My Blood Runs Cold
My Blood Runs Cold
| 24 March 1965 (USA)
My Blood Runs Cold Trailers

Wealthy, reckless Californian Julie Merriday, accompanied by her boyfriend Harry Lindsay, an attorney, narrowly avoids crashing into a motorcycle driven by young Ben Gunther. Ben temporarily abandons his damaged cycle and accepts a ride from Julie but insists upon calling her Barbara. Later, at the Merriday beach house, Julie's Aunt Sarah tells Julie that her great great grandmother was named Barbara, and furthermore, that ancestress had an illegitimate child fathered by one Benjamin Gunther.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** Somewhat strange and ridicules story of love and reincarnation that spans something like 100 years with 29 year old former teenage heartthrob Troy Donahue as the mysterious and at the same times freaked out and delusional Ben Gunther. It's Ben who literally runs into-with his motorcycle- pretty and filthy rich Julie Merriday, Joey Heatherton, while zooming along the Pacific Highway at 120 mph. As if it were fate or a sign from heaven Ben realized that Julie and him were lover back in the 1870's who ended up killing themselves-Like Romeo & Juliet- when their parents disapproved of them getting married to each other.At first Julie thinks that Ben is suffering from brain damage due to his accident but in time he proves to her that his crazy statements about him knowing her in a past life are legit. That by providing evidence like photos and trinkets of his romance with Julie 100 years ago when she was actually her own great-great-great grandmother! It's Julie's dad Julian, Barry Sullivan, who sees Ben as a both fraud and gold digger who tries to get Julie to stop seeing him only to have her end up eloping, in Ben's boat,to Mexico with him to get married."""SPOILERS***The truth about Ben's true identity slowly comes to the surface together with two of his victims who he strangled to death and dumped into the Pacific Ocean. With the fact coming out about Ben being an escaped inmate from a hospital for the criminally insane he tries to kidnap Julie only to have the local police as well as Julie's former lover and fiancée Harry Lindsey, Nicolas Coaster, try to rescue her before he does her any harm. In the end it's Ben who does himself in-in knowing that the jig is up- by jumping some 200 feet to his death in order to avoid ending up locked up for life in a mental institution or being strapped into the San Queinton gas chamber for multiple murder.P.S This film -"My Blood Runs Cold"- turned out to be the last major movie that Troy Donahue was to star in before his film career hit rock bottom co-staring in such low budget and forgettable films like "The Cock Fighter" and "The Chilling" before dropping out of sight altogether. Troy in the end ended up broke and homeless sleeping on a park bench in New York City's Central Park and dying of a heart attack in 2001 at the age of 65.
pierrotlunaire0 I put chiller in quotes, because this is just not thrilling or chilling in any way, It needs to be edited down (almost 2 hours for a thin plot), and the writing and the direction needed to be scaled back -- too much scenery chewing and yelling.But there are some fun compensations.The director, William Conrad, was better known as a radio actor, and the small parts of this movie are filled with veteran radio performers: Jeanette Nolan, Howard McNear, Ben Wright, Barry Sullivan, and even Conrad's voice turns up as the helicopter operator towards the end. If you listen to old radio shows, this is a bit of a treat.The fashions are....well, Jeanette Nolan must be seen to be believed. Her hair is tortured into some demented structure in every scene. One dinner scene has her sporting a tower of hair that Marie Antoinette would have envied. Then there is the part where she has her hair in braids like a coronet, this is the scene where she stays up all night long to make sure that her niece is okay. Bright and early, the next morning, her hair is piled up like a castle battlement with curls and ruffles with an incongruous pony tail sticking straight out the back. When does the woman find the time to do her hair? Does she have a fully staffed beauty salon in her bedroom, or does the long suffering butler (the only servant we ever see) do the hot curler thing in addition to everything else? Her costumes are also flowing caftan like things made of satin. Who really dressed like this? Sorry to go on so much about the clothes and hair, but it was absolutely fascinating, in a bizarre way.
blanche-2 Well, not any more.You can tell by the production values in "My Blood Runs Cold" that Troy Donahue's stock had taken a nosedive at Warners. It's in black and white, is directed by William Conrad, a serviceable but by no means A list director, and it makes use of the Doheny Mansion, a common setting for lots of movies. The film was made in 1965; by 1966, Warner Brothers had dumped him.Here, Donahue plays a mysterious man named Benjamin Gunther. In another life, he was in love with Barbara Merriday, the great-great grandmother of Julie Merriday (Joey Heatherton). He believes that Julie is a reincarnation of Barbara, and that they are meant to be together. He gives her a necklace with Barbara's picture in it, which looks just like Julie, and takes her to a cave where the lovers would meet. However, the two were separated by Barbara's father, and she would up marrying Merriday.Julie finds herself drawn to Ben in spite of herself; her father (Barry Sullivan) and boyfriend (Nicolas Coaster) disapprove.Are Julie and Ben intended to live Barbara and Ben's love story? And will they meet the same sad ending this time too? Troy Donahue by 1965 was 29 and, due to his drinking, was looking bloated and pasty. For a time he was a huge heartthrob, and this film was intended to appeal to young people, despite the fact that Donahue wasn't playing his usual nice guy.Donahue possessed, in the beginning anyway, striking looks and a good speaking voice. But he comes off as wooden; he wasn't an unlikeable actor, he just didn't have much range. Joey Heatherton was better, even in baby doll pajamas. Jeannette Nolan, as her aunt, is the best in the cast."My Blood Runs Cold" is an entertaining film, probably not for the reasons it was intended, but nevertheless, viewers who don't take it too seriously will enjoy it.
moonspinner55 One of our local TV channels used to show this movie frequently on the late show--but not at all in the last 10 years, so it appears "My Blood Runs Cold" is another in the long line of forgotten '60s potboilers. Too bad, because it's dopey fun. Joey Heatherton proves she's quite the little thespian here, portraying swinging single meeting a strange young man who is convinced he was her lover in a past life! Story is fairly tight, until the last reel when it begins to unravel. The chase-climax is straight off the assembly line. However, Joey is really charismatic here and had me glued to the screen. She overcomes the obvious exploitation angle director William Conrad takes and gives the picture a big boost. **1/2 from ****