid and true to the period but the whole mess is overall (forgive me) ham-handed.
lastliberal I do not know if the story of Sweeney Todd is based upon fact, but it sure makes for an interesting blend of horror and comedy.One of the criticisms I have heard of the new Johnny Depp version is that you never really know why he becomes a mass murderer. Well, there is no mystery here and, if you take the time to find this film, you will know everything.John Schlesinger, who gave us Cold Comfort Farm, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Darling and Oscar winner Midnight Cowboy, does a great job of keeping us interested in the case of the missing businessman.Campbell Scott was riveting as the American come to London to find the property of his employers; property in the possession of said businessman when he disappeared.You will be fascinated in the streets of London, the costuming, the atmosphere, and you will see why someone could lose their heads for a few rings.Ben Kingsley is fabulous as the serial killer, and blends humor and horror into a role that has been described as one of the better versions of a half dozen that have been done. I think it will be hard to beat this one, but I am looking forward to examining the rest.Excellent support by Joanna Lumley ("Absolutely Fabulous") and Selina Boyack in her first film.
Royalcourtier I suppose I should not be too harsh, since this is an American TV movie, and neither a quality British product nor a feature film. But Sweeney Todd was ultimately a disappointment.On the plus side, the film was enthusiastic about the cannibalism and murder at the heart of the story. These subjects certainly weren't skirted around. Nor were the central characters made into heroes. There was never any doubt that the villainous Mr Todd and his butcher accomplice would pay for their crimes. There was only a faint echo of the modern idea that a criminal is the product of society, and that Todd's crimes were the product of a negligent military. But this was only hinted at.The major problem was lack of authenticity and a period feel. The Irish street scenes were physically right for early nineteenth century London, but the people were wrong. They were exaggerated characters, caricatures. Everything over over-acted, over directed, over-blown! Basically the director tried too hard to create a period feel.A good effort, but not good enough. A waste of acting talent
labradors Okay. Okay. I know the general STORY of Sweeney Todd is a tad bizarre. However, it's not the STORY to which my summary line above applies, but to this 1998, perverted Hollywood treatment of it. The 1982 filming of the Stephen Sondheim Broadway musical of this story was classy and a classic. THIS version, on the other hand, nauseated me - not by the nature of the plan the Mrs. Lovett and Mr. Todd cooked up (pardon the pun) to dispose of the bodies of the people Mr. Todd murdered, but because of the way it was presented to the viewers. In addition, the darkly humorous element of the play seemed absent. Unfortunately (or, perhaps, fortunately), it was more than a year ago that I saw this, and I cannot recall specific examples. Suffice it to say, fans of the Broadway version will probably be very disappointed with this version.