Singapore Sling
Singapore Sling
NR | 01 July 2003 (USA)
Singapore Sling Trailers

Singapore Sling is chasing after Laura, a romantic memory from his past. One night he finds himself in a mysterious villa, watching two women bury a body. He falls into their trap and, in an atmosphere of isolation and decadence, the trio act out insane pleasure games and a ritual of blood and murder.

RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
mpfossick As this is my first review for IMDb, I decided to choose something obscure and potentially difficult. Art-house stylistics with Euro-centric sensibilities is what is evident in Singapore Sling. A film-noirish tendency envelopes this production in a attempt to deviate away from the twisted intents of the main characters. Yes it is filmed entirely in black and white, but the aforementioned film noir elements derive not just from this but also through the foreboding qualities of the narrative, the sensual erotica of the deviant femme-fatales that are thrust before us like they were doyens of Marquis De Sade scriptures and the pseudo-psychological revenge/redemption plot that lies within. Make no mistake this is not easy watching, convention is not permitted. It is exceedingly macabre, yet also allowing sexual pleasure to derive from many levels of disgust. The processes of consuming food in this film will indeed disgust you. If that doesn't then the "disgust" will capture you in many other ways. If you are a fan of Transformers or Shreck then stay away, but if you like unique visual experiences then please indulge.
JebbyDiah *********Spoiler******************* The Secret of Singapore Sling is revealed! I saw this fine masterpiece of modern post-morbidness and cracked open the perverse brain candy shell to uncover the hidden meaning.The big clue is when the mother and daughter discuss the rules of servants. If you look up the 3 laws of Robotics established by Isaac Asimov you will discover the similarities between "robots" and "servants."1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.The women talk about "servants" following laws like these. They are really talking about how THEY too are "servants" (aka robots) trapped by these rules.Now take note of the women's spastic movements and bizarre speech patterns. And the Singapore Sling character.. he spends a lot of time motionless and never speaks.They are all robots.They are robots struggling to re-enact the Laura storyline (from the classic movie released in 1944) so that they can learn about humanity.As robots they do not understand things like nuances in speaking.. natural human movements, and human sexuality.A further clue is when they are eating. Robots cannot eat! Thus they force food in, and then regurgitate that food back up. Without discomfort except for the regurgitation process itself. And they do not realize how this is not standard eating behavior.And finally, Singapore Sling "himself" is seen rusting... asking about water supposedly. No he was telling them that he had become wet from the outside and his lips were rust covered. Look closely, those are not swollen lips that need water. Those are rusted lips that needed to be polished and cleaned.The woman does not pee on Singapore Sling, she tries to kill him with water released from a valve because she does not know what else to do.If you watch Singapore Sling with this secret uncovered, it becomes a movie that makes sense, and you can delight in seeing a story about robots trying desperately to re-enact a movie they knew about, to try to learn to become human. The water outside and in the pool is the constant threat that keeps them trapped inside.The tragedy is that a robot cannot become human and thus at the end Singapore Sling decides to bury himself and deactivate instead of living the lie.Watch it again with your Isaac Asimov books hand, and enjoy it for what it is... a fascinating study of humanity as seen from an alien perspective.
tankjonah A detective (Panos Thanassoulis) arrives at an isolated villa looking for a missing girl, Laura, and is imprisoned and sexually tortured by a mother/daughter (Meredyth Herold, Michele Valley) duo who have killed Laura, among others, and buried them in their backyard.This thoroughly bizarre film contains obvious homages to the great film noir, Laura (1944), from the initial plot (a detective in love with a dead girl, whose painting is on the wall) to the beautiful black and white cinematography, to the detective's voice over narration but moves off into directions that are totally unexpected if not downright silly (for example another homage, this time to The Mummy (1932) where one of the main characters is being sodomised by her father who's dressed as the mummy).Although there's much nastiness and depravity on show (from Thanassoulis being tied down and given electro-shock treatments before Herold urinates on his face, to Valley raping him and then vomiting on his face, to the denouement where Thanassoulis kills Valley with a knife he has strapped on like a dildo), the film never really feels nasty and sick. This is obviously quite incredible and an achievement in itself. How does it pull it off? Well there's a very playful air about the proceedings (some even call this a comedy); Valley and Herold's relationship is almost child like and Valley often speaks to the camera (which is an irritation) in her sweet, pleasant voice discussing what has happened. The whole situation is like a game, albeit fetishistic and depraved games, which, in spite of the fact that we know they're killers, doesn't create any real sense of danger or dread. Interestingly Thanassoulis never really speaks to the ladies, they speak predominantly in English and a little French whilst all we hear from him is the voice over (another common noir technique that the films employs), which is in Greek. Is he consigned to a dreadful fate or does he also not really feel in any real danger? The latter is unlikely but he never really tries to turn the tables on his captors. A truly bizarre film, well made and shot, with excellent and appropriate music in the style of 40s noir. Obviously not for all tastes but certainly worth a look for viewers of challenging and offbeat cinema.
EVOL666 SINGAPORE SLING is one of the strangest films out there. Now, I've watched a good bit of twisted fetish material in my day - but those are typically laid out porn-style, with no plot, and just scene-after-scene of twisted sh!t. This film is different, as it has a full-blown plot, incredible cinematography, excellent acting...and all the twisted nastiness that a true "shock-film" lover could want.Initially, the audience is introduced to a mother/daughter team of complete whackadoos who "kidnap" a private-dick that they begin to refer to as "Singapore Sling". Singapore enters the picture when he goes poking around the womens' house looking for a woman named Laura who he encountered a while back and has become obsessed with. Captured by the nut-jobs, Singapore is subject to all sorts of fun abuse at the hands of the two freak-o's, and the story begins to get "stranger" as we start to find out a little more about the actual background of the women...or do we??? SINGAPORE SLING is a VERY strange and original film. Shot in striking black-and-white in a very 1940's detective-story/film-noir style, but rife with "extreme" exploitation material - I honestly can say I've seen nothing like it before. The performances by the mother/daughter team are completely believable - same for Singapore (though he's mainly silent throughout the film). The depravity on-hand includes lesbionic incest, bondage, vomit-play, fruit-masturbation, cannibalism, golden-shower action, knife-rape-vag-stabbing - you name it, this one has it. This is one of those rare films that shows that "extreme" subject matter and depictions can still be stylish and innovative, and "viable" in film. Most will be repulsed by this if they aren't a fan of this sort of thing. The rest will appreciate it for being one of the weirdest and most stunning exploit films ever made. My only gripes are that it runs a little long and drags in some spots - and that with all the depravity on display - the sex/fetish scenes could have been more "graphic". Other than that - a fine exploit film indeed...9/10