The Patriot
The Patriot
R | 10 July 1998 (USA)
The Patriot Trailers

A deadly virus threatens to wipe out an entire Rocky Mountain town, leaving the town doctor to find some way to escape the soldiers who enforce the town's quarantine and devise an antidote. Matters take a more deadly turn after the physician is captured by a dangerously unstable band of militia extremists.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Matthew_Capitano Steve Seagal is not so much The Patriot as he is The Aintriot.Passable Seagal flick, though not as stark as his other films while this concomitantly classifies as the end of his relevant film career.Some of those Montana mountain cabin love-it-or-leave-it dudes decide to poison society to help push their agenda that America is corrupted and going the wrong way, down the wrong road, upside down..... whatever.Steve to the rescue. He plays a Ph.D. here (*snicker*). He loves horses, insects, and his sweet little daughter who we all know will be kidnapped, but of course he will rescue her and we will all get up and leave the theater before the final credits role....She is, he does, and we do.
Chance_Boudreaux19 It's definitely not a movie for Seagal fans as he barely shows of his sweet Aikido moves in this. It's just a boring attempt at drama by Seagal who might actually think people take his movies seriously. Well I like Seagal movies and 80s/90s action flicks, they're fun guilty pleasures but this is not one of them. This movie doesn't qualify as an action movie as there's barely any action in it, it's another movie from Seagal used to show his spiritual side, I think Steve forgot what his movies are meant to do. Seagal does play a doctor in this which made me laugh and he does have a few good lines and shows a couple of cool moves but it is not worth watching just for those few moments.
callanvass (Credit IMDb) Doctor Wesley McClaren is an immunologist in Ennis, Montana, and he has turned down an offer to join his friend Richard Bach, who lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the head of a unit called the Biological Response Team (BRT). Wesley and his daughter Holly live on a farm in Ennis, and a farmhand named Frank lives with them. Just over the hill from the farm, a 52 day standoff against militia leader Floyd Chisolm has ended. Floyd has decided to be his own attorney in court. Everyone is shocked when Floyd spits on Judge Tomkins. After the hearing, Tomkins starts feeling sick. Holly, like she always does, stops at Wesley's office after school so she can go home with Wesley. On their way home, Wesley gets a call on his mobile phone. Wesley rushes to the hospital with Holly and tells her to wait in the doctors' lounge, then Wesley is taken to see Tomkins, who looks awful. Wesley is told that Tomkins collapsed in his chambers at the court building...The Patriot is so low-key on action, I felt like I was watching a soap opera. A doctor, really? It just felt so unbelievable to me. Not to mention, the villains are over the top and the concoction Seagal uses at the end to revive, and cure everybody was laughable to me. Look, I admire Seagal's intentions with these things, I really do. But we don't want to see Seagal play medicine man; we want to see him fight, because that is what he does best. I last saw this on DVD, when there was nothing else to rent. I've seen it twice now; don't make the mistake I did.Performances. Steven Seagal goes preachy here again, and is even more unconvincing. He tries to play it completely nice, but I didn't buy it. The relationship with his daughter was OK, but let's face it, he's no medicine man.Bottom line. If you insist on watching one of Seagal's preachy, nature like melodramas, choose On Deadly Ground. That one stinks of mediocre too, but it at least it has some action. Not recommended 3/10
rbverhoef I do not really have a problem with B-films. I do have a problem with B-films that seem to think they are not and therefore take themselves too seriously. With 'The Patriot' the cinematography and music show us how serious the film is meant. It even plays a version of Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" when helicopters are seen. Of course Steven Seagal always looks like he is the star of 'Terms of Endearment' as well.I will not talk about the plot too much since it does not really matter. I can say it is a mix between you typical Steven Seagal film and 'Outbreak'. We have Seagal as a doctor who used to be CIA, a villain who infects a town with a virus, a lot of coincidences and of course Seagal who saves the day. Nothing new here, all done a lot better in other films, this is another bad one from Steven Seagal.